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Terms of Payment

Payment for the Advertisement will be made in USD for the amount, by the method and within the period specified in the Supplement 1.

Should payment not be made within the period agreed in Supplement 1, the Advertiser shall pay to the Company interest on the amount outstanding at a rate of 0,5 % per day from the due date of payment to the date when payment is actually received by the Company.

If the Contract is cancelled the Company will refund any payment made by the Advertiser within 60 days of the date of such cancellation without interest.

Preparation of the Advertisement

The Company will prepare the Advertisement in accordance with the material supplied by the Advertiser provided that such material is delivered to the Company within 15 days of the date of the Contract.


Responsibility of the Advertiser

The Advertiser shall be solely responsible for the contents of the Advertisement and agrees to indemnify and keep the Company indemnified from and against all costs, claims, demands and liabilities whatsoever paid, suffered or incurred by the Company as a result of the contents of the Advertisement. The Advertiser undertakes to the Company that the contents of the Advertisement will not in any way infringe any copyright or other intellectual property right or include any scandalous or unlawful material.

Responsibility of the Company

The Company shall be responsible for the composition and layout of the Advertisement. Any errors or omissions in the Advertisement must be brought to the Company's attention by notice in writing within 15 days of the date of publication of the Advertisement.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United States of America.

Juridical addresses

Company Advertiser

Bank Account Bank Account


Company Advertiser


Before writing your own contract look through the lexical commentaries for better comprehension.

constitute — складати — составлять

entire — повний — полный, целый

advertiser — рекламодавець — рекламодатель

be valid — бути дійсним — быть действительным

bind the parties — зобов'язувати сторони — обязывать стороны

arrange for the publication — домовитися про публікацію — договориться о публикации

specify — уточнювати — уточнять

notwithstanding the above — не беручи до уваги вищезгадане — не принимая во внимание вышесказанное

be subject to confirmation by sb — потребувати підтвердження кимось — требовать подтверждения кем-либо

beyond the control — поза контролем — вне контроля

pay interest — сплачувати відсоток — платить процент

at a rate — у розмірі — в размере

due date of payment — очікувана дата платежу — ожидаемая дата платежа

cancel the Contract — анулювати контракт — аннулировать контракт

solely — тільки — только

liability — відповідальність — ответственность

incur — призвести до чогось, спричинитися до чогось — привести к чему-л., быть причиной чего-л.

infringe copyright — порушувати авторське право — нарушать авторское право

intellectual property right — право на інтелектуальну власність — право на интеллектуальную собственность

unlawful material — протизаконний матеріал — противозаконный материал

error — помилка — ошибка

omission — пропуск, упущення — пропуск, упущение

by notice — за повідомленням — по уведомлению


14. You work at a big firm and are responsible for presenting the Minutes (Protocol) of the last meeting. Topic: The relations with the new clients. Prospects of development. Use the scheme provided below.


Present: Mr.John (Chairman), Ms.Perkins (Finance Department), Ms.Carson (Sales Department), Mr.Smith (Product Manager Manager), Ms.Trueman (Secretary)

Apologies: Ms.Green and Mr.Brown were unable to attend and

sent their apologies.

Membership of the Committee

It was agreed that the Product Manager should be invited to

become a member of this Committee.



Carried unanimously.