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Part 1.Paragraph.doc
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Ex. 2. Read the topic sentence and list the statements that are “in unity” or “out of unity” with the controlling idea.

a) Topic sentence: During your time of study with MSLU (Minsk State Linguistic University), you are expected to do the following:

1 keep up with what’s going on, you will need to keep in touch with matters related to your syllabus (учебная программа, план, расписание);

  1. study diligently, attend timetabled classes as required, do your home assignments and hand them in on time;

  2. take responsibility for your own learning with the support of staff who will help you plan your study timetable; reading outside of lectures, seminars is essential;

  3. MSLU has a well-stocked library where you can find practically all books from the list of recommended literature;

  4. inform the teaching staff if you are ill and cannot attend a lecture or seminar; if you are going to be ill for some time, you will need to provide the necessary medical certificates;

  5. Health service is free for students.

  6. inform your tutor of any difficulty which you may be experiencing which might affect your studies;

  7. do not disturb people who are trying to study; more specifically, do not talk in areas set aside for silent study;

  8. treat University property and materials with care and respect;

  9. every year the University spends huge sums of money on repairs and redecorations;

  10. treat all university staff, students and visitors with the courtesy and respect;

  11. there is a considerable amount of bullying and ill-treatment of junior students;

  12. behave in such a way not to bring the University into disrepute.

b) Topic sentence: The proverb goes, “No pains, no gains”

  1. The students must take great pains with their classes to gain as much knowledge as possible.

  2. They have at their disposal a great number of halls, classrooms, language media centres and labs equipped with all sorts of audio-visual aids, computers, which help them to practice the pronunciation, get a better command of the language and get rid of the mistakes in the shortest possible time.

  3. It’s impossible to imagine our lives without computers.

  4. In the library there are thousands of books on different subjects and in different languages.

  5. Times of opening are very convenient for full and part time students.

  6. As soon as a school-leaver is admitted to the University, he or she is allowed to borrow from the University library any book he needs.

  7. To borrow books from the library you must join it first.

Seminar 2

Theoretical materials for revision:

Simple materials of paragraph development: detail, reason, illustration or example.

Combination of basic materials.

Consolidation exercises

  • The basic materials of the paragraph development may be identified as detail, reason, and illustration or example.

  • In the paragraph developed by detail you support the topic sentence with its controlling idea by supplying facts or material that is factual by nature. There are essentially two kinds of details. One kind are those that come from your having observed them, actually experienced them, through sight, sound, taste, touch and smell. The other kind – details that make up directions or procedures, instructions for doing something.

Ex. 1. Read the paragraphs of details, define the topic sentences with its controlling ideas and the type of details.

  1. Few people know the basic facts about diamonds. They consist of pure crystallized carbon and are usually found in the form of crystals. They come in many shapes: some have eight faces; others have forty-eight. Diamonds are the hardest substance known, and for this reason acids do not affect them. They are, however, brittle and can be split. To polish diamonds one must use oil and diamond powder. Purity of color is rare in a diamond; most stones are cloudy, owing to small grooves or air bubbles. Diamonds are found in many parts of the world: for example, in India, China, Malaya, Borneo, Australia, Africa, Brazil, and even in the United States. The huge Cullinan diamond weighed 3025 carats. The largest and most perfect of the blue-stone diamonds, known as the Hope diamond, is worth a very great fortune.

diamond - алмаз

carbon – углерод

shape – форма

substance – вещество

acid – кислота

brittle – хрупкий

split – раскалывать

purity – чистота

groove – углубление

bubble – пузырек

  1. It is quite easy to prepare tiger prawns in lemon butter sauce. First, prepare ingredients: 6 tablespoon white wine, 2 teaspoon white vinegar, juice of 1 lemon, 75 g unsalted butter, chilled and cubed salt and freshly ground black pepper, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 125 baby button mushrooms, 200 g cooked and peeled tiger prawns, 100 g pack asparagus tips, cooked warm crusty bread to serve. Then place the wine and vinegar in a small saucepan over a moderate heat and boil rapidly to reduce to 2 tablespoons. Add the lemon juice. Gradually whisk in the butter over a low heat, one cube at a time, until slightly thickened and glossy. Remove from the heat, add seasoning to taste, then set to one side. Heat the oil, add the mushrooms and cook for 4-5 minutes, stirring occasionally until golden. Add the prawns and asparagus, heat through and transfer to a warmed serving plate. Serve with the warm lemon butter sauce poured over.

prawns – креветки

reduce – уменьшить

pour – полить

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