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10 Management as my major

Managers have a responsibility to use the resources of their organization effectively and economically for obtaining their goals. In accordance to Henry Fayol to manage is to “ forecast and plan , to organize and command, to coordinate and control.

The activities of the manager depend on the level at which he is working. Top managers make decisions on the future of the company , determine the sort of product line he should develop, analise the level of competition. Midle managers make day-to-day decisions ,which help an organization to run effectively. In accordance to Peter Druker managers perfom 5 basic operations

1 Managers set goals

2 Managers organize

3 They motivate and communicate effectively

4 the 4th activity is the measurement of performance of the organization

5 Managers develop people , help them to be more productive.

Peter Druker

Peter Druker was the creator and inventor of modern management . The organization and practice of management today difers from the thinking of Peter Druker . He taught generations of managers the importance of picking the best people, of focusing on opportunities not problems. He said that the workers at all levels should take part in decision-making.

Critics of Peter druker have said that he often included only information that supported his arguments, but praised his simple writing. Today many ofhis ideas have grown to be highly valued in business .That is why PD was awarded The Presidental medal of Freedom in 2001.

My major economics of enterprise

Management is a new institution in human history ,it has already become very important for the success of any kind of business.

Management is the art of making an appropriate choice among the alternatives. It involves functions of planning , organizing and controlling .

Enterprising involves managing the resourses and risks , collecting and analizing information , solving problems and controlling .

Economics of enterprise was created for providing students with economic knowledge which help them to be economically literate citizens. Students majoring in economics of enterprise are given knowledge of math ,econ. theory , global economy and foreign languages. Also wouid be economists should know well the work of the enterprise to ensure business activity of the enterprise.


The us geography.

The USA take up the central part of the North American continent. It borders on Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.) It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Gulf of Mexico in the south. The present territory of the USA consists of three separate parts.

Government structure: branches, their bodies and function.

United States - a federal republic with a presidential form of government. 50 states and the District of Columbia. At the heart of the functioning of the U.S. state mechanism are three branches of government - legislative, executive and judicial.The highest organ of the federal judiciary - the Supreme Court. Legislative power is exercised by the U.S. Congress. The executive branch - the president of the United States.

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