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A Novel By Max Rabinowitz The day they scramble....docx
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I lost sight of a lot of the action in the heat of the fight, but I did mange to see some, between getting smashed in the face, falling down and jumping up.

Chink, of course, reached them first and he didn't slow down one step as he sailed into them. He leaped at the first guy he came to and drove his right hand into the guy's mouth, but he wasn't very big and it only rocked the guy back for a moment. In a minute Chink went down under a hail of fists.

For someone that didn't want to fight, Billy-Joe sure acted strange. He grabbed a bald-headed guy by the neck and started to choke the life out of him before he, too, went down.

Steve didn't last long either. No sooner than he reached the swirling crowd he went down after someone connected with a kick between his legs. That's enough to put an elephant down for the count.

I also saw Squeaky, Young Blood and Korea go down with about ten guys stomping them.

Things were looking bad for us, but there was one thing that nobody took into account - me, because I was too busy getting my brains beat out and the Corsair Lords because they didn't know John The Dummy, Iron Man and Tombstone were truly insane and subject to fits.

The fight hadn't lasted longer than two minutes when I fell to the ground for the last time. I saw a dozen shoes coming down at my face and there wasn't anything left to do but cover up and hope they didn't kill me. I didn't get to see what happened next but later on I managed to piece together the missing parts and learn everything that went on.

Iron Man caught a fist in the middle of a punch. He grabbed one of the Corsairs and picked him up over his head, then he threw the guy halfway across the street. He grabbed another one and cracked his arm, almost like breaking a twig.

John apparently caught his fit at the same time. With what seemed to be no effort at all he shattered someones jaw and blood spurted through the smashed lips. He kicked out and broke another guy's leg. With both arms and both legs churning, John sailed into the crowd that was stomping me.

But Tombstone was the meanest because he was already trained by the Marine Corps to fight dirty and he was naturally violent. Because he could control his fit he was doubly dangerous and when he felt it coming on he just went with it.

You could actually hear the sound of ribs snapping as Tombstone's rock-hard fists went into action, even above all the yelling and screaming. He had some funny way of kicking called Savate and could kick a guy in the face without losing his balance at all. His right foot zoomed upwards and caught Corsair right in the eye. The Corsair fell as if he had been hit with a baseball bat. In almost the same instant, Tombstone kicked another guy in the side of the face and he too fell. Then Tombstone flattened his hands out and chopped away at the crowd around him. There was no yelling like you hear in karate exhibitions, just a silent grunting deep within Tombstone's chest. At least six Corsair Lords hit the cement before they broke and took off down the street with their debs hot on their heels. I tried to pull Tombstone off one guy he was mauling, with little success, but the sounds of a police siren in the distance snapped everyone back to normal. It was time to get away from there and in a hurry. As we ran I looked back and saw three of the debs trying to hustle away the few Corsairs who were still on the sidewalk. It didn't look as though they would make it. Those Corsairs were hurt bad.

We must have looked awful running down the street like that. Every one of us was cut or bleeding or bruised. Steve hobbled because of the pain in his groin. Korea and Squeaky weren't moving too well, either. Tombstone had his arm around Chink and was helping him. John was doing the same for Young Blood. I don't know what it was that kept me going, unless it was fear, because I was in bad shape myself. It wasn't fear of the police, but fear that the Corsair Lords would be back with reinforcements.

It took us about twenty minutes to walk to Jamaica Avenue from the hospital and another fifteen to get to where the fight began, but I don't think it took longer than ten minutes to make the return trip. Even with our injuries, we made good speed.

When we reached the hospital grounds we stopped at a washroom behind the baseball field to clean up before going back to K Building. It was apparent that we couldn't enter K Building in the condition we were in. Our sweaters were ripped and so was the rest of our clothing. I had a deep gash on the top of my head and a black eye that was almost swollen shut. Everyone else was in more or less the same condition, but Chink was hurt the worst. He had a deep cut over his right eye and a smaller one on his chin. His leg was swollen too and when we pulled his pants off we noticed that his calf was twice the size of the other one. There wasn't a doctor among us, but we all knew what a broken leg looked like when we saw one. I wondered how the hell Chink had managed to keep up with us. His leg was in bad shape.

We cleaned up as best we could, but there was no way to conceal totally the fact that something bad happened. Chink's leg was the cap on the whole thing. We had to get it set for him and that meant we would have to tell someone how it happened. There was also the possibility that witnesses to the fight would mention to the police the Corsair Lords and the Violent and Criminal Center guys. We were stuck.

The consequences were severe and we all wound up in a seclusion room for three weeks apiece. Chink's leg never healed right and for as long as I knew him he walked around with a limp. Our only consolation was that we had gotten away alive and had given a good account of ourselves.