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Вариант 3

I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


  1. Once the book has been made, it is ready for distribution. Trade books are sold primarily by salespersons calling on bookstores across the country and taking orders for forthcoming books. The two major selling seasons are spring and fall. Large publishers have their own sales staffs, who are briefed by editors at sales conferences before they go on the road. Smaller ones are represented by commission salespeople, who may handle the titles of several houses.

2. Books are usually moved from publisher to bookseller through wholesale distributors. In the late 1980s more than 24,000 retail book distributors of all types were operating in the U.S., including individual bookstores, book departments in large department stores, and two major chain operations, as well as several smaller ones. Increasingly, the chains and book clubs have come to dominate trade selling and are able to command large discounts from the publishers, while the individual bookstores struggle against adverse economic circumstances.

3. Until the 1960s, modern marketing methods had rarely been applied to book merchandising by publishers or retailers. By the early 1980s, however, most of the major publishers were emphasizing marketing in their sales efforts, and the chain operators were employing the most advanced marketing techniques. The most striking changes in book publishing in the 20th century have occurred in this area and in manufacturing technology.

II. Выберите наиболее подходящий заголовок для абзацев 1-3. Один заголовок является лишним.

a) Who dominates trade selling?

b) Advanced methods in book trade.

c) Who sells books?

d) Ready to be sold.

III. Соотнесите слова в левой колонке с их синонимами в правой колонке.

1. brief

2. occur

3. operate

4. circumstances

5. autumn

6. primarily

7. apply

8. once

9. techniques

10. struggle

a. mainly

b. as soon as

c. methods

d. fall

e. use

f. function

g. have difficulties

h. instruct

i. situation

j. happen

IV. Употребите соответствующую форму, образованную от глагола «edit», для перевода следующих словосочетаний:

редакторский, редакторство, редактирование, главный редактор, редакционная коллегия, редактируемые книги, были уже отредактированы, будут отредактированы к концу года, редактируются в настоящее время, были отредактированы в прошлом месяце, под редакцией.

had rarely been applied

extensively since 1980-ies

are applied


Modern publishing methods

are being applied

by the company last year

have to be applied

until the 1960-ies

were applied

by large and small companies

have been applied

by all means

VI. Употребите соответствующую форму модальных глаголов can, must, should, may, have to, be able to etc. в следующих предложениях:

  1. Commission salespeople … handle the titles of several houses.

  2. You … say that the two major selling seasons are spring and fall.

  3. We … to represent your publishing house next year.

  4. It is not that you … use modern marketing methods, you … to do it if you are to stay in the industry.

  5. You … call on bookstores and take orders for forthcoming books. I insist.

VII. Заполните пропуски в кратком изложении текста, используя слова в рамке.

agents used happened control tackle

Personnel distribution instructed autumn

Once the book has been made, it is ready for ___1___. The two major selling seasons are spring and ___2___. Large publishers have their own sales ___3___ who are ___4___ by editors at sales conferences. Smaller publishers are represented by ___5___who may ___6___the titles of several houses. The chains and book clubs have come to ___7___ trade selling. Until the 1960-ies, modern marketing methods had rarely been ___8___.The most striking changes in book publishing in the 20th century have ___9___in marketing and manufacturing.

VIII. Найдите в тексте слова, соответствующие следующим определениям.

1. It means going to happen, be published, etc. very soon.

2. It is a group of stores/shops/hotels/restaurants owned by the same company.

3. It means to try very hard to do something when it is difficult or when there are a lot of problems.

4. It is an attempt to do something especially when it is difficult to do it.

5. It means to give special importance to something.