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1. Give equivalents of the following:

Преуспевать, поживать; прихожане, приход; насчитывать, составлять; обнаружить, сообщить (2); конфессия; иметь тенденцию; прихожанин; модель; выплачивать ипотечный кредит; мирской, светский; справляться; община; заниматься, решать (проблему); произойти вследствие; результат; духовенство; быть распространенным, обычным; на фоне; преподобный; священник; модернизировать; вера (2); Армия Спасения; посещаемость; поклонение, культ; обнародовать, сообщить.

2. Find synonyms in the text:

Cult, veneration; Sunday mass; priesthood; confession; people attending church, parishioners; model; against the background; parishioner, person who attends church regularly; to have a tendency; to pay off the credit; results; to depend on; to reveal; to handle, to deal with (2); group of people confessing one religion; to be typical; to amount to; to modernize, to update; priest (2); to get along, to succeed; lay, mundane; belief; number of people present; deliverance, rescue; to announce; to go to service, to be present at service.

3. Translate into English:

1. Пытаясь справиться с ситуацией, духовенство организует различные мероприятия, чтобы привлечь молодежь на богослужения. 2. В прошлом году представители этой конфессии сообщили о росте количества их прихожан на территории России. 3. Приход Православной церкви в нашем районе насчитывает десять тысяч человек. 4. Мой начальник – прихожанин, регулярно посещающий церковь. Он не пропускает ни одной воскресной службы. 5. Католическая община, к которой он принадлежит, помогла Джеку выплатить кредит за жилье. 6. Вчера были обнародованы результаты исследования, которое показало, что, хотя дела идут неважно у всех конфессий, Англиканская церковь переживает еще более тяжелые времена. 7. Преподобный Причард всю свою жизнь провел священником в небольшой приморской деревушке на востоке Шотландии. 8. В современном светском обществе практически не осталось места для веры, поэтому количество прихожан по всему миру сокращается. 9. Низкая посещаемость церкви типична для современного мира. 10. Изменение модели посещаемости церкви происходит вследствие изменения образа жизни общества. 11. На фоне общего снижения интереса к религии, результаты исследования кажутся катастрофическими. 12. Кризисы обычно приводят к увеличению количества людей, посещающих церковь. 13. В современном мире вера необязательно выражается в регулярном посещении церкви. 14. Духовенство бьет тревогу, так как по результатам последней переписи количество прихожан различных сект значительно возросло.

4. Translate the underlined passages. Listening 6.1. Archbishop says Christmas story a legend

Listen and fill in the gaps.

Part 1

TONY EASTLEY: Just four days out from one of the ________days for the Christian ____________ and the head of the _________________ Church has said that not all Christians need believe in the _____________. The _______________ of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has also described the story of the _________________ as nothing but a legend. Some Australian Bishops have welcomed the comments as a chance to discuss the details of their faith, but others say the timing could have been a bit better. Part 2

Michael Vincent reports. MICHAEL VINCENT: It's the traditional story surrounding Christmas Day. _________ was born in a manger, he was visited by three ____________, and they'd followed a _______________ to find him in Bethlehem. Not quite true according to the head of the Anglican Church, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams. ROWAN WILLIAMS: Well, Matthew's ____________ doesn't tell us that there were three of them. Doesn't tell us they were kings, doesn't tell us where they came from. It says they're astrologers, wise men, _____________from somewhere outside the Roman Empire. That's all we're really told, so yeah, The Three Kings with the one from Africa, that's legend. It works quite well as legend. Part 3

ROWAN WILLIAMS: I don't want to set it as ________________ people have to get over before they can, you know, be signed up. But I think a few people would say that as time goes on, they get a sense, a deeper sense of what the virgin birth is about. I'd say that of myself, that I - 30 years ago I_______________________I wasn't too fussed about it. Now I see it much more dove turning with the rest of what I believe about the story, and yes. ***. PAT POWER: I've got the highest respect for Archbishop Rowan Williams, I think he's very well articulated the _____________. I don't know that the context in which he's made these statements but I'd just say that they are the sort of statements I think I would make and I think sometimes they can be unhelpful if they're just presented in such a way that can appear to be somewhat_________________, I think, to people's traditional beliefs. MICHAEL VINCENT: But the Anglican _______________ in Australia, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, has defended Dr Williams. He says knowing that Christ ____________________in December shouldn't be threatening to Christians.

Part 4 STEPHANIE KENNEDY: And what about that other person who's become an icon on December the 25th? The Archbishop of Canterbury was also asked on the BBC about believing in ______________. This was Dr Williams' very brief response. ROWAN WILLIAMS: This belief in Santa doesn't ______________, it doesn't generate art, it doesn't generate imagination. Believing in God is a bit bigger than that. TONY EASTLEY: The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, ending Michael Vincent's report. And we tried to contact the head of the Catholic Church in Australia, the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, on these weighty _____________________ issues, however _____________________was busy with official duties.

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