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Lexicology is a branch of linguistics.doc
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There are 2 main types of word-meaning:

  • The grammatical meaning

  • The lexical meaning.

They are found in all words.

The interrelation of these 2 types of meaning may be different in different groups of words.

The definitions of lexical meaning given by various authors, though different in detail, agree in the basic principle: they all point out that lexical meaning is the realisation of concept or emotion by means of a definite language system.

  • Comparing word-forms of one and the same word we observe that besides gram. meaning, there is another component of meaning to be found in them. Unlike the gram. m-ng this component is identical in all the forms of the word. Thus, e.g. the word-forms go, goes, went, going, gone possess different gram. m-ng of tense, person and so on, but in each of these forms we find one and the same semantic component denoting the process of movement. This is the lexical m-ng of the word. The difference between the lexical and the grammatical components of meaning is not to be sought in the difference of the concepts underlying the 2 types of meaning, but rather in the way they are conveyed. The concept of plurality, e.g., may be expressed by the lexical m-ng of the word plurality; it may also be expressed in the forms of various words irrespective of their lexical m-ng, e.g. boys, girls, joys, etc. The concept of relation may be expressed by the lexical m-ng of the word relation and also by any of prepositions, e.g. in, on, behind, etc. ( the book is in/on, behind the table ). We define 3 aspects: denotational, сonnotational, pragmatic aspects

  1. Structure of lexical meaning

lexical meaning consist of:

Denotative component (usually speak about denotative meaning) transfers the general logic concept concluded in a word

Connotative meaning transfers additional shades of a word

Denotative and connotative meaning is carried by semes. Seme is the the smallest semantic units of language. The set of semes makes a word meaning.


Денотативное значение


notorious celebrated

widely known

for criminal acts or bad traits of character (-) for special achievements(+)

glare glance


steadily, lastingly (long)

briefly, passingly (short)

father daddy




In some categories of words (for example, interjections междометий ) connotive meaning is conducting ведущим (expressional coloration, an emotional estimation оценки ).

Exception - bias words the words which emotional coloring depends on attitude of the speaker. (Names of political parties)

  1. Connotative(pragmatic) meaning(emotive charge, stylistic reference)

The word denoting a concrete thing, action may also carry a connotation. These connotations are vary in character. They may express the speaker's attitude to the thing (emotive component of meaning) indicate the social sphere in which the discourse takes place (stylistic reference). или указать на социальную сферу, в которой, беседа имеет место (стилистическая ссылка). Both these components may be «part of the word's dictionary meaning, i. e. be present in the word when it is taken in isolation.

An emotive component of meaning may have linguistic expression with the help of suffixes; for example, the suffix ie/y in such words as birdie, or Freddy serves to express the diminutive/the hypocoristic. (уменьшительное) The emotive component of meaning may have no specific linguistic form but be contained in the concept the given word denotes, as for example, in the words horrid, terrifying, lovely, etc. Then-are words of purely emotive "meaning". These are interjections (междометия) which differ from words with denotative meanings (i.e. notional words) by their peculiar sound pattern oh, ouch, alas, hm, etc. They also differ by their syntactic role in an utterance: they are not components but equivalents of sentences.

Stylistic reference. Verbal communication takes places in different spheres of human activity, such as everyday life, business, science. Each' of these spheres has a peculiar mode (способ) of linguistic expression which is generally known as a functional style. Words that are preferably used in one functional style are said to have a stylistic reference. The connotation of stylistic reference is always present in the word alongside (рядом) its denotative meaning. Words may be grouped together on the basis of their common stylistic reference. Inquire-ask, obtain-get, pursue-run after, seek-look for. Each of these two groups represents a different stylistic layer: the first group contains words of a literary-bookish layer, the second — stylistically neutral words. While speaking about stylistic reference, the following factor should be emphasized: stylistic reference can be recognized only when there is some common element to refer to. This common element is the similarity of denotation, or, synonymity of words.

Subdivisions within the class of stylistically marked words are numerous. But in general

literary stylistic layer (words of Standard English) and those of nоn-1iterагу stylistic layer (Colloquialisms,Slangisms,Professionalisms,Vulgarisms,Jargonizes,Regional dialectisms)

(words of Sub-Standard English). literary stylistic layer divided into literary-colloquial and literary-bookish(Terms,poeticisms,fоrеign words and barbarisms)

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