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J.M. Dragon & Erin O'Reilly - New Beginnings.docx
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Chapter Seven

After the ride from the airport, Harry decided that they needed a different vehicle for the trek into the interior. Since Roja couldn’t come up with a large enough vehicle for them all to ride in, they now traveled in two rather than one. In the second one, Rita, Neil, Nicky sat holding onto straps to keep from landing on the floor.

“Anyone would think she’s a totally different person,” Rita Lawrence sniped to Neil Jenson and Nicky as they jostled over the rough terrain.

“What do you mean, Rita?” Neil asked. He hadn’t particularly noticed any change in their boss.

Nicky waited for the reply. Harry had been rather quiet, that much was true, but she hadn’t been obnoxious in any way. Unless she had missed something, Rita’s comment was completely unwarranted.

“I said good morning to her at breakfast and even sat at her table so she wouldn’t be alone, and all I got was a closed expression barely acknowledging me.”

Neil laughed, even as he felt himself bounce out of his seat as they went over another large pothole. The driver must be a masochist or something; he seems to hit every bump in the road. “Maybe she had a hangover. She drank a few glasses of wine last night and who could blame her, it was her birthday.” Neil attempted to change the subject and squelch Rita’s obvious, escalating irritation.

Rita ignored the comment. “She could have at least said good morning.”

“Maybe she has things on her mind that we don’t know about,” Nicky replied quietly.

“Oh, you would say that. Are you hoping she’s going to notice you?” Rita spat out in what sounded like jealousy.

Nicky glanced at the doctor in surprise. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, everyone knows she’s gay and she’s available. A pretty thing like you might try to turn her head.”

Outraged, Nicky retorted, “Don’t be ridiculous, Rita. I have no such notion. She’s the boss, that’s all, and I respect her.”

“Hey, ladies, cut the bitching,” Neil interjected. “We’re stopping…thank God.” They had been on the poor excuse for a road for over three hours.

“Are we there?” Rita demanded, but the man driving the vehicle merely turned to them with a grin, his English barely intelligible.

The vehicle in front of them had stopped. Harry, Eric, Evan, and Peter were climbing out of the car while Roja removed their belongings. Peter rushed over enthusiastically. His initial stuffed shirt appearance on the aircraft was now at complete odds with his serviceable trousers, shirt, and jacket, obviously chosen with regard to the terrain and the climate.

“This is the end of this leg of the journey. From here on, we’re on foot; I hope no one is wearing new boots. Everyone gather up your gear and meet us over there.” Peter pointed to the field near the outskirts of the jungle. He smiled boyishly and spoke a few words to the driver of their vehicle before he departed.

“On foot? I can’t believe it!” Rita exclaimed.

It made sense to Nicky. The most important finds were usually in places that people only got to on foot. A spark of excitement began to grow inside her as she contemplated the trek ahead. Although she had renounced this way of life, it did call to her on a very primitive level.

“We’re really going to walk the rest of the way?” Rita had apparently not had a very accurate perception of what the trip would entail.

Without a word, Nicky picked up her gear and walked toward Eric who was standing alone, looking over the jungle in front of him. She was still smarting from Rita’s uncalled for accusation. Perhaps she’s the one who’s interested in Harry. Looking behind her, she saw Rita struggling with three pieces of baggage and smiled at the sight. Surely, she must have gotten the memo about packing light, especially in this terrain. Unable to suppress the smile spreading across her face, she didn’t catch the sneer that Rita gave her as she turned away and walked over to her uncle.

He grinned as he pulled her into his wide shoulder with his arm around her own much smaller ones. “Hey, Sprite, how was your trip?”

“No problem,” Nicky lied. She didn’t want any trouble and by talking about Rita’s snide comments someone might construe into meaning she cared about what Rita had implied.

He waved his free hand toward the dense stand of trees before them. “It’s a beautiful sight, isn’t it? I miss all this, Nicky.”

“Yes, it’s very beautiful, and I know you miss it, but you’re here now and the odd occasion is better than none at all.” Nicky had known the man all her life and it always seemed to her that one day, when he was ancient, he would just fail to come back from one of his trips. That hadn’t happened; he had found out that a heart condition would severely curtail some of his more adventurous journeys. It surprised her that he had been selected for this particular trip, but she figured the company knew best.

“I never thought I’d have to go back to what they call the civilized world, you know. I expected that one day I just wouldn’t make it back.”

Nicky quickly looked at him. Is he reading my mind? Then she gave him a warm hug of understanding.

“What about you, Nicky?” Eric didn’t glance down, he didn’t need to. He knew that she was looking anywhere but at him.

There was no use prevaricating, she knew what he meant and, to the best of her knowledge, she had never lied to him. He had always been a very caring man and was there for her when she was a child. Often times when her parents were preoccupied with some new find, he would listen to her when she needed an adult to talk to. Then, as Abby became older, she became the adult figure for Nicky. Now she was alone and had to provide her own counsel.

“Sometimes I miss all this,” she admitted, waving a hand at the jungle. “Then I look at what I have and the stability I’ve found, and it reminds me of how unpredictable my life was back then.”

Eric Lasser smiled; he knew she was trying to convince herself that was the truth. He had seen enough in his life to know when someone had explorer’s blood running through their veins. Her parents bordered on the fanatic, and he knew Nicky was close to that even if she didn’t see it. When she’d left the camp for the last time ten years earlier, they had never expected her not to return…after all, it was just a phase she was going through. Her parents still held a glimmer of hope that she would return one day, but as the months stretched into years, that hoped dimmed to a tiny flicker. This will be an interesting trip; maybe the exploration bug will hit again. Perhaps when Nicky finds herself at home, it won’t be an apartment in a cement jungle, but in Mother Nature’s jungle. “Some people thrive on the unpredictable, Nicky. Take Harry, for instance.”


“Yes, Harry. She lives in the world of the corporate jungle where jackal eats jackal, although I think in Harry’s case, she might actually be one of the few true lions of that breed called executives.”

Nicky laughed softly as he described the commercial world in the only way he knew, as nature had set it up. Actually, if she thought about it, there was a great deal of truth in the scenario…except maybe Harry. She saw her as a panther, with sleek lines that could outrun everyone. She shook her head as she wondered where that thought had come from. Must be the heat. “I guess I’d rather have the sedate these days.”

“You might change your mind.” He grinned down at her as they heard someone approaching. Turning, they came face to face with the feline herself, Harriet Aristides, who was looking none to happy.

“Eric, why didn’t you tell me that we were going some of the way on foot and that I’d have to carry my own baggage? Do you know how long I’m going to last in this heat?”

Nicky had to glance down at her feet again and reprimand herself for laughing, but she couldn’t help it. The other woman’s face was a picture. Yep, it’s evident that Harry isn’t on speaking terms with Mother Nature.

“You find something funny, Ms. Ralston?”

Nicky looked up when her name was mentioned and was immediately snared by cold blue eyes. It only made her snort in laughter as she thought of what Rita Lawrence had said about her and Harry. Not a chance in hell with the look she’s giving me.

“Why, nothing, Ms. Aristides.”

Harry flicked back a stray bang and turned back to Eric in disgust.

Eric gave her a smile. “Didn’t you read the notes that were given to us before we left?” He waited as he saw the concentration flood her face, as she tried to decide whether or not she had received the information.

“I wasn’t…that is, I don’t recall having any notes.”

No one spoke for a few seconds then unexpectedly, Nicky did. “Ms. Aristides, it was from Seth Roland marked ‘team essentials’.”

Harry gave the younger woman a perplexed look and considered what she’d said. She had received an envelope marked team essentials but she had been so preoccupied with ensuring that everything would run smoothly in her absence, she had basically dismissed it as irrelevant to her as she was an observer only.

“I see. Then of course, yes, I did. Obviously, I did not read it.” She gave both Nicky and Eric a long glance and then shrugged. “I’m sorry, Eric. I think I’ve over packed.”

The large man gave her a wide grin, stroking his chin as he exaggerated his contemplation of her problem. “Looks like you’re in luck, Harry, Nicky and I packed light, as all well brought up explorers’ children learn from…two days old, I think. Isn’t that right, Nicky?”

“Yeah, goes with the territory.” She smiled at him, knowing that she was being asked in a discreet way to help.

“I don’t expect you to carry any of my baggage!” Harry’s voice raised just a fraction in annoyance for being less than efficient in reading her mail.

“Really? Well in that case….” He turned away and heard her snort in disgust at her predicament.

“I guess I could do with a hand or two, thank you both.” Harry’s eyes reflected her genuine appreciation.

“We had better deal with that now, then. I suspect Peter and Roja will want to move on quickly.”

Harriet never accepted help readily from anyone and yet, all at once she had to accept it from two people. Abby was right; I’d never make a decent field person. Standing in the clearing of the jungle on the anniversary of her beloved’s death, the memory hit her hard, the loss, palpable. Why take her away? She was so young, had so very much to live for.

“Ms Aristides, are you…” Nicky stopped as she saw the pain throbbing in the pale blue eyes of the woman who appeared, to many, invincible. What people tended to forget was that whatever one did in life, they were still human and everyone pretty much ran the gamut of the same emotions and experiences, just in different ways.

“I’m fine!”

Nicky knew differently and she knew why, too. If only she could get up the nerve to talk to Harry about Abby. I wonder what she would say if she knew? I need to find a way to tell her before we arrive at the site. Oh, Harry, I know your pain. If only I could let you know. There has to be a way and I’ll find it. I must.

Once everyone was ready, the team headed out, with each member lost in his or her own thoughts and expectations. The expedition could make or break any of them, and they all knew it. Soon each of them would hold the promise of a great discovery in their hands. As individuals, none would succeed; only as a team would success be theirs.