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        1. Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

Недостатки, терпеть (выносить) что-либо, перед лицом чего-либо, представлять собой проблему, неудачная попытка адаптироваться, национальное правительство, вторгаться (вмешиваться) во что-то, отчужденные (люди), этический, поддерживать порядок, отношения между начальником и подчиненными, развиваться во что-то, действовать в определенных условиях, приспособиться к изменениям; удовлетворять требованиям, предъявляемым к чему-либо; поведение, уместное в данной организации; быть жертвой чего-либо, испытывать трудности в каком-либо деле (деятельности), последствия чего-либо, намереваться сделать что-то, хаос, эпоха, предприятие, динозавр, срочность, искать компромисс, деликатность (тонкость, хрупкость), неуправляемые люди.

        1. Answer the questions on the text:

  1. How do the shortcomings and failures of bureaucracy differ in their nature?

  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of following the rules in society and organization?

  3. What are advantages and disadvantages of routinization and fine division of labor?

  4. In what way can attempts at adjusting to changes in the environment influence bureaucracy's work?

  5. What do all of these stresses evoke?

  6. What is the central feature of modern society, according to the author?

  7. What were the most influential developments and innovations in the history of human society, according to the author?

  8. What were the most important social factors that stimulated the beginning of a new epoch 500 years ago?

  9. What are the main characteristics of bureaucracy?

  10. What is the reason for organizations being not completely successful?

  11. What is the profitable way of analyzing bureaucracies?

  12. How are the organization units related to one another?

  13. What factors determine the maximum size of the unit?

  14. What factors serve to validate authority within an organization?

  15. What is characteristic of each of the organizational principles?

        1. Make as many meaningful phrasal verbs as possible, using the propositions from the second column:

          to break


          to bring


          to sign


          to hold


          to put


          to fall

        2. A) Explain the meaning of the following terms in English (using the glossary where possible and a special dictionary):

alienation, urbanism, government, secularism

  1. * Compare the Russian definitions for the following terms (using a special dictionary) with translations you provided for the terms in part (a):

отчуждение, урбанизм, правительство, секуляризм

        1. Comment on the following sentences (provide the illustrations, argue for/ against these statements):

  1. Some of bureaucracies' failures may not be failures so much as they are realities to be lived with.

  2. The world poses problems for which there are no universal solutions.

  3. Among bureaucracies, the effort to strike a balance between order and change is best understood in terms of bounded rationality.

  4. Bureaucracy intrudes into virtually every aspect of every individual's life.

  5. Trade, cities, a complex division of labor, literacy, population concentrations, and inventiveness all re-inforced one another.

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