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Carrie Carr - To Hold Forever.doc
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Ignoring Cleve's sputtering, Lex swung up into the saddle and held the reins loosely. "Watch and learn, boy."

"Bitch." But Cleve couldn't help but marvel at how the filly reacted in Lex's hands. He moved over to the edge of the corral and watched as she rode the animal around the arena.

Although Roy felt almost sorry for the new hire, he was secretly glad it was his boss who took over the horse's training. "She may be abrupt at times, but Lex doesknow her way around a horse." He'd heard from several of the hands about Cleve's attitude. For the life of him, Roy didn't understand why Lex allowed the man to stay on. It wasn't as if they were short-handed and needed the additional help.

Cleve acted as if he hadn't heard him. "Has she always been so high and mighty?"

Roy shook his head. "I don't know what bug bit you in the ass, but you'd better watch your mouth. She hired you on the spot, and she can fire you just as fast."

The other man let out a derisive snort. "That ain't happenin', bud. She doesn't want the trouble I'd cause."

"Is that a threat?" Lex had ridden up to the two men and overheard Cleve's comment.

He tipped his hat back and stuffed his hands in his rear pockets. "Nope. Just stating a fact." Trying to save face, he turned and sauntered back to the bunkhouse without another word.

"That's a major asshole, boss."

Lex swung down from the horse and stood behind Roy. "You can say that again." She waited until she was sure Cleve was out of earshot. "He been giving you much grief?"

"Nah. I've heard some grumbling from a couple of the other guys, but I think I can straighten him out." Roy turned and leaned against the top beam of the corral. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you hire him? Was it his sparkling personality?"

"Yeah, right." Lex tied the reins loosely to the nearest post. "I guess you can say it's a favor to my old man."

"I see. He offered the guy a job, or something?"

Lex sat on the top rung. "Not exactly." She looked around to make certain they were alone. "This goes no further, okay?"


"When I was little, my father would go up to Oklahoma on cattle buying trips." She glanced down at her knees, and scratched at a clump of mud. "That wasn't all he was doing. He had a girlfriend up there, too. Cleve's a result of that."

Not wanting to upset Lex, Roy tried to keep his eyes on a distant point. "So that's what he meant, by causing trouble. Do you think he'll make a claim to the ranch?"

"I doubt it. Other than the chip on his shoulder regarding me, he seems like a decent enough guy. Martha liked him okay."

"All right. But just give me the word, and he's out of here. You don't need his crap."

Lex patted him on the back before hopping down from the fence. "Thanks, my friend. I just may take you up on that."


IT WAS NEARING midnight before Lex returned to the house. She stepped quietly into Lorrie's room and looked down into the crib at the sleeping child. Sometime during the night, Lorrie had kicked off her covers. With a small shake of her head, Lex tucked her in once again. She bent over and kissed Lorrie on top of the head before leaving the room.

She stood at the doorway to the master bedroom. In the glow of the banked fire, the sight before her brought a smile to Lex's face. Amanda was curled around Lex's pillow in the middle of the bed. Like Lorrie, she had kicked off the blanket and sheet. Walking as silently as she could, Lex went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Stepping out of the steamy room, Lex toweled her hair dry. A second towel was draped around her hips. She was almost to the dresser when she heard a shifting on the bed.

"Lex? What time is it?" Amanda sat up and blinked blearily at her. She turned and glanced at the clock on the nightstand. "What have you been doing? It's almost one o'clock in the morning."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Lex crawled into bed and moaned in relief. "Damn, that feels good." She stretched her legs over the clean sheets and snuggled deeper into the bed.

Amanda cuddled next to her and draped her arm across Lex's stomach. She kissed her lover's cheek. "I'm glad you're here. I missed you today."

Lex turned her head and met Amanda's lips with her own. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm just being a baby."

Lex rolled over so she was facing her. "Sweetheart, you're never a baby." She gripped Amanda's hand and pulled it close. "Did something happen today?"

"No, not really. Well, Lorrie did pull a bag of flour out of the pantry, and proceed to powder the entire kitchen. I was helping Martha bake cookies, and our backs were only turned for a minute." Amanda couldn't keep the amused look from her face. "She looked like a little ghost. Of course, so did I, before I could get the bag away from her."

Unable to control herself, Lex laughed. "I would have paid good money to see that one."

"Yeah. Needless to say, we took a bath together. Martha wouldn't let me help clean the kitchen, either. She did bust up over it, though."

"I see that she's going to be in her terrible two's until we're old and gray." Lex released Amanda's hand and brushed her fingers through her partner's hair. "Makes my day seem tame by comparison."

"Hmm?" Amanda closed her eyes as Lex's nails gently scratched her scalp. "Anything exciting?"

"Nope. Well, other than almost strangling Cleve."

Amanda opened her eyes. "Why?"

Embarrassed, Lex concentrated on the head massage she was giving Amanda. "He's an ass. The idiot can't handle a horse worth a damn."

"What'd he do?"

"He nearly tore the new filly's mouth by jerking the reins everywhere." Lex stopped the scratching and sat up. She was getting angry all over again. "I wanted nothing better than to knock that damned smirk off his face."

Amanda rose also. "You didn't."

"No, but I wanted to. He's bringing his own horse out tomorrow. I can't wait to see what kind of glue factory reject he rides."

Amanda rubbed Lex's arm in an attempt to calm her down. "Maybe he's not used to training horses. It does take a different kind of knowledge than riding."

"But if that's the case, he should have said something. I swear, that jackass has a chip on his shoulder the size of Texas." The light touch had the desired effect, as Lex exhaled heavily and leaned against the headboard. "No matter what I say, he either argues, or ignores me completely. I don't know what to do."

"Would you like me to try talking to him? He might not know how to talk to you, since you're related."

Lex sighed heavily. She knew Amanda was right, but it still rankled her. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. I'll take all the help I can get."

Crawling to snuggle into Lex's side, Amanda wrapped her arms around her lover's shoulders. "Now that all of that is settled, tell me what you were doing until after midnight tonight."

"I was so pissed after arguing with Cleve, that I decided to organize the hay barn. I didn't want to come into the house in the mood I was in."

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah. Y'all didn't need to put up with me." Lex hugged Amanda to her tightly. "But maybe if I came in and did this, it wouldn't have mattered." She kissed the top of her head, then went for her lips when Amanda's face tilted toward her. They spent a few leisurely minutes enjoying the contact. When Amanda's hands threaded through Lex's hair, Lex rolled her onto her back and kissed her in earnest.

"You're not too tired, are you?" Amanda asked, when she took a breath.

Lex kissed her on the nose. "Sweetheart, I'm never too tired for this." She proceeded to prove her point, much to Amanda's delight.


AMANDA SPUN THE coffee cup on the table nervously. She was waiting for Cleve to arrive at the main house, so they could talk. Lex had taken Lorrie for a "ride", and Martha was spending the day with Charlie, which left her alone in the house. The silence in the large home unnerved her. When a knock came at the back door, she jumped in response.

Cleve opened the door and stuck his head in. "Hello?"

"I'm in here," Amanda called. She stood as he came into the room. "Hi. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

He shrugged and pulled out a chair. Twisting it around, he sat and propped his arms over the back. "So, what do you want? Roy told me to come here."

Amanda grabbed a mug from the cabinet and filled it. She brought it to the table and set it in front of Cleve. "Do you take anything in it?"

"Nah. Milk and sugar are for wimps." He wrapped his hands around the mug. "Well?"

After sitting, Amanda met his hostile gaze with her calm one. "I wanted to see how things are going for you. Are the guys treating you okay?"

He pushed his hat back on his head. "They're fine. Why do you care?" "Because you're family."

"Yeah, right. That's why she banished me to the bunk house." He sipped the coffee. "I'd hate to see how she treats someone she doesn't like."

Amanda took a deep breath and released it slowly. "You really haven't given Lex a chance to get to know you."

"It's her own damn fault. Every time I open my mouth, she cuts me off at the knees."

"Maybe it's not what you say, but how you say it. I know that sometimes things can be taken out of context, and misunderstandings happen."

He got to his feet. "Look, lady. I know you think she walks on water, but the truth is, my sister is a stuck up, smart ass, know-it-all. Every queer I've ever known is the same way."

"I think that's enough." Amanda stood also. "Your attitude is why Lex has trouble with you."

"I don't have an attitude, she does." He slammed the chair to the floor. "I don't need you telling me how great she is."

Amanda's heart pounded at his violent response. She moved to keep the table between them. "I think you should leave."

With his fists clutched at his sides, Cleve stalked her. "You're just as high-handed as she is." He pushed her chair out of his way so that he was standing inches away. "You don't look like a dyke. Maybe you just need a guy to show you what you're missing."