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Клас: 6

Дата: 03.09.2012

Урок №1.

Тема: У літньому таборі відпочинку


1) вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення та аудіювання; навчити вживати граматичну структуру to be going to у ММ та ДМ учнів, фрази наповнення та мовленнєві штампи; практикувати учнів в усному мовленні за проблемними ситуаціями.

2) Розвивати критичне мислення, елементи аналізу та самоаналізу.

3) Виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: Биркун Л.В. Наша англійська: підручник для 6 кл. загальноосвіт. Навч. Закл. (5-й рік навчання) –К.: Освіта, 2006.- 208сю: іл..

Хід уроку

Stage, technique



Teachers speech

Pupils speech


I.Основна частина

1. Організаційний момент

2. Фонетична зарядка


2 хв


Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you.

You are the pupils of the 6-th form now. You are strong and healthy after your long summer holidays . I’m sure you are ready for active work. Let us start our lesson. Here is a proverb on the blackboard.

-A change is as good as a rest.

Who can translate it?

Repeat after me.

  • A change is as good as a rest.

So, please, commen upon these word. How can you understand it?

- Use phrases - I think/ I guess/ I believe it means that

Good morning, teacher. We are very well, thank you.

We are glad to see you, too.

-P1,2,3- A change is as good as a rest.

-P1,2,3...- I think/ I guess/ I believe it means that ...

Вчитель пише на дошці фрази опори

3. Повідомлення мети та теми заняття


Today we will start a new topic: Summer holidays.

Today we are going to find out about your hobbies and places where you like spending some free time.


Основна частина

1. Постановка завдання, стимуляція потреба та інтересу.

Ціль: стимулювати інтерес до обміну думками; розкрити комунікативну перспективу.

П: бесіда.

З: T – Pls.




Now we are going to speak about your summer holidays. Answer my questions, please.

T: Where did you spend your summer holidays?

T: Good of you. The next question : How did you spend your summer holidays?

T: Have you visited any interesting places ? Tell about them. Were you at the summer camp? Where and how lo

ng? Please recollect some interesting episodes from your staying at the camp.

T: What are the largest cities of Ukraine?

T: Well done. Do you make new friends during summer holidays? Did you speak English an the camp? Did you like it? Why? Are you going to the summer camp next yaer? Where did you feel better – at the summer camp or at home?

T: Good of you. Now try to ask your neighbour 2 queastions about his/her summer holidays.

P1: -





P1 – Where did you spend your holidays?

P2 – I spent it ...

2.Побудова монологічного повідомлення за лексичними опорами.

3.Повторення грамматичного звороту there is/there are




Now open your books at page №4. Find the ex 1.

T – P read the task , translate it.

Now you are to define the countries of the children according the flags on their bags. You should use the phrases : I think/guess/ believe that boy is from ... He/She likes sport/ music/ reading beacause there is/are ... in his/her bag

Let’s do the ex 2 on pg 5. Read the task. Translate it. Name your favourite activites and explain why you like them.

Вчитель пише на дошці фрази опори

4. Вивчення нового лексичного матерыалу.

T- Pl


5. Фізкульт. мінутка

6.Повторення вживання

Граматичної структури. To be going to...







Now let’s learn some new phrases according our topic. Repeat after me:

-I like to travel light/ The bag is stuffed full/ We take only the first essentials.


-What’s the rush? Take it easy!/Let’s make haste.

T: -Do you like to travel light?

-Are you often late?

-What do you do not to be late?/ What do you do to come in time?

- Is it important to be organized? Why?

Make a short dialogue using new phrases (4 replicas)

Now we’ll do some exercises

When we are planning to go somewhere on our holidays we can use two tense forms : Future Simple / the future constraction – to be going to.


I am going to eat

He/She is going to

They/We/You are going to


I (You/He/She/They/We) will be going to eat

1 Я собираюсь кушать.

2. Я пойду поем ( нет намерения, движение – идти-)

Translate the next phrases – I am going to pack my suitcase myself.

You aren’t going to take your stamps.

Isn’t she going to play the guitar at the camp?

Are you going to pack your things in time?

Make up sentences with the construction – to be going to- Two pupils will go to the blackboard?

Let’s check.

P-ls- I like to travel light/ The bag is stuffed full/ We take only the first essentials.

Pls – Я полюбляю мандрувати на легкі. Моя валіза забита речами.

P-ls -What’s the rush? Take it easy!/Let’s make haste. Не поспішай, розслабся. / Поспішаймо.

P1- I like to travel light/

P2- The bag is stuffed full/

P3 We take only the first essentials.

P- I am not.


ІІІ.Заключна частина.

1.Пояснення домашнього завдання.


Now write down your homework: You should make up a short report about you hobby using some new phrases we’ve learnt during the lesson. T: Is it clear how to do it.?


2 Виставлення та коментування оцінок.


3. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

П: бесіда.

P: T-Pl.


Today we’ve talked about our summer holidays and hobbies.

T: What new did you find out about your friends, neighbours?

T: Are you looking forward to your next holidays? Where are you going to travel?

P1: I found out ...

P2: I am going to travel to