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        1. Find Russian equivalents for the following English phrases:

to foster smth., the realm of, to contribute to smth., to highlight smth., to run one's course, business concerns, strong central government, shares of enterprise, to meet the competition, double-entry bookkeeping, the quality of life, to have a profound effect on smth.

        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

Благоприятствовать чему-либо (взращивать, питать что-либо), наделять что-либо (положительной) ценностью (приписывать чему-либо (положительную) ценность), быть конкурентоспособным, имеющий правительственную поддержку, конкурировать с кем-либо, это невозможно переоценить, качество жизни, кроме чего-либо, иметь значительное влияние (глубоко повлиять) на что-либо, стимулы изменений, управляться с чем-либо, выделить средства на что-либо (субсидировать что-либо), по существу (в основе своей), относительно, автоматизация, систематизация, банкир, двойная бухгалтерия, сильное централизованное правительство, организация массового производства, побуждать кого-либо сделать что-либо, акции предприятия, коммерческие предприятия.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. Why was the Industrial Revolution so important a factor in the development of bureaucracy?

  2. How did powerful merchant interests influence governments of the time?

  3. In what way did the subsidies provided by merchants change the economic and political life of their countries?

  4. How did the Protestant revolt change the worldview of an individual?

  5. What cultural need served as the impetus to mass literacy?

  6. What were the indirect consequences of these new cultural conditions?

  7. What particular Protestant value influenced, though indirectly, bureaucratic development?

  8. What factors urged the course toward economic consolidation?

  9. What did the efficient use of machinery require? What are the extensions of these trends?

  10. How do the inventions and discoveries of the modern era influence the bureaucratic development?

        1. Match the following terms with the respective definitions:

competition, institution, nation-state, market, economic monopoly, holding company, monetary

  1. exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action; a commodity controlled by one party.

  2. relating to money or to the mechanism by which it is supplied to and circulates in the economy.

  3. a form of political organization under which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state; esp.: a state containing one as opposed to several nationalities.

  4. a company whose primary business is holding a controlling interest in the securities of other companies.

  5. the area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and forces of supply and demand affect prices.

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