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Глава 2. Лексические стилистические средства выразительности в произведениях в. Ирвинга

    1. Классификация лексических средств в рассказах «Рип Ван Винкль», «Жених-Призрак», «Легенда о сонной Лощине»

Вашингтон Ирвинг придавал огромное значение стилистическому совершенству собственных творений. Центральное место в новеллистическом наследии писателя занимают его «американские» новеллы, такие как «Rip Van Winkle», «The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow» и «The Spestre Bridegroom». Рассмотрим лексические средства в произведении «Rip Van Winkle».

To tell the truth, it is not a whit better than it should be.

В данном предложении В. Ирвинг употребил перифразу not a whit, вместо которой можно было использовать not at all, not a bit. В следующем предложении можно выделить несколько лексических средств:

Every change of season, every change of weather, indeed, every hour of day, produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains, and they are regarded by all the good wives, far and near, as perfect barometers.

Здесь используется перифраза all good wives вместо mistress of the house, олицетворение every change of season, every change of weather produces some change, и сравнение as perfect barometers.

В предложении «It is a little village, of great antiquity, having been founded by some of the Dutch colonists in the early times of the province» использован оксюморон little и great - два слова с противоположным значением.

Также можно встретить перифразу amiable sex в предложении:

Certain it is, that he was a great favorite among all the good wives of the village, who, as usual with the amiable sex, took his part in all family squabbles. Однако В. Ирвинг мог бы употребить слово women.

Сравнение используется в предложении: «It could not be from the want of assiduity or perserverance; for he would sit on a wet rock, with a rod as long and heavy as a Tartar lance…» Об этом свидетельствует местоимение as.

Языковая метафора edged tool употреблена в следующем предложении:

Times grew worse…and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use. Здесь же можно наблюдать эпитет a sharp tongue grows keener. Рассмотрим предложение:

Here they used to sit in the shade through a long, lazy summer’s day… Рассмотрев эпитет в теоретической части, мы отнесем словосочетание lazy summer’s day к первой группе, то есть данный эпитет наделяет слово day признаком lazy, несвойственным этому явлению.

В предложении «But it would have been worth any statesman’s money to have heard the profound discussions…», которое переводится «Государственным деятелям стоило бы послушать мудрые дебаты…», словосочетание statesman’s money является оригинальной перифразой, так как читатель не сможет понять значения этого словосочетания. А словосочетание the profound discussions является эпитетом, который относится к первой группе, так как слово discussions наделено признаком profound, что ему не присуще.

Также эпитет angry puffs первой группы используется в предложении «When anything that was read or related displeased him, he was observed to smoke his pipe vehemently, and to send short, frequent, and angry puffs…»

Passing through the ravine…so that you only caught glimpses of the azure sky and the bright evening cloud. caught glimpses - Метафора

Their visages, too, were peculiar; one had a large beard, broad face, and a small piggish eyes… piggish eyes - Эпитет

As Rip and his companion approached them, they suddenly desisted from their play, and stared at him…that his heart turned within him… his heart turned within him - Метафора

He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverage. no eye was fixed upon him - Метонимия

“These mountain beds do not agree with me”, thought Rip. These mountain beds do not agree with me – Олицетворение

The baron was a dry branch of the great family of Katzenellenbogen, and inherited the relics of the property, and all the pride of his ancestors. The baron was a dry branch of the great family - Метафора

He loved to tell stories about the dark old warriors whose portraits looked grimly down from the walls around… whose portraits looked grimly - Олицетворение

While the old castle of Landshort was in this state of perplexity, a very interesting scene was transacting in a different part of the Odenwald. While the old castle of Landshort was in this state of perplexity - Олицетворение

The young Count Von Altenburg was tranquilly pursuing his route in that sober jogtrot way, in which a man travels toward matrimony… that sober jogtrot way – Эпитет, man travels toward matrimony - Метафора

In the warm-hearted moment of recognition the young friends related all their past adventures and fortunes… warm-hearted moment of recognition - Эпитет

It is well known that the forests of Germany have always been as much infested by robbers, as its castles by specters… as much infested by robbers, as its castles by specters - Сравнение

His heart was heavy, and his head perplexed… heart was heavy, head perplexed - Метонимия

Still there were certain whisperings of curiosity in his bosom…. whisperings of curiosity - Олицетворение

Her color came and went as she listened with deep attention. color came and went - Олицетворение

Now and then she made some blushing reply, and when his eye was turned away, she would steal a sidelong glance at his romantic countenance, and heave a gentle sigh of tender happiness. eye was turned away – Метонимия; sidelong glance, tender happiness – Эпитет; she would steal a sidelong glance, heave a gentle sigh – Метафора

In the meantime the fatted calf had been killed; the forests had rung with the clamor of the huntsmen… the fatted calf had been killed – Аллюзия (из Библейской притчи о блудном сыне: чтобы отпраздновать его возвращение, отец заколол «упитанного тельца», Евангелие от Луки, 25:11 - 32)

He kept his eyes steadily fixed on the baron, and, as the story drew to a close, began gradually to rise from his seat, growing taller and taller, until, in the baron’s eye, he seemed almost to tower into a giant. kept his eyes steadily fixed – Метонимия, the story drew to a close – Олицетворение, to tower into a giant - Гипербола

It was the opinion of some, that this might be the wild huntsman. wild huntsman – Перифраз

The whole neighborhood abounds with local tales, haunted spots, and twilight superstitions; stars shoot and meteors glare oftener across the valley than in any other part of the country, and the nightmare, with her whole ninefold, seems to make it the favorite scene of her gambols. the nightmare, with her whole ninefold - Аллюзия (Слова из песни притворяющегося безумным Глостера, персонажа трагедии Шекспира «Король Лир» акт III, сц.4)

“ Spare the rod and spoil the child.” – Ichabod Crane’s scholars certainly were spoiled. Spare the rod and spoil the child - Аллюзия (Цитата из поэмы английского поэта С. Батлера « Гудибрас» ч. 21, ст.844)

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