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59. Unscramble the words from the text in column a and find their Russian equivalents in column b.

Column A

Column B

  1. Aobst

  1. Вежливость

  1. Arrgtens

  1. Замок

  1. Eequu

  1. Иностранец

  1. Eocurtsy

  1. Квартира

  1. Eoreifgnr

  1. Незнакомец

  1. Gaalgeun

  1. Очередь

  1. Gkisrtinefautre

  1. Поведение

  1. Hneigorbu

  1. Поразительная черта

  1. Ivhaeboiu

  1. Рассматривать

  1. Korolveo

  1. Скрывать

  1. Lanocce

  1. Скрытный

  1. Lecast

  1. Сосед

  1. Mrtpaaent

  1. Хвастаться

  1. Rdveesre

  1. Язык

60. Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian word combinations and phrases:

1. например; 2. на завтрак; 3. пара вещей; 4. прошу прощения; 5. уступить место; 6. и так далее; 7. убедиться; 8. пройти без очереди; 9. хранить традиции; 10. увлекаться; 11. норма поведения; 12. многоквартирный дом.

* * *

D i s c u s s i o n

61. Tell whether these statements are t (true), f (false) or nm (not-mentioned).

  1. British people are very emotional and passionate.

  2. British people don’t like the fact that their parliament has a long history.

  3. British people are naturally polite and courteous.

  4. British people are lazy.

  5. The British are fed up with saying “Thank you!”, I’m sorry!” etc.

  6. The British usually jump the queue.

  7. British people are interested in sports.

  8. The Englishman prefers to live in a castle.

  9. Usually British people prefer coffee to tea.

  10. British never conceal their knowledge.

  11. English people think that Australians often whine.

62. Complete the following sentences:

  1. One of the most striking features of English life is …

  2. It may be illustrated by …

  3. British people are famous for …

  4. British people don’t like …

  5. Most British people expect …

  6. Sometimes a British person conceals his knowledge because…

  7. The Englishman prefers his own house to an apartment because …

  8. The traditional love of English people for … is well known.

63. Final discussion on the text.

  1. Enumerate the striking features of English life. May they be considered typical for all cultures? What are characteristic features of Russian people?

  2. How can you explain constant politeness of British people? Is it the result of excellent upbringing or anything else?

  3. What are other ways of expressing oneself without boasting and showing off?

  4. Do you agree that a person’s home is a reflection of his personality?

  5. Does living in a private house have only advantages?

64. Comment upon the following utterances:

  • “One can acquire everything in solitude except character. “ (Stendhal)

  • “Every man has three characters – that which he exhibits, that which he thinks he has and that which he really has. “ (Alphonse Kan)

  • “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” (Anonymous)

65. Tell about Russian character. What kind of personality is a typical Russian? What myths and stereotypes about Russians do you know?

* * *

C o n c l u s i o n s