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When Businesses Borrow

Business loans are generally classified as either short-term or long-term loans. For short-term loans, the principal (the amount borrowed) must be repaid within one year. Long-term loans mature (come due) in more than a year. Creditors, people who make loans, expect to receive interest (pay­ments for the use of their money) and the return of the principal at the end of a specific period of time. Interest is expressed as a percentage of the principal.

Short-term Financing. Short-term loans are used to finance the everyday costs of doing business, such as payrolls, raw materials, and merchandise. The most common types of short-term financing are trade credit, loans from financial institutions, and loans from investors.

  • Trade credit works like a department store charge account. Customers charge purchases to their accounts for payment at a later date. But here the customers are businesses whose suppli­ers allow them to charge purchases of materials and other items for later payment.

  • Loans from financial institutions, such as banks and finance companies, are another source of short-term credit.

  • Finally, some of the nation's largest businesses can obtain loans from investors to meet their short-term financial needs. If, for example,

General Motors needed $10 million to finance a payroll, it could raise the money by selling com­mercial paper — a kind of IOU issued by a corpo­ration, promising to repay a sum of money at a specified rate of interest. Investors wishing to earn interest on their surplus funds can buy these lOUs from brokers specializing in such invest­ments.


6-3 Cash Flow Statement

The Cash Flow Statement

One problem faced by many firms is that some times are better than others. Sometimes sales boom, sometimes sales drop. But many business expenses, like payrolls, rent, and utilities, remain constant and must be paid. For that reason, those who manage businesses keep a close watch on their cash flow. Cash flow refers to the amount of money coming into and going out of a firm over a specific period of time.

Business managers often track their cash flow with a cash-flow statement. When the statement shows a surplus, money can be set aside for later use. When it shows a deficit, the shortfall has to be covered by savings or with borrowed funds.

The cash-flow statement below is typical, but cash-flow statements will differ depending on the nature and needs of each business.

Cash-Flow Statement

For the period ending October 31, 199x

Cash Flow from operations

Cash received from customers


Cash paid to suppliers


Cash paid for services


Cash paid to employees


Cash paid for rent/insurance


Interest received


Income taxes paid


Cash provided by operations


Cash Flow from investing activities

Capital expenditures


Proceeds from sale of assets




Cash used in investing activities


Cash flow from financing activities

Net short-term borrowing (payments)


Principal payments of long-term debt


Addition to long-term debt


Cash provided by financing activities


Net increase (decrease) in cash


Cash at beginning of period


Cash at end of period


ong-term Financing.
Long-term financing is money that will be used for a year or more. Building a factory, purchasing equipment, and launching a major research effort are projects that require long-term financing.

Why would anyone lend money to a business for a year or more? Because revenues from these kinds of projects (like a new factory) continue to flow for a long period of time. This makes it possible for bor­rowers to repay their loans as promised.

Common sources of long-term financing are retained earnings, long-term loans, and the sale of stock.

Retained earnings are undistributed profits. Corporations can do one of two things with their profits: distribute them to their shareholders in the form of dividends, or retain them and plow them back into the business. Sometimes these retained earnings are used to finance major projects.

Long-term loans are repaid over more than one year. The most common form of long-term loan is the mortgage, a loan secured by real estate (land or buildings). If the borrower fails to make payments on the mortgage, the lender may take the property. Families who own a home or apartment probably have a mortgage on the property.

Many large corporations raise long-term capital through the sale of bonds. Corporate bonds are a kind of IOU sold to the general public, usually in amounts of $1,000. The corporation promises to repay the face value of the bond at a specific time. In addition, the bondholder receives interest according to a schedule — usually twice a year. Because the money paid for a bond is really a loan, bondholders are considered creditors of a corporation. This means the corporation legally must pay bondholders inter­est and principal when it is due.

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