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Dniepropetrovsk State Medical Academy

Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department

Head of Department, professor Khomazyuk T.A..


The curator: the third year student of foreign faculty _____ group

Full student’s name __________________________



(Surname name, first name and patronymic name of the patient)

  1. Inquiry (interrogatio)

  1. Personal details (identification data)

Full name of the patient (surname, first name and patronymic name)


Date of birth __ __ _____________ __ __ __ __

Age _________ (full years)

Home address: Smolensk region, town ______________, st. ______________, house № ________, flat № _______.

Place of employment __________________________________

Occupation __________________________________

Date of patient’s hospitalization __ __ _____________ 2005

Date of examination by student __ __ _____________ 2005

  1. Patient’s complaints

Complaints at the moment of admission to the hospital:

Pains: questions:

  • Localization (main site)

  • Radiation

  • Character

  • Severity

  • Duration

  • Frequency and periodicity

  • Special times of occurrence

  • Aggravation factors

  • Relieving factors

  • Associated phenomena

Complaints on the day of examination by the students:

Sleep: not broken; changed (insomnia, falling asleep with difficulty, frequent awakening, early awakening and troubled sleep), the increased drowsiness in the afternoon.

Appetite: not changed, increased, reduced, poor, loss.


Frequency: _____ times per day, _____ times per week, 1 time per _____ days

form (formed, unformed, pappy)

consistence (hard, soft, watery, liquid)

colour of faeces (brown, yellow, black, grey)

pathological admixtures in faeces (mucus, blood, pus, undigested food)

with/without tenderness of defecation


Frequency _______ times a day (24 hour), during daytime _____ times, during night time ______ times

volume _____________ ml

tenderness (pain, difficulty)

night urination

colour of urine (light/straw/intense yellow, deep/intense brown, “meat waste”, tea-coloured)

  1. History of present illness (anamnesis morbi)

Patient considers that he has been ill since ________________ when

Patient was admitted to the ____________________ department of Smolensk regional hospital at the

  1. Personal history (anamnesis vitae)

    1. Family History and Heredity

Patient was born in __ __ _____________ __ __ __ __ in ____________________ in the family of _____________________.

He was _______ by birth from _______ (number of children).

Mother was __ __ -year-old, father was __ __ -year-old at the moment of his birth.

He started to go at the age of ________ .

He started to speak at the age of ________ .

Patient had (not) any delay in his physical and mental development.

He entered school at the age of ________ , graduated (primary, secondary, high) school at the age of ________.

He entered _______________ institution, academy, university, technical school, college in __________, graduated in _________. He got the profession of _________________.

He served in army, navy in _________ years.

His occupation was _________________and now ______________ is. He did not work _________________ due to _________________________

He changed the places of residence

Patient is married, has _________ children of age.

Family diseases and heredity (and specify who from patient’s close relatives suffered from):





nervous diseases

mental diseases


other significant diseases

Patient’s parents are alive, died of _____________ at the age of __________