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Home reading 3


  1. masculine and feminine cultures

  2. to pertain

  3. to overlap

  4. nurture

  5. to demand

  6. to refuge

  7. to influence

  8. to seek

  9. to associate

  10. aspire to advancement

  11. make career

  12. enter dominant position in society

  13. social advancement

  14. cultural stereotypes

  15. corporal punishment

  16. special scale

  17. social gender roles









  1. Society sets tends of education according to the social policy. Member of society are expected to be good in their occupation. That is why education should be free of stereotypes. This kind if attitude will help to open needed traits, internal sources both in women and men, so they could act more efficiently and in the same way.

  2. Gender pedagogy is not needed, if we consider school to be not so influential. According to the letter a. genders should have same rights and possibilities at school.

  3. According to this text, the fight for the equality of the genders is finished. But it is not exactly correct. Women even now continue continue to fight for their places in prestigious professions. Moreover, increasingly it is women who are engaged in charitable, which in contemporary society is considered as prestigious occupation.


  1. Character of gender differentiation in different fields of activity, for example, on manufacture and in family is not obviously often to be coincided.

  2. Gender properties are consider by many people to be are unequivocal and closely connected with gender identity.

  3. Social success requirement for women is considered to be lower than for men and modern "business women" is absolutely new phenomenon.

  4. Schwarzenegger personifies physical strength and bravery, but nobody expect his characters to be intellectually original and civic courageous.

  5. Obviously, new, more perfect tests observe masculinity and feminity to be not opposite sides if one ensemble, but as an independent, autonomous dimensions.

  6. Existent tests turn out to measure satisfactorily and predict such aspects of masculinity/feminity, as instrumentality and expressivity, but the way these characteristics combine with each other is still unclear.

  7. Though masculine and feminine stereotypes are historical and changeable, they are notice to be more compliant, being behind improvements in real gender stratification, such as social division of labor or values.





Values: caring for others and preservation

Values: material

success and progress

Identity is based on modesty

Identity is based assertiveness

Children learn to be think the same way

Children learn to think in different ways

Sympathy for the weak

Sympathy for the strong


Communication is unequal

Communication is equal

Failing at school is relatively minor accident

Failing at school is a disaster

Subjects at school are the same for boys and girls

Subjects at school are different

Friendliness and social skills in teacher appreciated

Brilliance and academic performance in teacher appreciated

Diplomas provide career opportunities

Diplomas provide


Resolution of conflicts by compromise and negotiation

Resolution of conflicts by conflicts by fighting them out

Stress on equality, solidarity

Stress on quity, competition

Management is intuition management

Management is decisive and assertive management

Life prevails over work

Work prevails over life

Home reading 2


  1. prevail over interests

  2. collectivistic society

  3. individualistic society

  4. born into family

  5. nuclear family

  6. extended family

  7. lifelong loyalty

  8. to stand on feet

  9. group membership

  10. underlying dimension

  11. individualism index score

  12. look after oneself

  13. rank

  14. tend to be negatively correlated

  15. teacher-centered education

  16. preferential treatment

  17. maintance of “face”

  18. nepotism


Nuclear-extended family

Nuclear is the kind of family, which is consists of two parents and a child. That allows parents to pay more attention to their child, this approach can provide quick solving of child’s problems. On the other hand, a child in this case may grow spoiled and lacking ambition. In the case of the extended family plays an important role honey each family member, which together also helps the child to quickly adapt to society.

Ingroup-outgroup distinctions

Ingroup differences between individuals are less visible and more easily for an individual to act according to his own patterns of behavior. If a person is outside the group, contacting with representatives of other groups, it harder to adapt to new surroundings and not to drop the "face”

Intrinsic-extrinsic elements

Intrinsic motivations tend to change much faster than the extrinsic. Nevertheless, some external reasons, such as dictated by family values, gradually pour in the internal. Due to greater volatility intrinsic motives are sometimes encouraged to acts, that are incompatible with each other and are consistent with the ultimate goal only indirectly. External motives are filled with plants and the behavior of concrete actions aimed at achieving a clear goal.


    1. Obviously, the type of personality influenced the attitudes of the individual directly and very strongly. Person-centered individual are not expected to be scarifying or understanding. On the other hand, a person who thinks about others is more likely to offer help and will do everything possible to benefit not only him but also others.

    2. Group size may be the cause of the type of orientation. This happens because the group was originally formed on the basis of general principles; these principles are established in advance and must be accepted by all members.

    3. Country's wealth effects on individualism, as awareness that the country is rich, allowing each to eager a part of this fortune, while ignoring others on that path. On this relationship can affect the welfare of other countries as a benchmark for comparison, for the competition.

    4. Individualistic societies are more vulnerable both to conflicts within them, and conflicts with other societies. It stems from a lack of cooperation, trust and habit to listen to others.

    5. Such solution is not possible. Not least because it is impossible to re-nurture whole society, even the introduction of collectivistic ideas will take decades. Especially, if an individualistic society will borrow the collectivist ideology, it can no longer be called individualistic.


The child is expected to leave the parental home as soon as this [standing on owns feet] have been achieved.

По достижении этого [твердой опоры под ногами] от ребенка ожидают уход из родительского дома.

Individualism pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose. Everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family.

Индивидуализм относится к обществам, в которых связи между людьми являются свободными. Каждый, как ожидается, будет заботиться о себе и близких родственниках.

In other words, the two dimensions tend to be negatively correlated.

Другими словами, два аспекта, как правило, отрицательно связаны.

In the individual classroom of course students expect to be threaten as individuals and impartially regardless of their background.

В отдельных классах, к студентам должно относиться как к индивидуумам и оценивать беспристрастно, независимо от их биографических данных.

Employed persons in individualist culture are expected to act according to their own interest.

Нанимаемые работники в индивидуалистской культуре ожидаемо действуют соответственно собственным интересам.





People are born into extended families or

other ingroups which continue to protect

them in exchange for loyalty

Everyone grows up to look after him/ herself

and his/her immediate (nuclear) family only

Identity is based in the social network to

which one belongs

Identity is based in the individual

Children learn to think in terms of 'we'

Children learn to think in terms of 'I'

Harmony should always be maintained and

direct confrontations avoided

Speaking one's mind is a characteristic of an

honest person


Communication is high-context

Communication is Low-context

Trespassing leads to shame and loss of

face for self and group

Trespassing leads to guilt and loss of selfrespect

Purpose of education is learning how to do

Purpose of education is learning how to


Diplomas provide entry to higher status


Diplomas increase economic worth and/or



Relationship employer-employee is perceived in moral terms, like a family link

Relationship employer-employee is a

contract supposed to be based on mutual


Hiring and promotion decisions take

employees' ingroup into account

Hiring and promotion decisions are

supposed to be based on skills and rules only

Management is management of groups

Management is management of individuals

Relationship prevails over task

Task prevails over relationship

Infinitive constructions

Neil Smelser “Problems of sociology”

  1. Objective with the infinitive

Somebody should make social scientists realize that the following observations are impressionistic and speculative

Кому-то следует сделать так, чтобы ученые-социологи осознали, что следующие обзоры являются импрессионистическими и спекулятивными.

I observed both stimulus-response theories and rational choice formulations rest in assumptions of fixed and stable preferences

Я заметил, что формулировки теории стимул-реакция и теории рационально выбора не затрагивают предположений о фиксированных и стабильных предпочтениях.

We consider stimulus-response theories to be good at explaining behavior on the basis of knowledge of individual’s external circumstances.

Мы считаем, что теории стимул-реакция хорошо объясняют поведение, основываясь на знаниях индивидуальных внешних обстоятельств.

  1. Subjective with the infinitive

The ethnographic approach in anthropology and sociology is supposed to take into account the reports of informants in describing the culture and behavior of the society or group under investigation.

Предполагается, что этнографический подход к антропологии и социология берет во внимание отчеты информаторов об описании культуры и поведения общества или группы, которая подвергается изучению.

These series of assumptions are believed to be the correct philosophical and methodological guidelines for sociologists to follow the study of individuals.

Эти серии предположений, по общему убеждению, являются правильными философскими указаниями, которым следуют социологи в изучении индивидов.

Independent empirical investigations can throw light on when such a typifiication is likely to be valid and useful.

Независимые эмпирические исследования могут пролить свет на полезность и правильность той или иной типилогизации.

  1. For to infinitive constructions

For foreigners (to a group) to have a special advantage in understanding its situations is not real, because they stand outside the taken-for-granted assumptions of these being investigated.

Для чужаков (по отношению к группе) не реально иметь особое преимущество в понимании групповых ситуаций, потому что они находятся вне принимаемых по умолчанию предположений тех, кто подвергается исследованию.

For the radical skeptical position or radical phenomenological position to be adopt means that the only role that remains for us is that of the negative minded philosophers.

Для радикальной скептической позиции или феноменологической позиции быть принятой означает, что единственная роль, которая для нас остается – это быть пессимистично мыслящими философами.

For actors to be guided primarily by orientations of status is what we assume as an analytic starting point.

Под аналитической стартовой позицией мы понимаем то, что акторы преимущественно направляются ориентацией на статус.

Masculinity and feminity: changes in gender roles in modern society.

History of gender roles and masculinity and feminity accounts thousands of years. More We also can say that this definition exists from the beginning of the human race. But everything changes. Such factors as technological progress, evolution in family structure and even globalization influence on the way people think and act. That is why we now can talk about women, who become more masculine and men, who become more feminine.

This tend is particularly intensified in the 1960-1980 in so calling “second wave of feminism”. Feminists of the second wave understood that various forms of cultural and political inequality of women are inextricably linked. They urged women to recognize that some aspects of their personal lives are deeply politicized and are a reflection of sexist power structures. They were quiet ambitious, assertive and tough i.e. was showing masculine forms of thinking and acting. After that, with the “third wave” feminist ideas spread all over the world, and globalization played a big role in it.

Since when women around the world claim the right to social advancement, career, strive for economic independence and stability. And the modern conditions allow them to carry out these objectives. There are almost no occupations in which women have no place. Business ethics also allows the woman to take part in company management. Participation of women in elections is seen as a tribute for many decades. But these benefits require a certain male qualities, which should appear in a woman to be successful. Women acquire these qualities with the experience to quickly learn from their peers and reach the top, combining masculine and feminine approach for different spheres of life.

As for men, they usually have more difficulties than women. Learning to see beauty, to contemplate, be gentle requires more patience than to become stale and hard. But, nevertheless, men do it, with their persistence, purposefulness and rationality. This allowed them to push women even with their traditional field-kitchen. Men are not afraid to show their relationship to the surrounding people. If they show the love of your family, it retains strong and reliable relations for a long time, which is just as important to modern society, as well as for each individual. Men also learn how to trust and support, which is useful even in business.

You can talk about changing roles at the societal level, we can talk about it at the individual level, but the fact remains: men and women of the modern world are not what they were a hundred or even fifty years ago. Evolution of the views, attitudes and characters brings humanity to a new level, allowing men and women to move forward together, without distinction. And it’s a natural process.

Look around and you'll see how masculinity and femininity are gradually integrated into each other, are part of each other, which reminds us of the eternal symbol of yin-yang and the universal harmony.

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