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1) Study the text.

2) Describe the British food and tastes.

The British Food

Visitors to Britain usually agree about one thing - British cooking is terrible. You can cook vegetables in so many interesting ways. But the British cook vegetables for too long, so they lose their taste. But these visitors who think so eat at wrong places. The best British cooking is in good restaurants or at home.

British tastes have changed a lot over the past twenty years. People refuse meat and prefer chicken and fish. And more people are more interested in healthy eating these days.

The British have "a sweet tooth". They love cakes, chocolate and sweets. At any hotel you'll find traditional English puddings. Can you imagine a pudding made of only bread and butter? It exists in British cooking. - "Bread and Butter Pudding". It is great!

Changing tastes

Today many people want food to be quick and easy. When both parents are working they can't cook large meals in the evenings. "Take­away" meals are very popular. If you are feeling tired or lazy you can even phone a local restaurant. They will bring food to your house.

Eating out

20 years ago British people usually ate at home. They went out for a meal only at special times, like somebody's birthday. But today many people eat out at least once a week.

English breakfast

At a hotel for breakfast you'll get bacon and eggs, mushrooms, baked beans and tea and toast. When porridge or fruit are offered as well, the meal is sometimes advertised as "English breakfast". But now only one person in ten eats English breakfast. Today English breakfast is more likely to be nothing. All they have for breakfast is a cup of coffee and many children go to school without eating anything.


If you go to Britain to study English and you stay with a family you'll be given a "packed lunch" to eat for your midday meal. Some factories and schools have canteens where you can eat but the packed lunch is the most common thing to eat. A packed lunch usually consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple, and a can of something to drink, for example, Coca-Cola. The quality of the packed lunch can vary from terrible to very good, it depends on who makes it.


1) Study the text about Russian meals.

2) Compare the Russian and British preferences in food. Meals in russia

Hospitality of Russian people is well-known throughout the world. When a foreigner sets foot in Russia, first he gets acquainted with our cookery, national dishes and meal-times. Frequently he gets to know that in this country they are not the same as in his.

The usual meals in Russian are breakfast, dinner, afternoon tea and supper. Breakfast is the first meal in the day. It may consist of porridge or fried eggs, curds, sandwiches with cheese and sausage and tea or coffee.

Dinner is the chief and the most substantial meal. Working people have a break in the middle of the day at their place of employment. During the break they can have dinner in the factory canteen, in the self-service cafe or tea-shop near the office. At some factories there are several comfortable and airy canteens for the workers and employees of the factory. The canteens are modern, efficient and clean. There are also bars and restaurants to suit every taste and purse.

Dinner generally includes two or three courses. It is a two-course or a three-course meal. The Russians prefer different salads for appetizer. Then comes soup. For the second course they have meat or fish with garnish. Their dessert is stewed fruit or juice or jelly.

Afternoon tea consists of a cup of tea with a slice of lemon, jam, or a home-made pastry.

The evening meal is called supper. It includes cold meat or fish, stewed vegetables or salads (e.g. Russian salad). Some people have porridge, macaroni or pudding. In the evening they like to have a cup of tea or a glass of milk. They don't eat much before going to bed.

MEALS IN RUSSIA (TFST) Complete the sentences:

1. Hospitality of Russian.....................

2. A foreigner gets acquainted..................

3. In Russia meals are not.....................

4. Breakfast consisting of.....................

5. Dinner including...............................

6. At some factories.............................

7. Many bars and restaurants try............

8. For appetizer................................

9. For supper...............................

10. People don't eat much.........


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