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реферат по английскому языку.doc
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московский государственный Университет Припоростроения и информатики

Кафедра «Иностранного языка»

Реферат по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» на тему: «The Essence of Manager's Job»

Выполнила: Студентка 2 курса Группы УП3-1001(д) Янченко Юлия Витальевна

Проверил: Преподаватель Ватлина Татьяна Николаевна



Contents 2

Management 2

Henri Fayol 4

Peter Drucker 5

Management of the XX century and Frederick W. Taylor 7

Conclusion 9


Our society is made up of all kinds of organizations, such as companies, government departments, unions, hospitals, schools, libraries and so on. And all of us depend on such specialized institutions and organizations. They are essential to our existence, helping to create our standard of living and our quality of life, they provide the goods and services we desire. And all of these organizations are guided by individuals designated as “managers”. There are managers in every kind of human organization. We can hardly speak of any kind of operation being organized without a group of people under managers. Managers exist not only in business, but also they are found in large numbers in government agencies, hospitals, churches and universities. In all these organization there are people carrying out the work of a manager although they do not have that title. Presidents, vise presidents, department directors, chancellors, deans, bishops, pastors are all managers. They have e responsibility to use the resources of their organization effectively and economically to achieve its objectives. We must make a conclusion that any organized group, even the smallest, needs a manager. We can’t imagine a business working successfully without managers. Managers are needed whether a business is small or large. We can then define a manager as someone responsible for the performance of one or more persons who report to him or her.

So as I’ve already stated, our society consists of many organizations that are guided and directed by the decisions of managers. In that case it’s very important to learn management. And learning about management is important for two reasons. First, we all depend on manager’s decisions and work. Managers have the authority and responsibility to build safe or unsafe products, seek war or peace, build or destroy cities, clean up or pollute the environment. Managers establish the conditions under which we are provided jobs, incomes, lifestyles, products, services, protection, health care and knowledge. It would be very difficult to find anyone who is neither a manager not affected by the decisions of a manager.

Second, individuals not trained as managers often find themselves in managerial positions. Many individuals presently being trained to be teachers, accountants, musicians, salespersons, artists, physicians, or lawyers will one day earn their livings as managers. They will manage schools, accounting firms, orchestras, sales organization, museums, hospitals, and government agencies.

But are there certain activities common to all managers? Can we define the task of a manager?