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  1. Twitter

Twitter is a social network that allows users to send and receive short messages , called tweets. Tweets can be up to 140 characters long. You can send tweets 1)_____ your computer or even from your mobile phone. While some social networking services like Facebook or MySpace 2)_____ more complicated Twitter is fairly simple to use. To send or receive messages you just have to create an account on Twitter. You can only send text to twitter, images are not allowed. Twitter users can follow what other people post. It makes you feel a part of someone else’s life . People all over the world talk 3)_____ all kinds 4)____ topics . In most cases Twitter is made up of many small groups of people. Sometimes only they can follow each other’s movements . You could post “Hey, I’m going 5)____ the pub” , and all of your friends could read 6)____ at once . Your messages on Twitter can 7)____ private, meaning only your friends can read them or you could make them public , meaning they can be seen by everyone. Twitter is used for many things. You can post an upcoming event , organize group conversations or just tell the world what you’re doing 8)____ the moment. You can also use twitter instead of sending many SMS’s 9)____ different people . Just post your messages on Twitter and everyone else can see them. Many people update their Twitter status very often, sometimes even a couple of times an hour. Recently , Twitter has also been used 10)____ business . Companies use twitter 11)____ inform people 12)_____ new products or just to post something that is 13)_____ sale . Twitter has become very popular . Since 14)_____ birth in 2006 over one hundred million people around 15)_____ world have been using it regularly .

4. Read the text. Write down all the new words and learn 5 of them by heart. Be ready to answer the teacher’s questions.

  1. History of recycling

Recycling has been a common practice for most of human history, with recorded advocates as far back as Plato in 400 BC. During periods when resources were scarce, archaeological studies of ancient waste dumps show less household waste (such as ash, broken tools and pottery)—implying more waste was being recycled in the absence of new material.

In pre-industrial times, there is evidence of scrap bronze and other metals being collected in Europe and melted down for perpetual reuse. In Britain dust and ash from wood and coal fires was collected by 'dustmen' and downcycled as a base material used in brick making. The main driver for these types of recycling was the economic advantage of obtaining recycled feedstock instead of acquiring virgin material, as well as a lack of public waste removal in ever more densely populated areas. In 1813, Benjamin Lawdeveloped the process of turning rags into 'shoddy' and 'mungo' wool in Batley, Yorkshire. This material combined recycled fibres with virgin wool. The West Yorkshire shoddy industry in towns such as Batley and Dewsbury, lasted from the early 19th century to at least 1914.

Industrialization spurred demand for affordable materials; aside from rags, ferrous scrap metals were coveted as they were cheaper to acquire than was virgin ore. Railroads both purchased and sold scrap metal in the 19th century, and the growing steel and automobile industries purchased scrap in the early 20th century. Many secondary goods were collected, processed, and sold by peddlers who combed dumps, city streets, and went door to door looking for discarded machinery, pots, pans, and other sources of metal. By World War I, thousands of such peddlers roamed the streets of American cities, taking advantage of market forces to recycle post-consumer materials back into industrial production.

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