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Упражнение 7

1. Inflation has triggered off barter, the most primitive form of trade.

2. Higher pay for miners and other workers would raise the purchasing power of the people.

3. The split in the Democratic party elected Lincoln.

4. The fattening of pigs and cattle and poultry breeding produced a meet gain of 78,600 tons this year.

5. It's time we understood that this not only leads to hatred and disso­ciation in society but develops indifference, lack of principle and the absence of any convictions and moral standards.

6. This is the only way to achieve a change in the qualitative condition of society.

7. Matters relating to pension insurance are high on the agenda of pen­sion commissions set up by union committees.

8. We were slow to realize \hz\film and television brought in their wake a yet another form of screen art.

Упражнение 8

1. Let us remember the degree of intolerance which characterized liter­ary debates in Russia in the 19 century.

2. Russia needs unity and a new vision of her centuries-long unifying and consolidating strength.

3. Self-regulation, self-government and a high level of democracy are a must for the contemporary economy, science and creative quest.

4. He was easy game for the nazis who used him for their carefully planned provocation.

5. If the principles incorporated in this document are implemented, it will be appreciated in full measure by the coming generations as well.

6. Protocols on co-operation with the Lithuanian Society of Aeronauts were signed by representatives of the US and Czech Republic.

7. After World War П the Britons who had lost their former might were elbowed out of the way by their oversees partner.

8. Is it possible to change the situation? Certainly, we can change it. If we fail to do so we shall have a lot of trouble.

9. Some time on the eve of 1889, he got hold of the first volume of Capital.

10. Authoritarian rule is seen as salvation when people are poor and the state is poor.


Упражнение 9

1. 77iis was the theme of the recent Plenum of the Writers' Union.

2. However, when co-operatives that sought to make profit by dishonest means provoked a public outcry, the authorities cracked down on all co­operatives, and the industrial ones were the first to go.

3. It is only to be regretted that a very serious idea of Russian revival is sometimes used by the hysterical and reckless.

4. Their actions are obviously based on subjective idealism and political snobbery.

5. This was one of the goals of perestroika.

6. I believe, an ans-wer to this natural and quite sincere question will be provided by life itself.

7. They neither look for personal gain nor strive for power. But they are in the grips of a pain.

8. Each group has its likes and dislikes, banners and slogans.

9. They are vital to science, the arts and literature.

Упражнение 10

1. One serious problem of Russian literature has always been hyper-moralism, a disease which exerts tremendous pressure on the reader.

2. Village prose began to expose and condemn rather than to extol. It had three "sworn enemies". Strangely enough the first enemy was woman.

3. The second enemy was youth and youth culture. Village Writers bris­tle with a pathological hatred of rock'n roll. They rejected aerobics with equal venom.

4. "They" include Jews and non-Russians.

5. The central figure of this literature is Pious Woman who despite all the hardships of Soviet life remains true to her religious instincts.

6. A secret memorandum pointed out that the Nazis were out to achieve world domination for the Reich.

7. The main clause of the Act was a mandatory embargo on the sale of arms to belligerent countries.

8. Realistically minded political figures could not but see that the only salvation for France lay in a firm alliance with Russia.