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Ex.13 Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

1. Oh dear, I think we’re a bit late. If the concert’s already started, we won’t be allowed ( not be allowed) to go in.

2. He wouldn’t be coming here if he... (not want) to.3. If you were planning to leave your husband, I... (advise) you against it. 4. He could be earning lots of money now if he really... (want) to, but I don’t think that’s what he wants.5. You can stay here tonight if you ... (not have) anywhere else to stay.6. If I could have phoned you, I...(tell) you what was happening. 7. If you (have) any problems, give me a ring. If you ... (get) here at about 8 o’clock, I’ll be waiting for you. 9. We could have got there in time if you... (phone) us earlier. 10. If this happens again ... (come) and...(tell) me about it immediately.11. You can’t expect kindness and support from your family if you ... ( not give) the same to them. 12. If she’s been working all day, she ...(be) very tired when she gets in. 13. If the management were to reinstate the strike leader, the strike...( be called off). 14. If I ... (keep) working on this essay, I’ll have finished it by tonight. 15. If I could borrow some money, I...( definitely come) on the holiday with you, but I think it’s unlikely. 16. I might have been able to help you if you... ( explain) the problem to me. 17. If I could live wherever I wanted to, I think I... (choose) to live on a Scottish island. 18. If they had been listening more carefully, they ... (might understand) what I was saying. 19. If I... ( be) a year older, I could join the army. 20. If I ... (get) a pay rise, I’m going to buy a new car.

Ex.14 Translate the words paying attention to the prefixes.

Invaluable, undesirable, unachievable, impossible, immeasurable, irregular, irresponsible, irrespective, unnatural, interconnection, to excavate, to superimpose, superheat, supersonic, to underestimate, to underline, to overrate, to overcharge, to mislead, to misuse, to misunderstand, discharge, to disappear, to dismount, to reconstruct, to retune, to detune, to demodulate, to counterclockwise, likewise, otherwise.

Lesson 18

Текст:Features of the ocean..

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу: Вживання коми, тире в англійській мові.

Ex.1 Remember the following words and word combinations:

Base – ложе

Interconnected - взаємопов’язані

Remote – віддалений,

Eventually – можливий при певних обставинах

Affect – впливати

Arid (climate) – посушливий

Mediterranean – Середземне море

Rate – оцінювати, рівень, норма

Hence – з цих пір, таким чином

Salty – солоний

Somewhat – доволі, почасти

Enters – входити

Bottom – внизу, ложе

Strait of Gibraltar – Гібралтарський пролив

Detected below – відкривати, виявити

Losing – губити

Identify – ототожнювати

Permit – дозволяти

Regardless – не рахуючи, не дивлячись на

Samples – зразки, модель

Collect – збирати

Apparently – мабуть, певно, очевидно

Uniform – однорідний

Composition – склад

Undergo – підлягати, підпадати, зазнавати

Ex.2 Form the verbs from the following nouns and translate them:

Acting, detection, mixing, evaporation, permission, collection.

Ex. 3 Form nouns from the following verbs and translate them:

To affect, to lose, to process, to exist, to estimate.

Ex.4 Give three forms of the following verbs:

To make, to may, to leave, to go, to be

Ex. 5 Translate the following word combinations:

To be interconnected, for example, surface waters, losing its identify, to study open-ocean processes, chemical composition, seawater samples, bottom water.

Ex.6 Read and translate the text


The ocean basins are interconnected, so processes acting in the most remote basin eventually affect the entire ocean. For example, the warm, arid climate around the Mediterranean Sea causes its surface waters to evaporate at a greater rate than do most Atlantic waters and hence makes them somewhat salter. Warm, salty water from Mediterranean enters the Atlantic Ocean along the bottom of the Strait of Gibraltar and can be detected below the surface over a large part of the Atlantic before losing its identify by mixing with waters above and below.

The world ocean is changing very slowly with time. This permits oceanographers to use data taken as much as a hundred years ago to study open-ocean processes, because of the ocean’s great age and slow rate of change, seawater is generally well mixed. Bottom water in the deep ocean returns to the surface in 1000 to 2000 years, and the oceans have probably existed for 3 billion years. Thus we estimate that the ocean waters have been mixed more than a million times, and we should not be surprised to find that sea salts are nearly identical, regardless of where the seawater samples are collected. The apparently uniform chemical composition of the ocean may arise from its long history.

Ex.7 Make up 10 questions to the text.

Ex.8 Translate into Ukrainian:

(dry) land, on land, to reach land, to land a land-breeze, a land-locked sea;

an ocean of tears, ocean of time, the ocean bed, the ocean deeps, an ocean chart, an ocean monster, an ocean liner, an ocean-spanning rocket;

the average depth, the average temperature, the average salinity, the average amount of rainfall, on an average.

Ex.9 Define the grammatical tense of all the verbs in this text and translate it:

The ocean is an efficient absorber of incoming solar energy. Heating of the ocean surface occurs only during daylight hours and surface waters are warmest in the late afternoon. The amount of energy absorbed by the ocean depends in turn an latitude and time of year. More solar energy is absorbed when the sun is high in the sky and less when the sun is nearer the horizon. In the tropics and subtropics the sun is well above the horizon at all seasons. Near the poles the sun is never far above the horizon, so polar and sub polar regions receive much less insolation there.

Ex.10 Insert the proper prepositions:

1. She will be very angry...you. 2. He will leave...Monday. 3. We went ... a walk in the park. 4. She left a note... you. 5. We need more practice... conversation. 6. They played a trick... him. 7. Later they laughed... him. 8. This English book belongs... Willam.9.Alexander prefers to study... the morning. 10. He makes many mistakes ... spelling. 11. Don’t lock...me.

Ex.11 Render the following in Ukrainian:

The Baltic Sea is an intercontinental sea of 384,700 km lying between North and Central Europe. The average depth is about 65 meters. The greatest depth is 459 meters and the Gulf of Finland over 100m. As a result of the rotation of the earth, the water in the Baltic circulates counterclockwise. The Baltic Sea is the largest brackish water body in the world

Ex.12 Write out from the text the international words.

Ex.13 Form the new words from the following with the help of the suffixes and prefixes: ir-, - tion, -er, un- :

quick, known, communicate, receive, regular, usual, even.

Ex.14 Give a title the last but one paragraph from the text.

Вживання коми

В простому поширеному реченні кома ставиться:

1. Для відокремлення однорідних членів речення, на відміну від української мови, часто ставиться також перед останнім з трьох або більше однорідних членів, перед яким стоїть сполучник and і. Наприклад:

There are many theatres, museums, and libraries in London. - В Лондоні багато театрів, музеїв та бібліотек.

2. Для виділення, як і в українській мові, прикладка з пояснювальними словами, які стоять після визначає мого іменника. Наприклад:

Washington, the capital of the USA, is a very large city. - Вашингтон, столиця США , дуже велике місто.

3. Для виділення самостійного дієприкметникового звороту. Наприклад:

It being Sunday, the library was closed. - Так як була неділя, бібліотека була зачинена.

4. Для виділення вставних слів і словосполучень, таких як: howeverпроте, однак

thus – таким чином

in addition – на додаток

for example – наприклад

in the end, finelly – нарешті

further – далі

on the contrary – навпаки

worst of all – гірш за все

in shortкоротко говорячи

besidesкрім того

consequently – отже

onthe other hand – з іншого боку

luckily ,fortunately – на щастя

However, there may be a few exceptions. - Однак можуть бути виключення.

5. Виділення звернення, як і в українській мові. Наприклад:

Good morning, children! - Доброго ранку , діти!

6. Перед підписом в кінці листа після заключних формул ввічливості, таких, як:

sincerely yours – щиро Ваш

yours faithfullyвідданий Вам

loveз привітом

7. Іноді при написанні багатозначних чисел та дат:

а) При позначенні кількісних числівників за допомогою цифр кожні три розряди ( cправа наліво) відокремлюються комою:3,734; 2, 720,000

б) При написанні дат можливо вживання коми для відокремлення числа від року:тобто

5th June, 1978

Кома не ставиться при написанні дати, якщо вже інша кома:

We went to Japan on Saturday, 5th June 1978.

8. В складносурядному реченні кома за звичай ставиться між реченнями, які входять до його складу, перед сурядним сполучником.

I opened the box, and Michael took out a cigar. - Я відкрив коробку, і Майкл взяв сигару.

9. Кома ставиться в складнопідрядних реченнях тільки в деяких випадках:

- коли підрядне додаткове речення стоїть перед головним:

Where she had left her camera, Ruth could not remember. - Де вона залишила свою камеру, Рут не могла згадати.

- коли визначальне речення є описувальним, тобто містить додаткову інформацію про предмет.

We went to the lake, which was very stormy that day. - Мі пішли до озера, яке в той день було дуже бурхливим.

- коли підрядні речення обставини і умови стоять перед головним.

If I see him, I shall tell him about it. - Як що я його побачу, я скажу йому про це.