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The Attribute.

The attribute is a secondary part of the sentence which qualifies a noun, a pronoun, or any other part of speech that has a nominal character. An attribute can be either in pre-position or in post-position to the word it modifies.

She has bought an interesting book.

The library of our Institute is very good.

As a result of the loss of inflexions, the attribute in English does not agree with the word it modifies in number, case or gender. It may be expressed by almost any part of speech.

It can be expressed by:

  1. An adjective.

I received an important letter yesterday.

This big girl is very lazy.

  1. A pronoun.

Some magazines are lying on the table.

This is my book.

Possessive pronouns are often not translated into Russian. On the other hand when translating from Russian into English one should often insert possessive pronouns.

“Go and wash your hands,” said mother.

«Пойди вымой руки», –– сказала мать.

  1. A numeral (cardinal or ordinal)

Two thousand tons of sugar were loaded on the steamer.

The second lesson begins at 11 o'clock.

  1. A noun in the common or possessive case.

The teacher corrected the student's mistakes.

The town library is closed on Sundays.

  1. A prepositional phrase.

The leg of the table is broken.

I have lost the key to the entrance door.

Prepositional phrases in Russian syntax are often regarded as prepositional objects.

The letter from her sister reassured her.

Письмо от сестры успокоило её.

from her sister is an attribute.

от сестры is a prepositional object.

  1. An adverb in post-position.

A voice inside said, "Come in".

The room above is large and light.

  1. Participles I and II or a participial phrase.

The rising sun was hidden by the clouds.

He bought some illustrated magazines.

The student speaking to the teacher is my brother.

  1. An infinitive or an infinitive construction.

He had a great desire to travel.

This is an English article for you to translate into Russian.

  1. A prepositional phrase with a gerund.

They discussed different methods of teaching foreign languages.

She hated the idea of living on credit.

There is a special kind of an attribute which is expressed by a noun (with or without accompanying words). It is called an apposition. It characterizes or explains the word modified by giving to a person or a thing another name. There are two kinds of apposition, the close apposition and the detached apposition.

A close apposition is not separated by commas and stands is close connection with the word modified. It is usually the name of a person and noun denoting relationship, or a geographical name and some common noun.

Professor Brown practised in the classroom.

Even Aunt Ann was there.

I have always dreamt to visit the city of London.

A detached apposition is not so closely connected with the noun. It is always separated by commas and has a stress of its own.

Pushkin, the famous Russian poet, was born in 1799.

Moscow, the capital of Russia, was founded in the 12th century.

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