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Find the words in the text that mean the following:

a) not being able to sleep at night ________________

b) to destroy someone or something by eating ________________

c) to make contact with ________________

d) to be a good enough reason for something ________________

e) the ability to understand and realize what people or situations are really like _______________________

f) to offend someone by treating them rudely or without respect ________________

g) to walk in a slow relaxed way h. something which encourages you to work harder, start new activities etc. ________________

i) to finish or complete a job, meeting etc. ________________

j) to make someone very annoyed by continuing to do something that upsets them ________________

k) suddenly start talking about a completely new and different subject ______________

l) extremely interesting or exciting _______________

Choose the right word (sometimes two words can be used).

before the meeting

  1. A very important meeting was (called/convened/ claimed).

  2. All employees were (invited/called/demanded) to (visit/ attend/heed) the meeting.

  3. Have you already (written/said/drawn up) a/an (itinerary/route/timetable/agenda) of the meeting?

  4. If too many people are not able to attend, we will have to (stop/call off/cancel) the meeting.

  5. The meeting was (canceled/postponed/called off) by the manager for two hours.

at the meeting

  1. Whom will we appoint to (rule/lead/chair) the meeting?

  1. The secretary was responsible for (keeping/writing down/ taking) minutes.

  1. The department manager wanted to (add/put/insert) a new item to the agenda.

  2. We agreed to (remove/cancel/postpone/) two items from the agenda.

  3. If you don’t spend much-time on an issue, you (hold/ touch/embrace) the issue.

  4. Let’s have an (in-depth/off-depth/on-depth) discussion (about/over/on/in) the issue.

  5. At last the consensus was (achieved/reached/made)!

  6. Who would like to (make/do/add) a proposal?

  7. Many interesting points were (drawn/put/risen) during the meeting.

10. He invited the committee members to (give/say/tell/state) their opinion.

ending the meeting

  1. OK, if nobody objects I (finish/stop/close) our meeting.

  1. The chairman (brought/took/put) the meeting to a close by thanking all those who had attended.

Put all the words and word expressions into the right columns:

(an) agreement; a compromise; a decision; further action; a consensus; a proposal; a recommendation; a resolution; a vote; a conclusion.



agree on



7. Entertaining

Read the text.

Krasnoyarsk. Time out

Krasnoyarsk is the cultural centre of Siberia. Many theatres, cinemas, museums, night clubs, bowling clubs, fitness centers and other places of entertainment are concentrated here. The entertainment boom led to a big rise in the number of people spending their spare time out. So leisure is our fastest growing industry. People of different age groups style of life and interests can easily find a place to spend their free time productively.

The Opera House, one of the best theatres in Russia, is famous for its operas and ballets of local staging where real professionals act.

The Pushkin Drama Theatre is known for different genres of plays presented. There is Foreign play stage, the stage of Modern play and Children play stage.

Krasnoyarsk Regional Philharmonic Society gives an opportunity to listen to the greatest soloists of Russia, to enjoy the work of the best conductors of symphony orchestras.

The variety of exhibitions will impress any guest of the city as well as its native citizens. For example, Surikov’s Museum, named after the outstanding Siberian artist, art-studio for adults “Dali” will shock you with perfect master classes.

Krasnoyarsk Museum Centre presents permanent exhibitions of modern art and temporary ones. It is also famous for its grand shows – the Exhibition night and Biennale.

The most popular cinemas among citizens are Luch and Epicenter. They both are very modern and equipped with the up-to-date systems of video and sound. There are also various cafes and all kinds of entertainments.

Krasnoyarsk has also become a consumer capital of Siberia recently. Huge shopping centers with dazzling window displays, cafes, fitness studios and even cinemas and children playgrounds inside attract attention of both native citizens and out-comers. So Krasnoyarsk has already become a shopper’s paradise which is a constant source of entertainment.

Tell whether the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE. Prove your answer.

1. Krasnoyarsk lacks places of interest: it is very difficult to find a place to spend spare time. ______

2. You can listen to the symphony orchestra in the Theatre of Musical Comedy. ______

3. Once in two years Krasnoyarsk Museum Centre presents a world wide known exhibition Biennale. ______

4. There is only one cinema in Krasnoyarsk and it is very old. ______

Match the words with their definitions with lines:

entertainment time when one is free from work or duties of any kind

equip a public show of objects

ballet much better than most others, very good

exhibition a theatrical performance in which a story is told using artistic

dancing and music, without speech or singing

outstanding a person who buys and uses goods and services

consumer a public performance that attracts and amuses

leisure to provide with what is necessary for doing something

Complete the sentences according to the information in the text.

1. The fastest growing industry of entertainment lets people ______________________

2. Krasnoyarsk Philharmonic Society gives an opportunity to _____________________

3. Krasnoyarsk Museum Centre is famous for _________________________________

4. In large shopping centres of Krasnoyarsk anyone can find _____________________

5. Krasnoyarsk can be characterized as ________ and _________ centre of Siberia.

6. Cafes, fitness studios and even cinemas and children playgrounds all together _____ ____________