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  1. Watching the film

Watch the film “Peaceful warrior”.

1). Make a list of sports terms mentioned.

2). Speak about the goal of sport using examples from the film.

  1. Project

Create a virtual sport centre. Decide what facilities it offers to the clients, its name, logo, motto. Role play the inauguration of your centre. Make a presentation playing different roles.


Topic 1. Pastimes, hobbies

1. Warm-up

Pair work.

Ask and answer:

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Do you have any hobbies?

Do you attend any courses?

2. Listening for gist

Listen to six speakers (SL: U6 B, p27).

Match each person with a question.

  1. What do you like doing on Saturdays?

  2. What did you do last weekend?

  3. How long have you been doing tae kwon-do?

  4. What are you going to buy?

  5. When are you meeting Denise and Dave?

  6. What would your perfect Saturday be like?

3. Listening for details

1) You are going to listen to six young people talking about free-time activities. Before you listen, write down some key words you might expect to hear for each option.

  1. You hear a girl talking about what she and her friends did last night. What did they see?

A. a play ___________________________________

В. a pop group ____________________________

С. a film ____________________________________

  1. You hear a boy talking about his plans. What is he going to do on Saturday?

A. play computer games ________________________

В. listen to music ____________________________

С. visit his grandparents _________________________

  1. You hear a girl talking about her hobby. What does she probably collect?

A. autographs ________________________________

В. postcards ___________________________________

С. stamps ____________________________________

  1. You hear a boy talking about reading. What does he like reading?

A. comics _______________________________________

В. newspapers ____________________________________

С. adventure stories ________________________________

  1. You hear a young woman talking about what she does in her spare time. What does she do?

A. sing __________________________________________

В. dance __________________________________________

С. write poetry ____________________________________

  1. You overhear a boy talking on his mobile phone. Where is he going to meet his friends?

A. in a café _________________________________________

В. in the town centre ___________________________

С. outside the library _______________________

Now listen to the young people (SL: U6 E p29). You will hear each person twice. Choose the correct answer.

2) Listen to the conversation of the head of courses with future students (PT RSE: T3 1). Choose the best answer.

А. Carol wants to

1) work out the new timetable.

2) make a list of courses.

3) talk about the Centre.

B. The man will get a reduction because he's

1) over 65 years old.

2) unemployed.

3) disabled.

C. Students are allowed to

1) choose which classes of a course to attend.

2) attend the first class before deciding.

3) attend the first three classes before deciding

D. The man is concerned about

1) his inexperience.

2) his age.

3) not liking pottery.

E. The two pottery courses

1) each have classes twice a week.

2) are held on the same days.

3) are held in different weeks.

F. Students on the pottery courses

1) have to bring their own clay and tools.

2) have to bring their own aprons.

3) do not have to bring equipment with them.

G. The man decides

1) to do the Advanced Pottery course.

2) to choose a different course.

3) not to do a course at all.

  1. Lexis

1) Make a list of hobbies people may have nowadays. Mark them as more / less popular.

2) Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

How a hobby can make you angry!

Recently I decided to take up (1) … as a hobby. PHOTOGRAPH

I like taking snaps, but I am not very (2) … SKILL

My snaps are either a complete (3) … for FAIL

technical reasons, or are just not very (4) …First IMAGINE

I decided that to be (5) …, I would have to buy new SUCCESS

equipment. Just then I had an (6) … piece of good EXPECT

luck. A friend who works in a camera shop said she

could sell me a (7) … camera. A customer had VALUE

left it at the shop to be repaired, but there had been

a (8) …, and it was actually for sale. UNDERSTAND

I thought this was a rather (9) … explanation BELIEF

and so I asked her some more questions. She said

she had had a (10) … with the customer and he AGREE

had thrown the camera at her because she disliked his photos!

3) Complete texts with appropriate words from the box.

artistic full-colour print out facing digital scene flash snapshots high-speed capture point

Photography has many uses. Most of us use photographs to save special moments for the future, but scientists can also learn a lot from them. In the nineteenth century, for example, people argued about whether all four of a horse's legs left the ground at the same time when it ran. A man call Eadweard Muybridge took ________ photographs of a horse and proved that all four legs were indeed off the ground at the same moment.

The ordinary camera that uses film seems to be a thing of the past. These days, more and more people are using ________ cameras to _______ those unforgettable moments. In ten years' time, we'll all be taking pictures that we then put on our computers to ________ or to send around the world by e-mail. The cameras will get better and cheaper, and the world of photography will never be the same again!

Is your album full of boring _______? Taking good photographs is a lot easier than you might think. The secret is to find new ways of looking at an ordinary _______. If you're taking a picture of a building, what happens if you look up? Or perhaps the back of the building is more interesting than the front. Photography is about surprises and discovering new points of view.

Before buying a camera, it's important to decide what you're going to use it for. Do you want to take quick photos of your friends and family? In that case, you should go for a cheap camera that you can keep in your bag or pocket, always ready. Do you want to take ________ pictures? If so, you will probably want to spend a bit more on a more expensive professional camera. A little thought now can help you choose wisely.

Many people hope to simply pick up a camera, ______ it and produce great pictures. Photography is a lot easier than it used to be, but it's still easy to get it wrong. Remember that you should have the sun behind you. Too many people take photographs ________ the sun and then are surprised when there's too much light! Another thing to avoid is taking pictures of something far away in the dark. Your _______ won't help at a distance.

When the Englishman William Henry Fox Talbot first pointed his camera at a window in his home, Lacock Abbey, in 1835, he helped to start a revolution. This was the moment he created the first photograph on paper. His ideas, together with those of other pioneers, including the Frenchmen Daguerre and Niepce, changed things forever. Today's world of ________ images had its beginnings in their experiments.

4) Complete with an appropriate word from the box.

Rules introduced created invented sets board home-made

The two-player game chess is one of the most popular ________ games in the world. It is also one of the oldest, although there is uncertainty regarding where and when chess originated. Several countries claim to have ________ the game.

One possibility is that chess was invented in India about 1,500 years ago. Another theory, however, says that the Chinese were playing a form of chess over 800 years before that. We shall probably never know for sure, but we do know where the word 'chess' comes from. It comes from the Persian word shah, which means 'king'.

The _______ for chess have changed several times during the centuries. Many of the modern rules were ________ in the 15th century, and minor changes to the game were also made in the 19th century. An international organisation called FIDE (Federation Internationale des Echecs) is now responsible for making any further changes to the rules.

The enormously successful board game Monopoly has an interesting history. Although many people believe that Charles Darrow ________ the game, it is now known that he did not. In the 1920s, there were a number of ________ games in the USA called Monopoly, all very similar to the game we play today. Charles Darrow played one of these games, enjoyed it, and decided to make his own version. He, his wife and his son made the _______ by hand and he began to sell them. The game's popularity grew and, in 1935, Darrow sold the game to the American company Parker Brothers. The UK version of the game, with London street names, was produced by Waddington Games in 1936. In a short space of time, there were versions for cities and countries all round the world. It has been estimated that since 1935 more than 500 million people have played Monopoly.

5) Complete choosing the best answer.

Even if you live in the heart of the city, there's no reason why you shouldn't 1________ up gardening. We can't all afford a large garden, but we can all create a space where we can follow the seasons. Whether it's a window box, a balcony or a tiny yard, anyone can have the pleasure of looking 2 ________ plants.

A window box is a small box of plants that literally sits outside your window. Here, the choice of plants is what counts. You want a splash of colour all year 3 ________ , so choose flowers that bloom at different times of the year. Daffodils, for example, are beautiful spring flowers and will soon have you looking forward to summer. Their bright colours will also attract butterflies, bringing a touch of life. If you've got a balcony, you've got a little more freedom. In this case, the key is to __________ maximum use of the space you've got available. Put taller plants against the walls of the house, with shorter plants and flowers along the 5 __________ of the balcony.

You can also add a water feature; a small fountain creates interest and can have a cooling effect on a hot summer's day. If your neighbours' balcony is next to yours, why not use a fast-growing plant like wisteria to form a natural barrier, giving you more privacy?

Those of you who are lucky enough to have a small yard can really go to town. Think about how you're going to use it. Do you want to be able to sit and enjoy the sun? Or do you want to be 6 __________ to entertain friends and have a barbecue? Divide the yard into separate areas and plan each one carefully. Garden furniture is very important. A table that folds in half can give you a lot of flexibility, and chairs that fold away also allow you to change your garden to ___________ your mood. As 8 __________ as plants are concerned, choose varieties that don't mind a bit of shade, unless your yard gets a lot of sun. Yards often have walls that keep the sun out for long periods and you don't want your careful plans spoiled because a few of your plants start to die.

1 1) take

2) set


4) make

2 1) on

2) up

3) after

4) down

3 1) round

2) over

3) along

4) across

4 l)get

2) make

3) have

4) do

5 1) edge

2) boundary

3) rim

4) frame

6 1) capable

2) possible

3) able

4) probable

7 1) fit

2) suit

3) copy

4) go

8 1) much

2) long


4) far

6) Complete with an appropriate word.

Flower arranging

If you thought flower arranging was just putting flowers in a vase, think again! Come along and learn the many secrets of successful floral _______. Over this six-month course, we'll be working towards your entering the Bedworth and Chatam Flower Show. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a winner!

French for holidaymakers

Have you forgotten all the French you did at school? Here's your chance to start again, beginning with the absolute ______ . By the end of the course, you should be able to read, write and speak enough French to have a successful holiday in France. Please note: classes are held at Bedworth Community College, next door to the Community Centre.

French literature

This advanced course looks at some of the classics of French literature in their _______ language, including works by Flaubert, Dumas and Victor Hugo. A knowledge of French is required. Some written homework will be given.

Digital photography

On this course, we start at the _______ and work our way through to advanced digital photography. Areas covered include: getting to know your camera, taking great digital photos, saving photos on your PC and using software to ______ and transform photographs. Please note: we assume you will be bringing your own digital camera with you. Digital cameras are not provided by the Community Centre.

Local history

Do you want to know more about the history of the Bedworth area? Now's your chance. Although we'll start every class at the Community Centre, we'll spend a lot of our time out and about in the local area, looking at some of the key _______ and buildings, and learning more about the fascinating history that surrounds us.


Would you like to make your own vases, plates, mugs and bowls? We'll show you how. For beginners and _______ alike, this course makes the most of Bedworth Community Centre's wonderful Ceramics Centre. All equipment is provided, but there is a small charge for all ______ used.

Making the most of the Internet

Have you never _______ the Internet before? Are you _______ up with looking at the same few websites? Together, we'll _______ many of the exciting things there are to find on the web. Please note: There are only ten PCs at the Community Centre. For this reason, the maximum number of people who can take part in this course is twenty.

7) Choose two items from the box which are used in each activity (a-h).

glue lens threads hammer needle parts spanner tripod

a) Photography

b) Do-It-Yourself

c) Embroidery

d) Model-making

8) Match each activity from the box with one of the sentences.

billiards cards chess draughts darts jigsaw puzzle table tennis video television board game

a) If you look at the picture on the box it's easier to decide where the pieces go … .

b) Whenever you deal you seem to get at least three aces … .

c) The white ball hit the red ball and went into the corner pocket … .

d) I took all of his pieces in one move! I swept the board! …

e) Pass the remote control - I want to get the weather report … .

f) Throw the dice twice and then pick up a card … .

g) The bulls-eye is worth fifty, but it's a bit hard to hit … .

h) If the ball hits the net when you serve, it doesn't count … .

i) You can easily put her in check if you make the next move with your queen … .

j) Don't forget to rewind it when it finishes and put it back in the box … .

9) Complete with an appropriate word. In some sentences more than one variant is possible.



- We'd need a ____ each and they're expensive!

- We'd soon get bored with taking _____ .

- But you don't actually do anything -you just stand there and ______ a button.

- My Dad's got a ____ camera. Maybe he'd let us use that!

- We could ____ pictures of all our friends.

- One day we might have an ___ of all our photos.

painting and drawing

-We do that at school in _____. It's boring!

- I'm a terrible ____ . I'd never do anything good.

- Why _____ pictures when you can take photos with a camera?

- Great idea! If we got good, we could give our pictures to people as _____ .

- Who knows? If we got really good maybe people would want to ____ our pictures?

- 1 ____ art!

collecting stamps

- It's the most _____ hobby in the world.

- We'd have to buy the stamps, and all the good ones are _____ .

- I'd rather do something you can do ____ .

- My dad collected stamps when he was a _____. He could show us what to do.

- In a few years, our collection might be ____ a lot of money.

- It's really interesting looking at stamps from all _____ the world. We can learn a lot of interesting facts!

making models

- What do you do with the models after you've made them? Just ____ at them?

- I don't think I've got enough ____ for that.

- I tried that a ___ years ago. It's really difficult!

- They sell lots of great model ____ in the local toy shop!

- We can ____ them at home when we've finished them!

- I'm sure you feel really ____ when you finish making a model.

magic tricks

- It's really difficult to become a good _______. It takes years of ________.

- We don't know anything about magic. How would we ______?

- Magic doesn't really ______ to me.

- Fantastic! We could do magic _____ for our friends!

- Being able to do magic tricks is a great _______ to have.

- We might get on _______one day!