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2. Study and trial practice

2.1. Teaching computer literacy for pensioners by a “50+” program

The first part of practice consists of courses for pensioners from June 4 to June 8, 2012. Courses in computer literacy consist of five lectures, which take place at three academic hours. These introductory courses are made specifically for pensioner citizens, who don`t imagine about computers. Acquainted with the materials of these lessons, pensioners:

- Overcome the psychological barrier;

- Master the basic terms;

- Understand how the data is stored in a computer, can also organize own data;

- Learn how to edit and format text;

- Will be properly shut down the computer.

The first lesson was held June 4, 2012. It consists of teaching and learning process with a computer, that is, what is the history of the computer and its role in everyday life, the study of the component elements of the PC, on and off the computer, acquaintance with the interface, working with mouse and keyboard.

Lesson two was held June 5, 2012 - introduction to the text editor Microsoft Word. Pensioners get acquainted with the menu tabs and tools to create, save and delete documents, formatting of the test set, the numbering of pages in the document, as well as the creation of the table.

The third lesson was held June 6, 2012 - introduction to Microsoft Excel. Instructors’ aim is to show the menu tabs to view the tools to create, save and delete documents, typing, use of cells and their properties, create lists and work with reports, create and edit tables and work with formulas. Lesson four was held June 7, 2012 - introduction to Microsoft Power Point. This lesson is devoted to the creation of presentations, i.e. slides, and a set of text editing, and presentation of art. In addition to the lesson pensioners working with files and folders, that is, create, save, copy, move and delete folders, folder properties, expanding the documents, the creation of an archive and archiving folders or documents.

Lesson five held June 8, 2012 - work with the Internet in online mode. Introduction to the Internet begins with the fact that the instructors demonstrate how to use a browser, visit the links and sites, and find information, store documents and images. It also provides familiarization and authorization of users on the Internet, the creation of and familiar with email and social networking, viewing messages, send and receive messages, attach documents and images, and installation of the Skype.

    1. Practice in Republic association of the private organizations of education.

The second part of practice was held in the Republic Association of Private Educational Organizations from June 11 to June 15, 2012. This association created in 2006, registration number No. 85432-1910. The charter of association of legal entities «Republican association of the private organizations of education» is approved by the protocol of general meeting of founders from November 7, 2006.

Association of legal entities «Republican Association of the private organizations of education» is non-profit organization - association of legal entities (members) to the Association form, is formed with a view of coordination of business activity of her members, and also representation and protection of the common property interests. Carries out the activity according to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the foundation agreements and the charter. It operates on principles of voluntariness, equality of members, self-government, legality, the reporting and publicity of activity. The Republican association of the private organizations of education – a whale on whom private education in Kazakhstan keeps.

For years of the existence the association became the establishment uniting all levels of non-state education, the professional organization in the sphere of private education. The association purpose – all-round assistance to development of private education in the republic, increase of its competitiveness. The main functions are an association of the private organizations of education, introduction of high-quality training and expansion of prospects of the international cooperation for an exchange of experience in the organization and development of private education and gradual integration into world educational space. The tasks of the association is to develop further potential of state-private partnership in the educational sphere of our country.

With a view of implementation of the Message of the President in Kazakhstan they put into practice the “Balapan” program, i.e. they take active part:

- coverage of children by preschool education and training;

  • introduction on the average private formation of 12-year model of training;

- introduction in the private it is professional – technical education of training on the basis of professional standards;

- ensuring occurrence of private higher education institutions of the country in ratings of leading universities of the world.

Their organization unites the best pedagogical minds for creativity, search of new ways in disclosure of potential of pupils. With our help teachers of private educational organizations realize new initiatives, projects, membership in association gives the chance to private educational institutions to communicate, experience, methodical practices to increase the qualification. All their actions are directed on achievements of the unique purpose – raisings of quality of education on high level.

As it was said before, this organization helps in developing to private educational organizations and supports them. During my practice there, I have learned many things: how to communicate with people, work with invoices and saw how the conferences are being created step by step.

In the first day, I was acquainted with the process of our work, and took my first task. I sorted invoices into groups as schools, colleges and kindergartens. Next day, the association was preparing for further conference with graduates of colleges about their test. So, I sent messages to e-mails of each private college of Almaty. In the third day, I called to invited colleges and asked whether they get e-mails and who will come to the conference. This process took 2 days to be completed, because the list of the private colleges was over than 100. The fifth day was very difficult because conference passed that day. I was glad to see the result of my 2 day long work, because all of the invited guests came to the conference. It was the first job in my life with such huge responsibility and I was proud of myself, but it’s much more important for me that my chief was proud of me.

During this practice, I have gained a lot of knowledge. I am happy that I took practice exactly in that association, and gifted such chance to pass my practice there.


During the time of the training and evaluation practice from June 4 to June 22, 2012 reviewed the program for pensioners “50 +”, where instructors teach pensioners computer skills. This program has helped to overcome the psychological barrier of pensioners with computers, helped to learn basic terms, taught to use the Internet. Personally, for instructors, for including me, this program has helped to get the teaching skills, arm oneself with patience and understanding in relation to the older generation, and a lot of experience in dealing with pensioners.

The second part of teaching and evaluation practices in the library also gave me experience in dealing with older people. Here I got acquainted with the program KALIS, created bibliographic records and full-text database of electronic books for students at the university.

To sum up, practical training gave the understanding of work in the sphere of social science and the awareness of the way how to improve one’s skills in specialty by participating in contests, interesting projects etc. The important part was that it gave the understanding how to use the speciality in future and contributed in the development of skills.



  1. www.iitu.kz

  2. www.icarnegie.com

  3. www.proz.com

  4. http://isj.yvision.kz/post/173538


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