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задание по домашнему чтению (97-2003).doc
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Chapter 17

1. Find English equivalents for the following word combinations and recollect the situations in which they are used in the chapter:

1) заплатить в три раза больше, чем обычно 2) приукрашивать (привирать) 3) поймать рыбу 4) поражать 5) неправдоподобная история 6) на крючке 7) разбиться вдребезги.

2. Look through the chapter and write out all words denoting different kinds of fish, translate them into Russian.

3. Look through the chapter and make a list of qualities that are necessary for a good fisherman.

4. Describe the process of angling using words and expressions from the chapter.

5. Retell a fishy story which George and Jerome heard in a little inn.

6. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage

from "We stayed..." up to "I am not a good fisherman myself"

Chapter 18

1. Read the chapter and compose its plan in the form of questions.

2. Find English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

1) лихо сдвинуть кепку 2) одеревенеть 3) придать лицу выражение 4) хорошо получиться на фотографии 5) соответствовать изображению.

3. What is a lock? Have you ever seen one? Why does the author like it so much?

4. Describe an accident George and Jerome had at the lock.

5. Compose a dialogue btw two witnesses of the accident.

6. A passage for good reading and translation: from "Wallingford..." up to "We were up early..."

Chapter 19

1. Find English equivalents of the following word combinations and use some of them in the sentences of your own:

1) выставляться напоказ и напускать на себя важность 2) допотопный 3) высмеять теорию 4) калека на всю жизнь 5) выудить свой инструмент 6) бронзовые лица 7) центр внимания 8) усердно есть и пить.

2. Speak in details on each aspect of the plan of the chapter.

3. A passage for good reading and translation: from "The river with the sunlight..." up to " We rowed..."