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4 Курс, семестр 2, вариант 2,уровень 0

I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences.

  1. The convention has ordered a banquet.

Has the convention ordered a banquet?

The convention hasn’t ordered a banquet.

  1. The customers have asked for full board.

Have the customers asked for full board?

The customers haven’t asked for full board.

  1. The hostess has already seated the guests.

Has the hostess already seated the guests?

The hostess hasn’t seated the guests yet.

  1. The tourists have been to a luxury restaurant.

Have the tourists been to a luxury restaurant?

The tourists haven’t been to a luxury restaurant.

  1. The banquet has already begun.

Has the banquet already begun?

The banquet hasn’t begun yet.

  1. The waiter has left the cruet on the table.

Has the waiter left the cruet on the table?

The waiter hasn’t left the cruet on the table.

II. Make up alternative questions.

  1. Have the guests ordered an a la carte dinner or a table d’hote menu?

  2. Have we come to the food and beverage department or to the catering department?

  3. Have they arranged a counter service or a waiter service?

  4. Have you planned the meals or the drinks?

  5. Has the customer ordered bacon and eggs or omelette?

  6. Have the waiters taken away the dirty cutlery or the dishes?

III. Make up tail-questions.

  1. We have attended the last convention, haven’t we?

  2. You have never tried cereals, have you?

  3. He has never conducted weddings before, has he?

  4. The cooks have prepared some home-made dishes, haven’t they?

  5. I have already taken your order, haven’t i?

  6. This guest has never seen our fashion show, has he?

4 Курс, семестр 2, вариант 2,уровень 1

I. Make up special questions.

      1. The customers have tasted a lot of home-made dishes. (Who, What, How many, What kind of)

Who has tasted a lot of home-made dishes?

What have the customers tasted?

How many home-made dishes have the customers tasted?

What kind of dishes have the customers tasted?

      1. The bartender has mixed a drink for me. (Who, What, Who…for)

Who has mixed a drink for me?

What has the bartender mixed for me?

Who has the bartender mixed a drink for?

      1. The guests have had continental breakfast at the hotel. (Who, What, What kind of…, Where)

Who has had continental breakfast at the hotel?

What have the guests had at the hotel?

What kind of breakfast have the guests had at the hotel?

Where have the guests had continental breakfast?

      1. The head waiter has taken her order. (Who, What, Whose)

Who has taken her order?

What has the head waiter taken?

Whose order has the head waiter taken?

      1. My traveling companions have chosen an informal national restaurant because they want to try national dishes. (Who, Whose, What kind of…, Why, What)

Who has chosen an informal national restaurant because they want to try national dishes?

Whose companions have chosen an informal national restaurant because they want to try national dishes?

What kind of restaurant have my travelling companions chosen because they want to try national dishes?

Why have my travelling companions chosen an informal national restaurant?

What have my travelling companions chosen because they want to try national dishes?

  1. You have enjoyed a floor show at the night-club.( Who, What, What kind of…, Where)

Who has enjoyed a floor show at the night-club?

What have you enjoyed at the night club?

What kind of show have you enjoyed at the night club?

Where have you enjoyed a floor show?

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