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Business Studies Coursework2.doc
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Market segmentation

There market is segmented in this is true for walkers as well they prove this in the different ways that they package there different sorts of crisps.

  • Grouped by Ethnicity

  • Grouped by age

  • Grouped by gender

  • Grouped by income

  • Grouped by area

  • Grouped by occupation

The walkers company is split up in to 3 main ranges of crisps they are

  • Core range

  • Healthier snacking

  • Sensations

Crisps have a far more adult consumer profile than snacks

The bias towards adult consumers in Foodservice means that there is a 72% vs. 28% sales split between crisps and snacks and the core range should reflect this balance

This chart shows the number of male and females who consume walkers the data is taken from the primary research we did in class (crispy analyser).As you can see walkers targets both male and female in their target market. More males then females that we asked eat walker 14% more males eat them than females. I suggest to walkers that they mainly focus on the female market a bit more to make the percentage of females that consume walkers grater they could do this by having a celebrity to indorse their product that is well known to females.


A product mix is the different products or services one company provides e.g. Walkers marketing mix is the regular walkers brand along with wotsits, sensations, Doritos and etc.

This chart shows the popularity of all the different flavours of walkers that people eat of the people we survey in the crispy analyser. You can see that by quite a large percentage that salt and vinegar is the most popular flavour out of all of them closely second is cheese and onion. I recommend that walkers eater focus on improving the promotion of the most unpopular flavours for example roast chicken at 3% or they could discontinue the unpopular flavours and focus on selling more of the most popular flavours by for example raising to price of them so that they can get more profit, but this could affect the popularity of them and people would buy less of those flavours.

From this graph it is evident that most people advice Walkers to promote BOGOF type of promoting strategy, when the costumer buys one of their products and gets another one for free. This type of promoting strategy has many advantages. Firstly, it attracts the costumers to buy their product. Secondly, it makes the costumers return after a while and buy some more of their products. And lastly, it creates a very good image for Walkers crisps, which makes it more competitive comparing to the other companies.

It’s very interesting, that the second most popular advice for Walkers crisps was to give out free DVDs. This method is quite, because, again, it attracts the costumers. However, this method also has a very big disadvantage, because the cost of this method might increase the costs of the Walkers Company it spends on promotion. From my own point of view, method of using coupons is more effective and I have a number of reasons for that.

First of all, it doesn’t cause high costs to the company. It attracts the costumers to collect a certain number of coupons in order to win the prize, which could be anything. It is a good method of promotion, because as people as it attracts people to collect more coupons, it attracts them to buy more of their products. This might cause an increase of the popularity of Walkers crisps as well as the increase of profits.

Giving people samples is also a good way of attracting the costumers, but it might be a very costly method of promotion for the company.

Use of scratching cars as a method of promoting Walkers products, could also be seen very attractive, as it gives people a chance to play the lottery and probably win something. For some people, even though they haven’t won anything yet, the fact that they can win something is already attractive. Further more, these people might also like the taste of Walkers crisps and become addictive to it, because they will want to buy more and more crisps with its scratching cards , which give them an opportunity to play and win something. With scratching cards, the process becomes cheaper, because not every card gives a costumer an opportunity to win something. However, if they company advertises and says, that the number of prizes they can get is limited, this might create even more interest from the side of costumers, as they will want to be one of those lucky people who can win something. This can also be a very good method of promotion, because most people will be interested in buying Walkers crisps rather than any others, which might make Walkers more competitive on the market. Methods of competition might be very suitable and effective for Walkers crisps as it shares more than a half of the amount of snacks market.

Although, Walkers has a number of very good promoting methods, which people know about, there are still some weaknesses. Due to its popularity, Walkers sometimes doesn’t advertise their products as much as the other brands do. On one hand tt is very logic to do so, because this decreases the costs of promotion but people still buy the crisps. On the other hand Walkers needs to remember that there’s still a number of people who come from the other countries or parts of England who don’t know much about Walkers crisps. This lack of advertisements might decrease the popularity of Walkers crisps in the other parts of England and throughout the world, which might have effect the profits of Walkers crisps in the future.

Because it’s not very comfortable to use pie chart to show the percentage of people who like Walkers, I decided to plot this diagram. The diagram below shows the percentage of people who like Walkers and other brand crisps.

The product life cycle is the development and launch of a company and over time how it has matured and grown, also it is the saturation of a company or the decline and withdrawal.