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Тексты и задания к ним.docx
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II. Подберите определение для каждого термина:

1. heritage

a) all people born at about the same time

2. welfare

b) things such as works of art, cultural achievements and customs that have been passed on from earlier generations

3. divorce

c) belief in the principle that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men

4. generation

d) the good health, happiness, comfort, etc. of a person or group

5. feminism

e) to end one’s marriage to somebody by legal means

III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) in b) at c) for d) to f) up:

1. She is very devoted … her parents.

2. You are very ungrateful. I’ve invested so much … you.

3. She lives only … her children.

4. Most parents bring … their children without teaching them what the Bible has to say.

5. You satisfy your desires … the expense of your family.

IV. Укажите, на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (y), а на какие нет (n):

1. What do people ,who believe in God, desire for their children?

2. Who are the happiest persons on earth?

3. What is the first weapon in the war against the family today?

4. What does the Bible say about the family?

5. What do children need?

V. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. One of the weapon against the family

a) at the expense of their families.

2. Happy people consider home

b) is to bring up godly children.

3. The result of divorce is

c) is the feminist revolution.

4. Men satisfy their physical desires

d) as a shelter to which you run from the troubles of this world.

5. One of the obligation of the parents

e) that children feel doubt about the possibility of love, for fear they will be hurt again.

Unit II Student’s life Text a Entering the University

Hello, my name is George. I live in Los Angeles, but I study in Minnesota University. Nothing gives my father greater satisfaction now than seeing me educated. I sponsored three of my brothers through University. For all of us the experience is like being given a torchlight in a deep dark well.

My father learnt to read at the age of seventy. We have now broken the circle of darkness called illiteracy. I like to study, but I have problems with a place to live. That’s why before entering the University I got the information about University accommodation. If you are in a strange town and new to student’s life, halls of residence can offer the ideal accommodation solution. You’ll meet other students, many of whom will be in the same position as you. Some colleges will automatically send you an accommodation application form, but others won’t. Make sure you understand the procedures.

- Contact the accommodation office as soon as possible to see if you are eligible for college-owned accommodation. Most establishments regard first-year students as a priority.

- Go and visit if you can. Find out what’s available and what facilities are on offer. These vary, but generally you can expect a laundry, a telephone and shared cooking facilities.

- Rooms tend to be single occupancy, but some colleges offer flat-share facilities. Most rooms will have a washbasin, but you may have to share a bathroom. Some halls have their own refectory in addition to the college canteen particularly in located off-campus.

- Once you’ve been offered a place make sure that you’ll be taking it.

- Be aware that some universities and colleges will require you to commit to accommodations in halls for a year at a time.

I. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) on offer b) contact c) tends to d) at a time e) regard:

1. I can learn only twenty words ... .

2. What models are ... now?

3. Don’t always believe him, he ... exaggerate the facts.

4. To get this information you should ... our executive manager.

5. I think you are the best of my students, I ... you as my disciple.

II. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. offer

a) the circle

2. application

b) satisfaction

3. break

c) solution

4. give

d) sure

5. make

e) form