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    1. Current state of iitu

At the moment IITU has got 4 separate departments: CS department, department of CSSE, department of languages and department of Social Sciences and Management. CS department: The mission of the department is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of information systems, mathematical modelling and computer science.

Providing the process of training with system of knowledge, allowing to obtain the skills of information systems creation, covering the information processes of the entire enterprise, achieving their full consistency, not over excess and transparency. The study of the modern methods of data analysis, mathematical and information modelling of complex systems, and computer implementation of these methods. Achieving a gradual integration of education, science and industry. CSSE department: The mission of the department is to provide systematic teaching process with knowledge in the field: natural sciences and information and communication technologies, including physics, programming, data protection and information systems administration, web programming and web administration, operating systems, multimedia systems, robotics; radio electronic systems - radio transmitting and radio receiving devices, wireless systems, telecommunications, satellite communications’ systems, television and radio broadcasting. Integration connection of basic sciences, computer technology and applications of information systems determines the strategic direction of the department development, its research areas, the implementation of creative interests of employees in the areas of theoretical and applied research. The mission of the Department should also be considered the promotion of knowledge in the field of natural sciences and information and communication technologies among creative young people, students and professionals who are interested in current issues of science, technology and information processing. Department of languages: The mission of the Department of Languages is to engage in high-quality research teaching, to promote effective language acquisition and communication skills of future IT specialists, to ensure their successful integration into the national and international professional community aimed at the development of national science and economy. The following is a statement of the broad aims of Languages Department. The individual languages also have specific aims and objectives and these are detailed in individual departmental handbooks. To provide challenging, motivating and enjoyable languages classes to students of all abilities through enthusiastic and systematic teaching, curriculum and departmental planning. To provide classes which contribute both to the students ‘academic development and to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. To achieve high standards in language learning, including excellent results in internal and external examinations. To use and explore a variety of methods of teaching and learning in order to achieve these goals. To work as a departmental team to ensure that both teaching and learning are effective and appropriate. To provide students with opportunities to involve themselves in activities outside the department which enhance language learning. To monitor student and departmental progress regularly through regular assessment and analysis of examination data. To provide all members of staff with appropriate opportunities for professional development. To budget for, and provide and maintain a wide range of up-to-date departmental resources. To liaise effectively with other university units in order to enhance development planning, achievement analysis, staffing and resources. Department of Social science and Management: The mission of the Department of MSS. Preparation of highly skilled graduates in the field of “IT-Management”, “IT-Finance”, “IT-journalism”. Training of specialists includes such areas as - An educational process based on the curriculum and their complexes, according to all State Educational Standard - Research activity aimed at the study of modern, innovative developments and advances in information management, finance and journalism.

  In the framework of mission, the department also includes the implementation of an annual series of public events conducted by the department separately and jointly with the University, which aim to develop students' moral and patriotic qualities, communication skills. The goals of the chair integrate with the goals of the university in training a specialist possessing all necessary knowledge and competence in his/her professional sphere and successfully competing in the labour market. The Department is responsible for teaching the IITU bachelor and master program students such subjects as "Kazakh", "Professional Kazakh", "Business Kazakh", "Russian", "Professional Russian", "Business Russian", "English", "Professional English, Business English, IELTS, Academic English/Research Reading and Writing. In its instructional practices the Department staff members adhere to the basic principles of communicability, interactivity, learner-centred teaching, promotion of the tripartite language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, integration of education and personality development. In our development policy we strive to foster such skills as leadership, team-building, and problem solving, creative and logical thinking. By this is meant the promotion of real language in real use, enabling the language learner above all to speak, listen and read in real-life situations.

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