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Assembler Source Code a:link {text-decoration: none} a:visited {text-decoration: none} a:hover {text-decoration: none; color:#ff0000}     ; scroll.asm ; this example shows how to use the bios scrolling functions. ; this program prints some test strings, ; then it scrolls the window at (1,1)-(8,5) down, ; and scrolls the window at (1,1)-(8,5) up, back to where it was. ; two lines are scrolled away and window (1,4)-(8,5) becomes blank. org 100h ; set data segment to code segment, ; (if not set already): push cs pop ds ; set cursor position to top mov ah, 2 mov dh, 0 ; row. mov dl, 0 ; column. mov bh, 0 ; page number. int 10h ; print out the test strings: lea dx, msg0 mov ah, 9 int 21h ; print "press any key to scroll up...": lea dx, msg1 mov ah, 9 int 21h ; wait for any key: xor ax, ax int 16h ; scroll window down: mov ah, 07h ; scroll down function id. mov al, 2 ; lines to scroll. mov bh, 07 ; attribute for new lines. mov cl, 1 ; upper col. mov ch, 1 ; upper row. mov dl, 8 ; lower col. mov dh, 5 ; lower row. int 10h ; print "press any key to scroll down...": lea dx, msg2 mov ah, 9 int 21h ; wait for any key: xor ax, ax int 16h ; scroll window up: mov ah, 06h ; scroll up function id. mov al, 2 ; lines to scroll. mov bh, 07 ; attribute for new lines. mov cl, 1 ; upper col. mov ch, 1 ; upper row. mov dl, 8 ; lower col. mov dh, 5 ; lower row. int 10h ; print "that's it, press any key...": lea dx, msg3 mov ah, 9 int 21h ; wait for any key: xor ax, ax int 16h ret ; return to operating system. ; test strings: msg0 db '01234567890abcdef', 0Dh,0Ah db '1aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', 0Dh,0Ah db '2bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb', 0Dh,0Ah db '3cccccccccccccccc', 0Dh,0Ah db '4dddddddddddddddd', 0Dh,0Ah db '5eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee', 0Dh,0Ah db '6ffffffffffffffff', 0Dh,0Ah db '7gggggggggggggggg', 0Dh,0Ah db '8hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh', 0Dh,0Ah, '$' msg1 db 0Dh,0Ah, 0Ah, 'press any key to scroll window at (1,1)-(8,5) two lines down...', 0Dh,0Ah, '$' msg2 db 'press any key to scroll window at (1,1)-(8,5) two lines up...', 0Dh,0Ah, '$' msg3 db "that's it, press any key...", 0Dh,0Ah, '$' end

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