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I think that I shall never see

A billboard lovely as a tree.

Perhaps, unless the billboards fall,

I'll never see a tree at all.

Ogden Nash, "Song of the Open Road," 1933

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume that particular brand. It can also serve to communicate an idea to a mass amount of people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action, such as encouraging 'environmentally friendly' behaviors. Advertising has evolved into a vastly complex form of communication, with literally thousands of different ways for a business to get a message to the consumer. It could be said that cave paintings in some way represented the first forms of advertising, although the earliest recognized version of what we know as advertising was done on papyrus by the Egyptians. And in Pompeii, the ruins suggest that advertising was commonplace.However, today the advertiser has a vast array of choices. The Internet alone provides many of these, with the advent of branded viral videos, banners, advertorials, sponsored websites, branded chat rooms and so much more. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

General lexical units:

1) An advertisement – a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

2) A commercial- an advertisement on the radio or on television

3) This ad is aimed at…

4) Target audience- the audience that the ad is aimed at

5) Consumer advertising (потребительская реклама)

6) Industrial advertising( реклама, специализирующаяся на товарах промышленного происхождения)

7) Advocacy advertising (разъяснительно-пропагандистская реклама)

8) Image advertising (реклама, создающая определенный имидж)

9) Outdoor advertising (уличная реклама)

10) Lost-and-found ads (объявление о потере или нахождении чего-либо)

11) Door-to-door marketing (поквартирная реклама)

12) Unobtrusive /soft sell ads (ненавязчивая реклама)

13) A puffery- exaggerated or false praise ad

14) Quack- an unfair ad

15) Green ads

16) Teaser- a short introductory advertisement for a product that stimulates interest by remaining cryptic.

17) Subliminal advertising( реклама, действующая на подсознание)

18) Promotion “We have a special promotion today!”

A 5% reduction

A 10% off

19) Advertising budget

20) AIDA (Attention. Interest. Desire. Action)

21) Ad section

22) Classifieds-small advertisements placed in a newspaper and organized in categories.

23) Continuity “The continuity of this ad is intense”

24) At prime time (7-11 pm)

25) Holding power

“This product is in intense distribution”

26) the brand name

27) a jingle – a tune

28) a tag line-a catchphrase or slogan, especially as used in advertising, or the punch line of a joke.

28) a town crier

29) a flyer

30) a logo jet

31) a pop-up (appears suddenly on the Internet)

32) marketing strategy

33) upmarket products (aimed at high-end customers)

34) poor quality products

35) to advertise effectively

36) to include libel on smb

37) moral and physical intrusion ( моральное и физическое воздействие)

38) word of mouth marketing (реклама из уст в уста)

39) a special advertising campaign

40) to take smb aback (захватить врасплох)

41) customer feedback ( отзывы покупателей)

“I’m all for Nike!”

42) spam

43) to boost the image of ( делать рекламу)

44) to show smth tо the best advantage ( показывать товар лицом)

45) advertising drive ( рекламная компания)

46) advertising appeal ( концепция)

47) piggy-back promotion ( совместное продвижение товаров)

48) to meet a ready sale ( иметь хороший сбыт)

49) hype (раскрутка)

It is all hype and nothing else!

50) blow-in (рекламная вклейка, рекламный вкладыш)

51) advertising consultant

52) anticompetitive view of advertising

53) cell-phone advertisement

54) mail-order advertisement

55) mail-order catalogue (каталог посылочной торговли)

56) Point-of-Purchase-Advertising (POPA) (реклама в местах продаж, реклама на месте покупки)

57) advertising gimmick ( рекламная уловка)

58) vocational advertisement ( реклама товаров и услуг, относящихся к определенной профессиональной области)

59) ethical drug copy (реклама лекарств, отпускаемых по рецепту врача)

60) label headline (затасканный заголовок, шаблонный)

61) labeling disclosure (информ. , отраженная на ярлыке)

62) naked promise (ничем неподкрепленное обещание)

63) name image (престижное название)

64) name awareness (осведомленность о фирме, названии)

65) Q raiting(положительный рейтинг)

66) year round advertising (круглогодичная реклама)

67) zapping( переключ. каналов в целях бегства от рекламы)

68) outadvertise (превзойти по рекламе)

69) slot(место в расписании, графике (обычно постоянное место в программе передач радио или телевидения)

70) U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition)уникальное торговое предложение

71) Boards- common name for Poster panels or Billboard bulletins.

72) A spectacular-an event such as a pageant or musical, produced on a large scale and with striking effects. e.g.: illuminated advertisement

73) Banner -an advertisement that appears across the top of a web page

74) Bulletins- common name for traditional

75) Billing - the fact of being advertised or described in a particular way

76)Blurb- a short description of a book or film, etc., written by the people who have produced it, and intended to make people want to buy it or see it

77) Car Cards- advertising displays of various sizes posted in buses, subways, and commuter trains

78) Cost per Thousand- cost of reaching one thousand potential viewers

79) Cross Read (lefthand read)- a poster or bulletin which is visible from the opposite side of the road that the cars viewing the board are traveling on

80) Cut-outs/embellishments- any lettering, image, or mechanical device that extends beyond the standard face of a billboard to attract more attention

81) Diorama- a backlit display located in airports, malls, bus terminals, and sports arenas

82) Wrapped Bus- bus advertising display in which the entire bus vehicle is covered with the advertising design, including windows, through which passengers still have visibility due to special material.

83) Mall Displays- backlit advertisement structure located at strategic points in shopping malls; usually two or three-sided

84) Mobile Billboard- atruck that is equipped with one or more poster panel units. The truck can either be parked at specified venues or driven around designated localities

85) Posting Period- the display period that a poster panel is displayed. Typically 30 days.

86) Average Audience- calculated by adding together the audience for each individual minute of a programme and dividing it by the programme's total duration

87) Average Frequency- estimate of the average number of times the audience had an opportunity to see a commercial

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