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Лекция №2.Grammatical categories and grammatica....rtf
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III. Lexicalization of plural form

The noun in the plural form denotes more than one object (in comparison with the singular), but there are some nouns, the plural form of which has additional shades of meaning.


1. The plural form in the nouns which denotes units of time usually denotes a continuous period of time measured by that unit of time.

e. g. three hours, forty-five minutes (one continuous period of time).

The same may be said about such plurals as 5 kilometres, 2 miles. They denote a continuous distance.

  1. The plural forms: waters, snows denote a vast stretch (пространство). These plural forms are not combined with the numerals.

  2. the plural forms: fruits, steels, cheeses, denote different kinds, sorts of fruits, steels and cheeses.

Usually the plural form denotes several things of the same kind (tables, chairs, books).The plural forms cheeses, fruits etc. denote different kinds of the same thing.

4. The noun in the plural form may develop a completely new meaning which it hasn’t got in the singular. And this new meaning is restricted to the plural form.

E.g. glass-glasses (стекло-очки), сolour-colours (цвет-знамена), work-works (работа-завод).

In such cases the plural form is lexicalized. The –s ending stops being the grammar morpheme of the plural and becomes a word-building element.