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Unit one



  1. Achieve v – to complete something successfully or get a good result, especially by working hard – досягати, добиватися. To achieve/gain/reach/one’s aim/goal/ purpose досягти своєї мети.

  2. Affect v – to bring about a change in something – впливати. Syn. to influence, to have an effect on.

  3. Apply v – to bring or put into operation or practical use – використовувати, застосовувати, вживати.

  4. Business n the activity of making money by producing or buying and selling goods or providing services – бізнес, підприємництво, справа. Business managementуправління комерційним підприємством; business skills підприємницькі/ділові навички/уміння; business worldділовий світ. To succeed in business досягти успіху в підприємницькій діяльності. Syn. entrepreneurship.

  5. Choice n – the act of choosing or selecting; the right or possibility of choosing – вибір; альтернатива, можливість вибору. To have no choice не мати вибору, to make a choice робити вибір. Syn. an alternative, a pick, a trade-off.

  6. Commodity n – a product that is bought and sold – предмет ужитку, товар. Syn. goods, a product.

  7. Consider v – think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision – думати, вважати; розглядати, обмірковувати. Syn. to discuss, to examine, to inspect, to observe, to be considered, to be under consideration, to look at/on.

  8. Decision (about/on) n – a settlement of a question, a making up of one’s mind – рішення. Business decisionрішення комерційних питань, ділові рішення; career decision рішення щодо кар’єри. To arrive at/come to/make/take a decision/to decide приймати рішення.

  9. Do with v – to have relations to; to be connected with – мати справу з чимось, займатися чимось. Syn. to be concerned with, to deal with.

  10. Economics n – a science dealing with production, distribution, consumption, and exchange of commodities – економіка. Business economics економіка підприємств.

  11. Economy n – an organized system for production, distribution, exchange and consumption of the wealth of society – господарство, економічна система, економіка. National economy народне господарство.

  12. Effect n – the result or consequence (наслідок) of an action – вплив, наслідок, результат. Cause and effectпричина та наслідок. Syn. a consequence, a result.

  13. Efficiency (іфішенсі)n – the quality of doing something well – ефективність, продуктив-ність. Economic efficiency економічна ефективність/рентабельність, production/productive efficiency ефективність виробництва. Syn. productivity.

  14. Enable v to make it possible for or to allow a person to do something – давати можливість, право. Syn. to empower.

  15. Enter v to start to take part in an activity, or become involved in a situation розпочинати, братися за щось; ставати частиною чогось; вступати, входити. To enter the economy ставати частиною економіки; to enter the marketвиходити/входити на ринок, з’являтися на ринку. Syn. to go to.

  16. Enterprise n – a business unit; a company or firm – підприємство; завод; фабрика. Syn. a company, an organization, a business.

  17. Improve v – to make or become better in quality – удосконалювати(ся), поліпшувати(ся), покращувати(ся). Syn. to make better.

  18. Issue n – an important subject of debate, a question that arises for discussion – проблема, предмет суперечки/спірне питання. Economic issue важлива економічна проблема. Syn. a matter, a problem, a question, a point.

  19. Living n – means of keeping alive or earning what is needed for life – засоби існування; спосіб життя. Living standards/standard of living рівень життя/життєвий рівень. To earn/draw/gain/get/make a living заробляти на прожиття. Syn. livelihood.

  20. Market n – the activity of buying and selling goods and services – ринок. The stock marketфондова біржа/ринок цінних паперів; market for a commodity ринок товару.

  21. Profit n – the excess (надлишок) of revenues(доход) over expenses in a business enterprise over a given period of time, usually a year – прибуток, дохід, зиск. To earn/draw/gain/ get/make a profit отримувати/отримати прибуток. Syn. an income.

  22. Way n – a method that is used to do or achieve something. A way of lifeспосіб життя, one way or another так чи інакше. To go out of one’s wayнамага-тися з усіх сил, to put it another way іншими словами. Syn. a method, a means.

  23. Welfare n – health, happiness, prosperity, and well-being in general благополуччя, добробут, достаток. Syn. wealth, well-being.


What is economics and why is it so important for everyone?

Economics is not a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in business or financial management, although economics teaches us important business skills. Economics isn’t a way of making lots of money in the stock market, although economics helps us understand how stock markets and other markets work. Economics, first of all, is a social science that helps to explain the secrets of how people make their living, enterprises earn their profits and societies achieve their goals.

Most of our conscious life is directly concerned with the economy and economics, one way or another. If we want to get a job we have to enter the economy or in other words, to enter the market for labour. If we want to buy food or clothing we go to the economy or, to put it another way, enter the market for a particular commodity. We all make economic decisions every day of our lives and economics helps us improve the decision-making process*.

When reading newspapers, listening to the news, surfing the Internet, or just speaking to our friends, we come face to face with economic issues that have an effect on us, our friends and family as well as* our society.

These important economic problems do with a large number of questions including:

  • Are we using energy efficiently?

  • Why do financial crises occur?

  • What are the consequences (наслідки) of a nation’s large budget deficit?

  • What are the economic effects of emigration from Ukraine?

Economics helps answer these and a great many of other questions we can’t help dealing with* in a contemporary society – allocation of resources, inflation, unemployment (безробіття), discrimination, economic growth, pollution and poverty (бідність). Thus, studying economics is worth (заслуговує) our effort(зусиль) and time as it enables us to improve our own as well as a nation’s welfare.

When it comes to* reasons of studying economics they are as different as we are and the ways it helps us individually change from person to person.

For some of us, economics, first of all, develops an analytical, clear, and accurate (точність)way of economic thinking about all kinds of things and can be applied to a variety of different fields. It is a powerful tool which, once learned*, enables us to separate facts from emotions, examine and track cause and effect relationships* carefully. Economic reasoning(міркування) also helps to evaluate (оцінювати) the advantages and disadvantages of choices we make in order to gain our aims and deal (справи) with a wide range (діапазон) of economic matters (питань) intelligently (розумно).

For others, economics studies how to gain a living.(як заробляти на життя) Studying economics we can realize where our money comes from and goes in and how to manage(управляти) money we get. The more we know about economics, the better career and business decisions we are able to take, the higher living standard we enjoy.

Businessmen require knowledge of the “ins and outs”* of business economics to achieve the highest production efficiency, draw the greatest possible profits with the least possible production costs*, meet competition in the market and as a result succeed in the business world.

Besides, a basic understanding of economics is necessary if we want to understand national and international affairs (справи) and become responsible (відповідальними) and knowledgeable citizens in order to affect the decisions of our political leaders by voting (голосування), directly or indirectly, on many points involving economic issues. Knowledge of economics also helps us to be efficient members of the workforce(трудові ресурси), better informed voters, consumers, (споживачі) savers, and investors in a democracy*. Thus, economic knowledge enables us to manage our personal lives, understand society, and make better the world around us.

But why does everyone – no matter what we are – economists, teachers, doctors, workers, or students – consider economics so important?

  • Economics is important for individuals, as economic decisions affect the quality of their life.

  • Economics is important for firms, which need to be profitable (прибутковими) in their activities.

  • Economics is important for governments, as they want to come to good decisions about economic policies.

  • Economics is important for society as a whole, since* it needs to use its productive resources in the most efficient way.

All in all, everybody needs to know economics in order to understand and live in our world today. Of course, economic knowledge cannot make us geniuses. But without economics the dice of life are simply loaded against us*.

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