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Types of Immunity

  1. What is the main function of the immune system?

The immune system fights and kills foreign substances called antigens

  1. Give the definition of a) an antibody; b) a phagocyte; c) immunity.

a) antibodies are protein molecules which neutralize the antigen

b) phagocytes swallow dead cells and antigen- antibody complexes, and then destroy them

c) immunity is resistance of the organism to harmful foreign substances

  1. What is the difference between innate and acquired immunity?

innate immunity pertaining to the body since birth, and acquired, resulting from previous infection or vaccination

  1. What is a vaccine? What kinds of vaccines are there?

virus inoculated into the skin to prevent smallpox. According to the method of administration, there is inoculation (the most common), ingestion and nasal spray.

Hiv and aids

      1. What do the abbreviations HIV (AIDS) stand for?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

      1. How is AIDS transmitted?

AIDS is transmitted in body fluids through

sexual contact, sharing of contaminated needles (by IV drug abusers), contact with contaminated blood or transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products.

      1. What are opportunistic infections?

Bacteria and viruses, which cause mild illnesses in healthy people, cause severe life-threatening diseases in patient with AIDS. These diseases are called opportunistic infections.

      1. What is the role of the physician while treating a patient with AIDS?

the task of the physician is not only to search for a cure for AIDS but also to teach his


          1. What is a hormone?

Hormones are specific chemical substances that are released into the bloodstream and travel to other organs and tissues

          1. What are the functions of hormones?

Hormones helps to regulate various functions of an organism.

          1. Which gland produces insulin? What is the function of insulin?

Pancreas produces insulin. Which regulates the metabolism of sugar in the body

          1. What is the function of the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland helps to control the rate of chemical activity in the body.

          1. What does dysfunction of the thyroid gland result in?

nervousness, sweating, difficulty in sleeping, and weight loss.


    1. Give the definition of diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes mellitus is malfunction of the pancreas in which the hormone insulin is not secreted in adequate amounts and sugar cannot be used by cells

    1. What types of diabetes do you know?

Insulin-dependent diabetes and Noninsulin-dependent diabetes

    1. What is the cause of insulin shock?

A very low level of blood sugar and a high level of insulin can cause insulin shock.

    1. What are the symptoms of diabetic coma?

The person's pulse is weak and rapid, the skin is very dry, and large amounts of sugar are excreted in the urine.

    1. What is the treatment of diabetes?

diabetes can be controlled by insulin inoculation, diet, exercise, and medicines.

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