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1)Inflation is a stable tendency of growth:

  1. The prices for food stuffs;

  2. The prices for the import goods;

  3. The prices for all the goods and services in economy; +

  4. The general price level;

2)The parameter of a rate of inflation shows:

  1. Pace of growth of the general price level;

  2. Pace of a gain of the general price level; +

  3. Difference in price levels of the given year and the last year;

  4. Difference in paces of growth of a price level of the given year and the last year.

3) When the level of prices rises very sharply, then this is called:

  1. Inflation;

  2. Deflation;

  3. Hyperinflation; +

  4. Uninflation;

4) Reduction in the rate of inflation is called:

  1. Deflation;

  2. Fisher's effect;

  3. Jump of the prices;

  4. Uninflation; +

5) The reason for high inflation in the majority of the countries is sharp growth:

  1. Cumulative expenses;

  2. The prices for economic resources;

  3. Money supply; +

  4. All answers are true

6)Inflation can be connected:

  1. only with the increase the GDP

  2. only with the drop the GDP

  3. with the increase or the drop the GDP depending on the source of its appearance; +

  4. with the increase the GDP, if the economy is developed under the conditions of full employment.

7)Who suffer from the inflation:

  1. people, which have accumulated liquid assets;

  2. people, which derive fixed revenues;

  3. the owners of restaurants;

  4. all answers are accurate.+

8) If the level of inflation composes 5% per year, then this inflation is called:

  1. moderated; +

  2. galloping;

  3. by hyperinflation;

  4. by the deflation

9) An increase in the joint expenditures leads to the inflation, if:

  1. the economy is developed under the conditions of full employment;

  2. the actual and potential GDP are equal;

  3. cthe economy is located on the curve of production potentialities;

  4. gall previous answers are accurate +

10) If the level of prices doubles, then half it is reduced:

  1. demand for the money;

  2. the proposal of money;

  3. nominal income;

  4. the value of money; +

11) If with the level of inflation equal to 40%, real income was reduced by 10%, then nominal income increased by:

  1. 26%; +

  2. 30%;

  3. 40%;

  4. 50%;

12) The consequence of hyperinflation is:

  1. the destruction of welfare;

  2. the disturbance of investment mechanism;

  3. the destruction of financial system;

  4. all answers are accurate +

13) Hyperinflation usually cease by the way:

  1. conducting the currency reform

  2. the decrease of government deficit;

  3. rigid monetary policy;

  4. all answers are accurate +

14) In order to stop hyperinflation in addition to to the curtailment of an increasein the proposal of money, government must:

  1. to decrease taxes and to increase state expenditures;

  2. to increase taxes and to decrease the national taxes; +

  3. to pass from one form of currency to another;

  4. to organize the selections of the new government

15) In the period of inflation, caused by an increase in the expenses, the nominal GDP grows:

  1. to the same degree, as the real GDP;

  2. to the larger degree than the real GDP;

  3. to a lesser degree, than the real GDP;

  4. cannot be definitely said +

16) The result of the inflation of demand is:

  1. a decrease in the level of prices;

  2. an increase of the monetary supply;

  3. an increase in the level of unemployment;

  4. an increase in the volume of output; +

17) What phenomenon it does not lead the economy to the inflation of the demand:

  1. an increase in the consumer expenditures;

  2. an increase in the monetary stock; +

  3. an increase in the prices of the raw resources;

  4. the decrease of the taxes

18) If the nominal rate of percentage is equal to 6%, and the rate of inflation is equal to 3%, then the real rate of percentage comprises:

  1. 3%; +

  2. 6%;

  3. 9%;

  4. 18%

19) Unforeseen inflation is accompanied:

  1. by reduction in the effectiveness of the economy;

  2. by reduction in the welfare;

  3. by the redistribution of incomes and wealth; 127

  4. all answers are accurate +

20) Under the conditions of inflation with a drop in the real income the nominal income:

  1. it grows;

  2. it falls;

  3. remains constant;

  4. cannot be accurately said +


1) Money – it`s:

  1. the financial active membership, utilized for the accomplishment of transactions;

  2. lawful currency for the purchase of goods and services;

  3. stored up value, count, means of rotation and means of payment;

  4. all answers are accurate.+

2) Money fulfill the function:

  1. the factor of production;

  2. the means of an increase in the income;

  3. means of protection from the inflation;

  4. the means of accumulation.+

3) Money not carry out the function:

  1. count;

  2. the means of rotation;

  3. the means of greediness measurement;

  4. the reserve of value; +

4) The most important function of money:

  1. the means of rotation; +

  2. the reserve of value;

  3. count;

  4. the means of those postponed the payment

5) Money - this is the sum:

  1. available amount on the hands in population;

  2. available amount on the hands in population and means on the current nonbusiness accounts; +

  3. available amount on the hands in population and credits of banks;

  4. available amount on the hands in population and deposits of the banks

6) Dependence between the index of liquidity and the index of the profitableness of the money aggregates:

  1. straight proportional;

  2. straight line, but not proportional;

  3. reverse; +

  4. cannot be definitely said

7) It possesses the greatest liquidity:

  1. bank note; +

  2. automobile;

  3. house;

  4. cannot be accurately said

8) The readiest active membership is:

  1. saving deposit;

  2. deposit poste restante; +

  3. the treasury bonds;

  4. cannot be definitely said

9) Least ready active membership - this:

  1. the action of investment companies; +

  2. urgent contribution;

  3. deposit poste restante;

  4. saving contribution;

10) Least ready active membership in the developed countries is:

  1. available;

  2. securities;

  3. gold;

  4. real estate;+

11) They serve as an example of symbolic money:

  1. bank notes; +

  2. credit cards;

  3. silver coins;

  4. all answers are accurate

12) Commodity money – it`s:

  1. the goods, which is enjoyed the increased demand;

  2. the goods, which fulfills the functions of money; +

  3. the goods, which has the very high cost (diamonds, antiquaries);

  4. the goods, which is exchanged for gold;

13) Commodity money:

  1. they do not have internal value;

  2. have internal value; +

  3. they are not used under the contemporary conditions;

  4. are used as reserves for maintaining the purchasing power of the decree money

14) When firm pays out % on the bonds, money fulfill the function:

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