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What is nonverbal communication.doc
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Nonverbal Communication in Britain

T he handshake is the common form of greeting.

There is some protocol to follow when introducing people in a business: Introduce a younger person to an older person. Introduce a person of lower status to a person of higher status. When two people are of similar age and rank, introduce the one you know better to the other person.

Hugging, kissing and touching is usually reserved for family members and very close friends.

The British like a certain amount of personal space. Do not stand too close to another person or put your arm around someone's shoulder.

Staring is considered rude, and makes people feel uncomfortable.

If you hold up two fingers in a ‘v’ sign and the palm is facing inward it means ‘up yours’.

Nonverbal Communication in the u.S.A

G reetings are casual and quite informal - A handshake, a smile, and 'hello'.

Stand while being introduced. Only the elderly, the ill and physically unable persons remain seated while greeting or being introduced.

Handshakes are usually brief. Light handshakes are considered distasteful. Use a firm grip. Eye contact is important when shaking someone’s hand.

Keep your distance when conversing. Americans are generally uncomfortable with same-sex touching, especially between males.

Americans smile a great deal, even at strangers. They like to have their smiles returned.

Men and women will sit with legs crossed at the ankles or knees, or one ankle crossed on the knee.

It is considered rude to stare, ask questions or otherwise bring attention to someone's disability.

Arrive on time for meetings since time and punctuality are so important to Americans.