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Экзаменационные ответы для стоматологов (1).doc
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About Myself

  1. Where are you from?

I am from Saint-Petersburg.

  1. What do you do?

I am a student.

Where do you study?

I study at Pavlov State Medical University.

  1. What faculties are there at the University?

The University has following faculties: the faculty of Medicine, the faculty of Stomatology, the

faculty of Sports Medicine as well as the faculty of Higher Nursing Education.

What faculty do you study at?

I study at the faculty of Stomatology.

  1. Why do you want to be a doctor?

I want to be a doctor because I want to help people to be healthy.

  1. When was the University founded?

The University was founded in 1897 as Women’s Medical Institute.

  1. What are the admission requirements for entering the University?

To be admitted to the University, an applicant should hand in his certificate of education and application for admission. Then, he should pass his competitive entrance examinations successfully.

  1. What subjects do the students of the University study?

The students of the University study such basic sciences as Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, and such clinical subjects as Therapy, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  1. What is you favorite subject and why?

My favorite subject is Anatomy because it is very close to my future profession.

  1. What do you usually do in your free time?

In my free time I usually get ready for my classes. I go to the library or read at home. If I have enough time I may go to the cinema. In the evening I usually read books, listen to music, or watch TV.

  1. What can you tell us about your family?

There are three of us: my mother, my father, and me. My mother is an accountant, my father is a driver. I have not got any sisters or brothers.

Structure of the Human Body

  1. What is the fundamental unit of every living thing?

The fundamental unit of every living thing is a cell. Every tissue, every organ is made up of the cells. Each cell consists of cell membrane, nucleus, chromosomes, cytoplasm, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum.

  1. What kinds of tissues are there in the human body?

There are bony tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, nerve tissue, epithelial tissue and others.

  1. What main systems of the human body do you know?

I know muscular system, skeletal system, nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, digestive system, and reproductive system. Besides, there are endocrine, lymphatic, and immune systems.

  1. Where does the brain (heart, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bladder) lie and what body system does it belong?

The brain lies in the skull and it belongs to the central nervous system.

The heart lies in the chest and it belongs to the cardiovascular system.

The stomach (liver, gallbladder, pancreas) lies in the abdomen and it belongs to the digestive system.

The bladder lies in the abdomen and it belongs to the urinary system.

  1. Where do the lungs (intestines, kidneys) lie and what body system do they belong to?

The lungs lie in the chest and they belong to the respiratory system.

The intestines lie in the abdomen and they belong to the digestive system.

The kidneys lie in the abdomen and they belong to the urinary system.

  1. What joints connecting the bones do you know?

I know shoulder joint, elbow, wrist, knuckles, coxofemoral joint, knee, ankle and others.

  1. What are the five senses of a human being?

A human being has five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

  1. What are the organs of speech?

The organs of speech are tongue, uvula, vocal cords, lips, teeth, palates and cheeks.

  1. What are the parts of the upper (lower) limb?

The parts of the upper limb are upper arm, forearm, and hand.

The parts of the lower limb are thigh, shin, and foot.

  1. What can you tell us about the teeth?

There are two sets of the teeth: deciduous and permanent. A normal man has 32 permanent teeth: eight incisors, four cuspids, eight bicuspids, and twelve molars.