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Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Маріупольський державний університет

Факультет іноземних мов

Кафедра англійської філології

“Читаємо пресу англійською мовою”.

Навчально - методичний посібник

з аспекту

“Суспільно-політична термінологія”

для студентів 3 курсу

Маріуполь 2012

Навчально-методичний посібник “Читаємо пресу англійською мовою”/ укл. доцент кафедри англійської філології Рябінін Є.В. – Маріуполь: МДУ, 2012. – 55 с.

Даний посібник призначений для студентів 3 курсу, що вивчають аспект ‘Суспільно-політична термінологія’.

Основною метою посібника є розвиток у студентів навичок роботи із газетними статтями. Супроводжуючою метою є навчання студентів специфіки перекладу заголовків, вживання граматичних конструкцій, притаманних газетному стилю, опанування газетним вокабуляром, реферування газетних статей.

Посібник містить оригінальні тексти як російських, так і англомовних газет. Учбовий посібник складається з п’яти частин, а саме, ‘Fundamentals of press’, ‘Visits and negotiations\Conflicts’, ‘Elections’, ’Disasters’, ‘Economics’.

Кожен з розділів містить необхідний лексичний мінімум для роботи зі статтями, вправи на переклад, англо-, російсько-, україномовні статті для реферування. Тексти та статті супроводжуються комунікативними вправами для розвитку мовних вмінь та навичок. Деякі завдання повинні бути виконанні після прослуховування аудіоматеріалу під час аудиторної роботи. Вправи, що містять завдання для роботи із словником та на переклад, можуть бути використані для самостійної роботи студентів.

Section 1 Fundamentals of press

Power of the Press, a power which may last, but a day;

by comparison little is heard of the power of books,

which may endure for generations.

Sir Stanley Unwin

Vocabulary expansion

  1. mass media – the newspapers, television, radio

  2. newspaper – a set of large folded sheets of paper, containing news, articles, ads, etc.

a national paper – a paper, that circulates all over the country

a local paper – а paper , that circulates in a town

a daily paper – а paper, that comes out every day

a weekly paper – a paper , that is issued every week

  1. magazine – a sort of book with a paper cover and usually large pages, which contain written articles, photographs on a special subject or for a certain group of people

a weekly - a magazine , that is issued every week

a monthly - a magazine , that is issued every month

  1. periodical – a magazine, that is published at regular intervals

  2. copy (n) – a single example of a magazine

  3. print (v) – to issue a magazine, paper, etc

  4. circulation – the average number of copies of a newspaper, that are regularly sold

  5. subscription – an amount of money given in order to receive a magazine

subscribe (v) – to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine, newspaper

  1. article – a separate piece of writing on a particular subject in newspaper

editorial/leader – an article in a newspaper, giving the paper’s opinion on a matter, rather than the reporting information and often given by the editor

run-over – an article that is printed on several pages

a feature article – a special long article in a newspaper

review – a magazine article that gives a judgment on a new play, TV show, etc.

  1. commentary (comment) on – written opinion, judgment made about event, person, situation

comment on (v) – to give an opinion

  1. headline (n) – the heading printed in large letters above a story in a newspaper

a splash (banner) headline – a headline, printed in large letters

headline (v) – to give a title to an article

  1. column (n) – an article by a particular writer on a particular subject that regularly appears in a newspaper

an editor’s column – a column, that contains articles of an editor

  1. item – a piece of news

brief news items/news-in-brief – brief description of events

  1. page – one side of a sheet in a book, newspaper

sports page – page, that contains sport events

front page – a head page

  1. section – a separate part of a page

home and overseas news section – section, covering home and foreign news

political section – section, that contains political information

  1. spread/center-spread – a newspaper article, covering one or more pages of a newspaper

a double page spread syn.

  1. cover (n) – the outer front or back page

cover (v) – to report the details of an event for a newspaper

coverage (n) – the amount of time and space given by TV, a newspaper to a particular subject

to give a full (wide) coverage of an event – to present detailed coverage of events

  1. editor – a person who is in charge of a newspaper

edit (v)– to prepare for printing, broadcasting

  1. event – a happening especially an important one

the latest events/ developments

current events

follow the events – to keep up with news

  1. news – facts that are reported about a recent event or events

home news

foreign (world, international)news

  1. advertisement – smth. used for advertising things, such as a notice in a newspaper

  2. cartoon – a humorous drawing

  3. weather report – weather forecast

  4. tabloid – a newspaper, that contains many pictures , short accounts of the main points of the news

  5. broadsheet – a newspaper of a standard format and contains serious information

  6. flag – a newspaper’s name on page 1

  7. deck – a smaller headline which comes between the headline and story

  8. dateline – line giving date and place of publishing

  9. shopping newspaper (throwaway) – advertisement paper

  10. byline – line that gives info about the author of the article

  11. kicker – the first sentences of a story

  12. mug shot – head and shoulder picture of a person

Activity 1. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Usually the front page gives the major news story, which covers the main topic of the day and has a banner headline.

  2. The material, a newspaper publishes can be divided into reading matter (articles and news items), advertisements, pictures (that can be illustrative and advertising) and cartoons.

  3. In order to attract the reader the editor is aware of the use of different prints, the arrangement of the reading matter, the abundance of pictures.

  4. Newspapers use run-overs in order to save space and to make the reader look through the paper.

  5. Very often newspapers and magazines give their columns to a popular writer without limiting him to any particular subject.

  6. Some papers have a center spread. It makes the appearance pages more attractive. The spread might also carry a photographic coverage of a subject, or an event.

  7. The editorial or the leader expresses the official view on significant political and social questions. It is never signed by the author. It is always a statement of opinion, often a critical review of a problem and usually calls for some particular action.

  8. It is absolutely essential that the leader is up-to-date, so that although the general lines of the article may be worked out before, the actual writing is left to the last minute to allow the writer to deal with the very latest developments.

  9. Feature articles are very diverse in the subject matter. The term “features” covers a wide range of subjects. It generally covers reviews of books, criticisms on the theatre, on music, art, film and television, articles on science, travel, sport events, etc.

  10. The left-hand part is taken by the photo. The right-hand corner carries a small box with the motto of a current political campaign.

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