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Theory of human motivation

“The theory of human motivation” is an article by a famous sociologist and psychologist Maslow

according to his theory, human motivation is based on five needs

At the bottom of the pyramid a physiological needs like food, breath, water, sleep. If these demands are not met it is very difficult for us to be motivated to do anything. They are the basic most important needs.

The next level is safety. People need to feel protected and personally safe they need to feel secure in their job and they need to feel financially safe.

Beyond physiological and safety needs is they need for social implementation it means friendship, love, supportive family. Humans also need to feel that they belong to a group this could be a club A Team a group at work or a religious group.

The next level of needs relate to respect. People need a respect and they need to respect others. They also find motivation from achieving things either in their personal or professional lives.

Finally if all these demands are met then people are motivated to self realization. This is the highest form of motivation. People who are self actualized except themselves and other people as they are.

you may have heard of this theory or saw a drawing illustration for it. triangle which is divided into parts. each piece depicts each of these needs. all people have physiological needs, but self-realization for different people is differently important, so the parts on triangle are not equal.

There are many more different theories of motivation. Many of them continue Maslow’s thoughts but singling out new groups or conversely combining several needs into one.

except that the Vroom theory stands out from the rest. Vrum argues that the main motivation of a person is reward.

to his theory i can still equate the theory of Jung. Jung wrote that for a man the most important thing is to do everything to prolong the moments of adherence. It can be said that this is the kind of reward.

I believe more Jung theory. because Maslow’s has many exceptions. There are people who do not need a confession or a loving family. and people often do something for their own good.

Trade exchanges or a good swap.

Barter - exchanging good or services without payment - was the way people got things that they needed before money was invented. However, barter is still used in many societies today. and not only in undeveloped countries among some African tribes, but also in the big cities of Europe and America, this is widespread.

in the field of advertising it is widespread. when celebrities are provided a service for example in beauty sphere they are made a haircut for free or given a set of cosmetics in exchange for a company advertising.

Now owners of businesses in countries worldwide can formally barter goods and services using organizations called “trade exchanges”. Trade exchanges put members who need something in touch with each other they charge a free for each swap that they organize.

Members of a trade exchange can sell goods and services to other members for trade credits. These trade credits can then be used to buy goods and services from other members.

Barter exchanges are a good way for businesses to keep cash for other expenses and not pay interest on bank loans. they can also help businesses to find new customers and increase sales.

barter deals not only with companies but also ordinary people. Ceiling things you don’t need is nothing new it’s a cheaper way for people to get something they want or to find an object that is difficult to find in the shop.

There are many second-hands in which you change things. you bring the thing you don’t need and you can buy the necessary one.

Or a quick search on the Internet shows thousands of local online groups where people offer things for free. people usually have to be members of the online groups but anybody can join. The kinds of things on offer range from a bag of odd socks and a couple of bottles of nail polish to a free car. Reasons for giving away things are also diverse they include wanting to decrease the amount of rubbish or the amount of the new things that are produced or simply wanting to help other people.