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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; timer.asm ; this sample shows the use of a timer function (int 15h / 86h) ; this code prints some chars with 1 second delay. ; note: Windows XP does not support this interrupt (always sets CF=1), ; to test this program in real environment write it to a floppy disk using ; compiled writebin.asm. after sucessfull compilation of both files, ; type this from command prompt: writebin timer.bin ; note: floppy disk boot record will be overwritten. ; the floppy will not be useable under windows/dos until ; you reformat it, data on floppy disk may be lost. ; use empty floppy disks only. name "timer" #make_boot# org 7c00h ; set the segment registers mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax call set_video_mode call clear_screen next_char: cmp count, 0 jz stop ; print char: mov al, c1 mov ah, 0eh int 10h ; next ascii char: inc c1 dec count ; set 1 million microseconds interval (1 second) mov cx, 0fh mov dx, 4240h mov ah, 86h int 15h ; stop any error: jc stop jmp next_char stop: ; print message using bios int 10h/13h function mov al, 1 mov bh, 0 mov bl, 0010_1111b mov cx, msg_size mov dl, 4 mov dh, 15 mov bp, offset msg mov ah, 13h int 10h ; wait for any key... mov ah, 0 int 16h int 19h ; reboot count db 10 c1 db 'a' msg db "remove floppy disk and press any key to reboot..." msg_size = $ - msg ; set video mode and disable blinking (for compatibility). set_video_mode proc mov ah, 0 mov al, 3 ; text mode 80x25, 16 colors, 8 pages int 10h ; blinking disabled for compatibility with dos, ; emulator and windows prompt do not blink anyway. mov ax, 1003h mov bx, 0 ; disable blinking. int 10h ret set_video_mode endp ; clear the screen by scrolling entire screen window, ; and set cursor position on top. ; default attribute is changed to black on white. clear_screen proc near push ax ; store registers... push ds ; push bx ; push cx ; push di ; mov ax, 40h mov ds, ax ; for getting screen parameters. mov ah, 06h ; scroll up function id. mov al, 0 ; scroll all lines! mov bh, 1111_0000b ; attribute for new lines. mov ch, 0 ; upper row. mov cl, 0 ; upper col. mov di, 84h ; rows on screen -1, mov dh, [di] ; lower row (byte). mov di, 4ah ; columns on screen, mov dl, [di] dec dl ; lower col. int 10h ; set cursor position to top ; of the screen: mov bh, 0 ; current page. mov dl, 0 ; col. mov dh, 0 ; row. mov ah, 02 int 10h pop di ; re-store registers... pop cx ; pop bx ; pop ds ; pop ax ; ret clear_screen endp

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