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Политическая власть, демократия и олигархия в С....doc
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1. См., например: Sydnor Ch.S. Gentlemen Freeholders. Chapel Hill, 1952: McCormick R.P. The History of Voting in New Jersey. A Study of the Development of Election Machinery. 1664-1911. New Brunswick, 1953; Brown R.E. Middle Class Democracy and the Revolution in Massachusetts. 1691-1780. lthaca, 1955; Brown R.E., Brown B.K. Virginia 1705-1786: Democracy or Aristocracy? Michigan, 1964.

2. Williamson Ch. American Suffrage. From Property to Democracy 1760-1860. Princeton, 1968, p. 22-23: Rozwenc E.G. The Making of American Society. An Institutional and Intellectual History of the United States. Boston, 1972, p. 130: Dargo G. Roots of the Republic. A New Perspective on Early American Constitutionalism. New York -Washington, 1974, p. 137.

3. См. подробнее: Бурин С.Н. Конфликт или согласие? Социальные проблемы Юга США (1642-1763). М., 1980, с. 85-121; История США. В 4-х т. Т. 1. М., 1983, с. 55-58.

4. Слезкин Л.Ю. У истоков американской истории. Массачусетс, Мэриленд, 1630-1642. М., 1980.

5. Rozwenc Е.С. Ор. cit., р. 58-62.

6. Morgan E.S. Inventing the People: the Rise of Popular Sovereignity in England and America. New York-London, 1988, p. 123.

7. Kelly А.Н.. Harbison W.A. The American Constitution. Its Origins and Developments. New York. 1970, p. 17-18.

8. Паррингтон B.Л. Основные течения американской мысли, т. 1. М., 1962, с. 105.

9. Там же, с. 120.

10. Leder L.H. Liberty and Authority: Early American Political Ideology, 1689-1763. Chicago, 1968, p. 52, 58.

11. Rohhins С. The Eighteenth Century Common-Wealth: Studies in the Transmission, Development and Circumstances of English Liberal Thought from the Restoration of Charles II Until the War with the Thirteen Colonies. Cambridge (Mass.), 1959; Bailyn B. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. Cambridge (Mass.), 1967.

12. Locke J. Second Treatise of Civil Government. An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent and End of the Civil Government. Michigan, 1971, p. 26-29, 32-34, 49-79.

13. Bailyn в. Op. cit., p. 35-37.

14. Цит. по: Ваylin в. The Origins of American Politics. Cambridge (Mass.), 1968, p. 59.

15. Greene E.B. The Provincial Governor in the English Colonies of North America. Cambridge. 1898; Laharee L.W. Royal Government in America: A Study of the British Colonial System Before 1783. New Haven (Conn.), 1930; Bailyn B. The Origins of American Politics. Chapter 2.

16. Greene J. The Quest for Power: the Lower Houses of Assembly in the Southern Royal Colonies, 1689-1776. Chapel Hill, 1963; Pole J.R. Political Representation in England and the Origins of the American Republic. New York, 1966; Bailyn B. The Origins of American Politics; Morgan E.S. Op. cit.

17. The Letters of Richard Henry Lee. New York. 1970, v. I, p. 190-191. [

18. Labaree L.W. Conservatism in Early American History. New York. 1962, p. 27.

19. Becker C. The History of Political Parlies in the Province of New York. 1760-1776. Madison. 1909. p. 11; idem. The Unites States: An Experiment in Democracy. New York, 1920, p. 35-36; Rossiter C.L. Seedtime of the Republic: The Origin of the American Tradition of Liberty. New York, 1953, p. 20; Brown R.E. Middle Class Democracy and the Revolution in Massachusetts; Brown B.K., Brown B.K. Virginia 1705-1786; Williamson Ch. Op. cit., p. 22-23.

20. Williamson Ch. Op. cit., р. 12-13.

21. Dinkin R.J. Voting in Provincial America. A Study of Elections in the Thirleen Colonies. 1689-1776. Westport (Conn.), 1977. p. 31-34.

22. Dargo G. Op. cit., p. 132.

23. Dinkin R.J. Op. cit., р. 51-52.

24. Main J.T. The Social Structure of the Revolutionary America. Princeton, 1965, p. 270-277.

25. Labaree L.W. Conservatism in Early American History, p. 4.

26. Dinkin R.J. Op. cit., p. 60.

27. Palmer R.R. The Age of Democratic Revolution: Political History of Europe and America. 1760-1800. Princeton, 1959, v. I, p. 48-52.

28. Main J.T. Political Parties before the Constitution. Chapel Hill. 1973, p. 9.

29. Daniel J.R. Experiment in Republicanism. New Hampshire Politics and the American Revolution. 1741-1794. Cambridge (Mass.). 1970, p. 9-10, 22-23.

30. Loveloy D.S. Rhode Island Politics and the American Revolution. 1760-1776. Providence, 1958, p. 18.

31. The Works of John Adams. Vols. 1-10. Ed. by Ch.E. Adams. Boston, 1850-1856, v. 10, p. 282-283.

32. Documents of American History. Vols 1-2. Ed. by H.S. Commager. New York, 1945, v. I, p. 45.

33. Otis J. The Rights of British Colonies Asserted and Proved. - Pamphlets of the American Revolution. Ed. by B. Bailyn. Cambridge (Mass.). 1965. v. 1. p. 437-439.

34. Ibidem.

35.The Writings of:Samuel Adams, Vols. 1-4. Ed. by H.S. Cushing. New York. 1968. v. 1. p. 67.

36. Benjamin Franklin's Letters to the Press. Williamsburg. 1950, p. 48, 88, 110, 22. 135, 136; The Works of Benjamin Franklin, Vols. 1-10. Ed. by J. Sparks. Boston, 1840, v. 4. p. 262. 272, 281, 284. 286, 295, 298; v. 7. p. 332, 333, 391, 392, 476, 486, 497.

37. The Works of Benjamin Franklin, v. 4, p. 295.

38. The Writings of Samuel Adams, v. 3, p. 262.

39. The Complete Writings of Thomas Paine, Vols. 1-2. Ed. by P.S. Foner. New York. 1945, v. I, p. 2.

40. Lewis J. Thomas Paine, the Author of Declaration of Independence. New York, 1947. p. 51.

41. Jensen M. The Founding of a Nation: a History of the American Revolution. New York, 1968, p. 669.

42. Пейн Т. Избранные сочинения. M., 1959. с. 42.

43. Там же. с. 208.

44. См. Согрин В.В. Идейные течения в Американской революции XVIII века. M., 1980, с. 126.

45. Текст Декларации см. в кн.: Американские просветители. Избранные произведения в 2-х томах. Т. 2. М., 1969, с. 27-33.

46. Цит. по: The American Revolution, How Revolutionary Was It? - Ed. by G.A. Billias. New York, 1970. p. 20.