3.41 Кб

Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; bcd_aaa.asm ; this example shows the use of aaa instruction (ascii adjust after addition). ; it is used to add huge bcd numbers. name "bcd_aaa" org 100h ; first number '9': mov ah, 09h ; second number '5': mov al, 05h ; al = al + ah = ; = 09h + 05h = 0eh add al, ah ; clear tens byte of bcd ; result: xor ah, ah ; adjust result to bcd form, ; ah = 1, al = 4 -> '14' aaa ; print the result: ; store contents of ; ax register: mov dx, ax ; print first digit: mov ah, 0eh ; convert to ascii: or dh, 30h mov al, dh int 10h ; print second digit: ; convert to ascii: or dl, 30h mov al, dl int 10h ; wait for any key press: mov ah, 0 int 16h ret ; return control to operating system.

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