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2.1.3. Interrogative Pronouns

Interrogative pronouns are very close in their function to other wh- words: who in Who is that? / what in: What did you say? / which in: There are two books, which is yours? / whose in: Whose are those books? / Whose window was broken ? Cf. with Why did it happen ? Where did they go? When did it happen?, etc.

2.1.4. Reciprocal Pronouns

Reciprocal pronouns stand very close to the reflexive ones: each other pattern is used when there are two antecedents; when there are more than two involved one another is used. Reciprocal pronouns possess a grammatical morphological category of Case, being used in the Genitive Case form: other— other's.

2.1.5. Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns share the category of number and besides differentiate between relative immediacy and relative remoteness of object they point out to: near (this, these) remote (that, those)

The use of this/that, these/those doesn't exclusively depend on the objectively perceived distance. By bringing an object of reference closer to himself a speaker may express some emotional, expressive, evaluative connotations and attitudes: I like these apples better than those bought last week. They approved of this idea of mine and rejected that other one, I spoke to you about recently. I turned around and saw at some distance this lovely-girl. Here comes that awful Jack and all those children of his.

There are universal pronouns including each, every, all and every-compounds: everyone, every body. The last two possess the Case category: Nominative everyone, everybody everything; Genitive everyone 's everybody's.

2.1.6. Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns present a group of words of various semantics and structure. They may be structurally simple (some, any), complex (either), compound (something, anything).

In meaning pronouns belonging to this group can be divided into

  • partitive: some, any

  • assertive (местоимения, утверждающие наличие): some, somebody, both, either

  • non-assertive (местоимения некатегоричной констатации): any, anyone, anybody, another

  • negative: none, no one, neither, nobody.

  • quantifying: enough, few, little, many, much, several.

These pronouns can be used as the subject, direct object, or indirect object of a clause, or the object of a preposition.

Some indefinite pronouns function equally to the nominative case of the noun they replace, some other pronouns can occupy a syntactic position typical only of a possessive case form of a personal pronoun.

Not all pronouns of this group share the same grammatical, morphological properties and distinctions: few, much, many are declinable (fewer, more, most, less).

Semantically all these pronouns imply plurality of objects, mass, people they replace and refer to. This reference is supported grammatically and syntactically by a corresponding form of a verb, singular or plural.

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