4.83 Кб

Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; bintest.asm ; this is an example of how to make a ".bin" file. name "bintest" ; directive to create bin file: #make_bin# ; where to load? #load_segment=1234# #load_offset=0000# ; set these values to registers on load: #al=12# #ah=34# #bh=56# #bl=78# #ch=9a# #cl=bc# #dh=de# #dl=f0# #ds=ddee# #es=abcd# #si=aaaa# #di=cccc# #bp=dddd# #cs=1234# #ip=0000# #ss=3000# #sp=ffff# ; when loading "bintest.bin" file in emulator ; it will look for a "bintest.binf" file, ; and load ".bin" file to location specified ; in that file, registers are also set using ; information in that file (open this file ; in a text editor to edit or investigate). ; ; ".binf" file is created automatically ; by compiler when it processes the above ; directives. ; this sample just prints out a part of ; some ascii character set, in an eternal ; loop, press [stop] or esc to terminate. start: mov al, '0' mov ah, 0eh print_more: int 10h inc al ; keep original ax: mov cx, ax ;============================ ; check for esc key to ; reboot: ; check for keystroke in ; keyboard buffer: mov ah, 1 int 16h jz key_processed ; get keystroke from keyboard: ; (remove from the buffer) mov ah, 0 int 16h ; press 'esc' to exit: cmp al, 27 jnz key_processed hlt key_processed: ;============================ ; restore original ax: mov ax, cx cmp al, 'z' jbe print_more mov al, '0' jmp print_more

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