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Part 1.Paragraph.doc
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Ex.2. Develop a paragraph of analogy choosing one of the thirty topics written below.

  1. Moving to a new neighborhood

  2. Starting a new job

  3. Working at a fast-food restaurant

  4. Quitting (уход) a job

  5. Watching an exciting movie

  6. Reading a good book

  7. Going into debt (долг)

  8. Getting out of debt

  9. Losing a close friend

  10. Leaving home for the first time

  11. Taking a difficult exam

  12. Making a speech

  13. Learning a new skill

  14. Gaining a new friend

  15. Responding to bad news

  16. Responding to good news

  17. Attending a new place of worship

  18. Dealing with success

  19. Dealing with failure

  20. Being in a car accident (авария)

  21. Falling in love

  22. Getting married

  23. Falling out of love

  24. Experiencing grief (горе)

  25. Experiencing joy

  26. Becoming addicted to drugs

  27. Watching a friend destroy himself (or herself)

  28. Getting up in the morning

  29. Resisting peer pressure

  30. Discovering a major in college


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