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Legislative process in Russian Federation.doc
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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Бурятский государственный университет

Юридический факультет

Legislative process in Russian Federation


Выполнил: студент 2 курса Шестаков А.

Проверила: Чепак О.А.

Улан-Улэ, 2011


  1. 1 стадия – Законодательная инициатива

  1. 2 стадия - Предварительное рассмотрение законопроектов

  1. 3 стадия - рассмотрение законопроектов в Думе.

  1. 4 стадия - принятие закона

  1. 5 стадия - рассмотрение и одобрение федеральных законов Советом Федерации

  1. 6 стадия - подписание и обнародование закона

  1. Список использованной литературы

  1. Словарь

Laws of the Russian Federation made a special order, which is implemented in the legislative process, which is a set of actions through which the legislation of the Federal Assembly of Russia. In Russia, the legislative process consists of several stages.

The first stage of the legislative process - the legislative initiative, reduced to submission for consideration by the State Duma of the bill. Right to commit such acts is called the right of legislative initiative.

According to Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation the right of legislative initiative belongs to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Russian government, the legislative (representative) bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation. This right shall also belong to the Russian Constitutional Court, Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and Supreme Arbitration Court of Russian Federation on issues within their jurisdiction.

Thus, the RF Constitution distinguishes between two groups of subjects of legislative initiative. The first of them are actors, whose right of legislative initiative is not bound by any kompetentsionnymi frames. In the second group of these subjects are those who enjoy the right of legislative initiative only on their conduct.

It should be added that under the Rules of the State Duma (Article 16) the right of legislative initiative is also a group of mPs that make up the Committee of the State Duma.

The Russian Constitution (Article 104) states that the bills introduced in the State Duma. Moreover bills on the establishment or abolition of taxes, exemption from taxes, the issue of state loans, on changes in the financial obligations of the State, other bills, bills envisaging expenses covered from the federal budget may be amended only upon the agreement of the Government.

Bills emanating from governmental bodies, public associations and citizens who do not have the right of legislative initiative, may be submitted to the State Duma of the subjects of legislative initiative.

According to the Rules of the State Duma of the right of legislative initiative takes the form of submission to the State Duma draft laws and amendments to bills, the legislative proposals for the development and adoption of new federal constitutional laws and federal laws, draft laws on making amendments and additions to the existing laws of the Russian Federation and laws of the RSFSR or the recognition of these laws null and void; proposals for amendments and revision of the provisions of the Constitution.

A necessary condition for introducing the bill in the State Duma as a legislative initiative is to provide the text of the bill, the rationale for its decision, including a detailed description of the bill, its objectives, guidelines, place in the current legislation, as well as the forecast of socio-economic and other consequences of its adoption; Help on the status of legislation in the sphere of legal regulation, a list of laws and other regulations, cancellations, modifications, additions, or the adoption of which will require the adoption of the bill: proposals for the development of regulations, the adoption of which is necessary for the implementation of this law, financial and economic feasibility of If we make the bill, which will require additional material and other costs.

A bill introduced which, in accordance with the Constitution (Article 104) requires the mandatory detention of the Russian Government, the Council directed the State Duma on the conclusion of the Government, which is within 14 days of receipt of the bill prepares a written report and sends it to the State Duma Council.

The second stage - a preliminary review of bills.

The bill, subject to review by the State Duma, the Council directed the State Duma of the appropriate House committee, appointed in charge of the bill.

In case of sending the bill to several committees of the State Duma Council determines the number of these committees responsible committee on the bill.

Bills on the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation sent to the subjects of the Russian Federation to give suggestions and comments (Article 102 of the Rules of the State Duma).

The third stage of the legislative process includes the consideration of bills in the Duma.

This examination is carried out in three readings, if the State Duma for a particular bill will not be another decision.

The bill, prepared for consideration on first reading, and related materials for him to provide the responsible committee of the State Duma State Duma deputies sent no later than three years before consideration of the bill at a meeting of the State Duma.

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