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Ex. 1 Answer the following questions using the text.

1. Where do conflicts occur?

2. Why is conflict dangerous?

3. What are the benefits of conflict?

4. What are the non-productive ways to handle conflicts?

5. Why is avoidance of conflict unproductive in solving a conflict situation?

6. How can empathy help a person to find a way out of a conflict situation?

7. Why should one let the other party express what is on their minds?

8. What is the purpose of developing several possible solutions to one problem?

9. What is the final stage of a problem-solving process that makes it conflict-free and acceptable to all?

10. Have you ever tried to apply any of these techniques to settle a conflict situation? If yes, what were the results?

Ex. 2. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false.

1. A conflict can’t be productive.

2. It is necessary to be able to settle conflicts to keep good relations with people.

3. The most common reaction to the conflict is to avoid or deny it.

4. If you make other person take the blame you win in a conflict and settle the disagreement.

5. Some people need the conflict to let their competitive instinct out.

6. Empathy is letting the other person understand that you are angry with him.

7. If you find something positive to say to the person who is not satisfied with your actions it will help to resolve the conflict.

8. When you have identified the problem make the others accept your solution.

9. Each problem has only one possible solution from the start.

10. When you decide on the best solution, be ready for a compromise.

Ex.3. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. This plan is said to be feasible. 2. We don’t want him to be upset by the news. 3. The government is known to have adopted a new law. 4. Your prompt reply will be appreciated. 5. What are your sales techniques? 6. They blamed her for the accident. 7. The agreement was signed but its terms were never implemented. 8. The department has overspent this year and we will have to cut down our expenses. 9. We hoped for a bigger response to our appeal. 10. There are different ways of resolving conflict.11. She caused me a lot of trouble.

Ex.4. Translate the following word combinations from Russian into English.

В ответ на Ваше письмо от 2 апреля; расстроить чьи-либо планы; использовать новые методы продажи; быть причиной конфликта; реальный план; взять на себя вину; осуществить план; отрицать участие в конфликте; принять важную резолюцию; ценить взаимопонимание; за счет своего здоровья.

Ex.5. Complete the following sentences using the necessary prepositions.

1. They want me to cut … my article. 2. Some people try to win … the other’s expense. 3. Their order was cancelled … response … the letter. 4. Who did he put the blame … ? 5. She was upset … her son’s behaviour. 6. Nobody knew the cause … their quarrel. 7. One can’t blame him … refusing. 8. She denied … being there.

Ex.6. Insert the missing words. Use your active vocabulary.

1. The accident … at about 3.30 p.m. 2. I’ll … any information you can give me. 3. Both firms … any responsibility for the tragedy. 4. They are trying to put the … on us. 5. The company promises to … problems within 30 days. 6. They managed to determine the … of the crash. 7. A powerful computer is worth the … if you use it regularly. 8. It’s quite … that we’ll get the money. 9. He … a new economic plan. 10. We received 400 applications in … to one job advertisement. 11. She feels … that we didn’t tell her the truth.

Ex.7. Paraphrase the following words and expressions using your active vocabulary.

1. an answer

2. to put into effect

3. to happen

4. to accept

5. a method

6. a reason

7. capable of being done

8. to suppose

9. to value highly

10.to settle

Ex. 8. Rewrite the following sentences using Complex Subject.

1. The partners will appreciate their plan (expect).

2. The new approach is used in management quite often (know)

3. The cause of the their conflict was unfair promotion (suppose)

4. He has much experience in conflict resolution (say)

5. He is responsible for collecting information for this report (consider)

6. We have counted the expenses and they are very high (estimate)

7. The newspapers say Shell took the blame for the disaster in the Mexican Gulf (report)

8. Managers think empathy is a very efficient technique of conflict prevention (believe)

9. The new law adopted on Friday is very strict to careless drivers (say)

10. We think that the plan is feasible (presume)

11.He is developing a new advertising campaign now (think)

Ex. 9. Put the verbs into the right form.

1. They made him (take) the blame for this mistake.

2. She was made (rewrite) the report.

3. Let them (speak) at the conference.

4. I want this conflict (resolve) by these employees themselves.

5. We expected the strategy (implement) the following year.

6. I watched her (open) the secret files of our financial department.

7. The boss saw the junior managers (play) computer games and got furious.

8. Don’t make me (shout) at you, start working at once.

9. We want you (tell) us what caused the breakdown of your machines.

10. They didn’t want to make any problems (occur) to their customers because of the mistakes of the test department.

Ex.10. Complete the sentences using So or Such (Such a).

1. The plan was … attractive that we decided to start work immediately.

2. Our new boss is … … strict person- he hates when someone is late for the meeting.

3. It is … … beautiful day, let’s have tea on the verandah.

4. … style of communication will never help you to win friends at work.

5. She looked … frustrated that I came up to ask if I could help.

6. This project really means … much to me that I would do anything to implement it!

7. … weather always makes people feel depressed and bored.

8. I didn’t expect this conflict to cause you … much pain.

9. I wouldn’t say … things to your friend even if he was wrong.

10. He denied his fault … actively that I really believed he was not to blame.

Ex.11. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Говорят, что они полностью выполнили соглашение. 2. Мы ожидали, что они будут отрицать существование конфликта. 3. Известно, что ученые приняли новую теорию. 4. Мы высоко оценили их помощь. 5. Я полагаю, что вполне реально сократить расходы. 6. Мы не хотим, чтобы он взял на себя вину за то, что случилось. 7. Он решил применить абсолютно новые методы в исследовании этого рынка. 8.Я пишу в ответ на Ваше письмо от 23 марта. 9. Он был расстроен, так как не знал, что вызвало разногласия. 10. Известно, что большинство проблем решается при обсуждении.

Ex.12. Read the following dialogue:

Harry and Ben are working for Сustomer Service Department of a large trading company in Manchester. The CEO is reported to be improving the performance of the staff.

Harry: This is impossible! I just can’t make myself do it!

Ben: What’s the matter? You seem to be upset by something.

Harry: Upset?! Frustrated! I was at the meeting at the CEO’s office and learned about the new performance appraisal system our bosses are going to adopt.

Ben: They are said to be planning to implement some new strategies to show how they appreciate our good work.

Harry: That’s what they are expected to do. You should know that if any trouble with customer service occurs the blame is always put on us. The bosses always deny they have made a mistake!

Ben: They make us implement lots of unfeasible projects instead of letting us deal with customer complaints and encouraging our own initiative.

Harry: Precisely! By the way, have you seen the Training Manager bring a heap of questionnaires into the room? He wants us to fill them in to get the idea of our team spirit. That will let him arrange another stupid team building seminar to waste our time!

Ben: Yes, and after that he is going to present his innovative project and get a bonus for hard work made at our expense.

Harry: Why don’t our bosses let us do our job in peace and quiet instead of persuading us to answer the stupid questions and attend time-consuming meetings? Our performance can be ten times higher if we are not put pressure on.

Ben: Look, Harry! What about dropping in at a nice pub after work? We really need to relax a little over a nice pint of ale.

Harry: Unfortunately, it won’t resolve all the conflicts in our department. We are supposed to realize all the bosses’ stupid projects even if we consider them to be unfeasible or pointless.

Ben: Rule 1: Bosses are assumed to be right; and if they are not, see point 1. Take it easy, old boy, we’ll survive.


1. appraisal – оценка

2. heap – масса, множество

Answer the questions based on the dialogue:

1. Why does Harry seem to be upset?

2. What is the purpose of introducing the performance appraisal system?

3. What is Ben’s attitude to this innovation?

4. How do their bosses usually respond to the problems?

5. What does the management make the staff do?

6. Why has the Training Manager brought the questionnaires to the office?

7. When is the staff performance considered to be higher?

8. Do you agree with office rule 1 quoted by Ben? What are the employees supposed to do? What is the boss expected to make and let them do?

Make up a dialogue on the following assignment:

A.: You are a trainee at a large software company. Your trial period has come to an end, you suppose you have shown good results. You expect to be promoted. But the boss doesn’t seem to notice you. You told the boss that you are undervalued. He/ she got angry. Speak to the company HR manager.

B.: You are the HR manager. Give the young employee recommendations how to handle this conflict but remind him/ her about the office promotion policy.