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Topic «Applying of basic medicines»

Application of different medicines called pharmacotherapy. It studies natural matters (herbares, minerals and others like that), and also – synthesized in chemical way.

Classification of medicines

In mechanism of therapeutic action:

Etiotropic – medicines, that directly influences on the cause of disease (for example, antibiotics).

Nosotropic – medicines that influences on the certain links of pathological process (antihypertensive medicines in patients with arterial hypertension).

Symptomatic – medicines have been prescribed with a purpose of removals of certain symptom (medicines for pain relief in patients with arterial hypertension; headacke often accompanied hypertensive crisis).

Substitute – medicines that supply the lack of some matter in organism (vitamins, hormones, enzymes).

In the place of action:

Local – medicines act directly on the tissue (ointments, graze, powders and others like that).

General –medicines act on the whole organism after it’s administration in blood.

Requirements for the medicines from the drug store produce the senior nurse. Requirements are write out in 3 examples. On the poisons, narcotic medicines, strong medicine, ethyl spirit senior nurse write out 1 sample more. Requirements are signed by chief and certified by hospital signet. The requirements on the receiving of poisons, narcotic medicines, strong medicine nurse should assign name, surname, No. of history case. In reception senior nurse should check the requirement (name, doze), date of production and expl. date, serial number, accordance to the origin packing or drug store wrapping.

All medications must be kept out of sight within the medical office. One central area, such as a closed medicine closet, accessible to medical office staff only, provides the best security for medications, rather than keeping a medicine cabinet in every patient room.

Even the simplest medications, such as aspirin or antacid tablets must not be given out to patients who might have requested a sample without prior authorization from the physician! Each time a patient receives a small sample of a drug, this should be documented in the patient records indicating the name of the drug, who authorized its dispensal, and that the patient was informed about the sample drug's action, side-effects, and how to take it followed by the medical assistant's (or healthcare professional's) initials.

List A - narcotic and poison medicines.

List B - strong medicines.

These medicines are kept in the safe.

Other medicines are keep in the cabinets, marked as external use, internal use, parenteral.

Signs in the journal should been done after each duty.

Reserve of narcotic drugs should accord to 3 days needs of the department, poisons – 5 days, strong medicine – 10 days. Temperature regimen should been observed.

Light-sensitive medicines keep in the dark safe.

Odorous substances keep separately in the tightly closed safe.

Decoctions, extracts, emulsions, antibiotics, suppositories are keep in special refrigerators with +2 to +10 degrees.

Poisons, narcotic medicines, strong medicine are strongly taken into account in the special book ( pages are numerated, stitched, signed by chief and certified by hospital signet).

Parts of a Prescription

The word "prescription" stems from the Latin term praescriptus. Praescriptus is made up of two Latin word parts, prae-, a prefix meaning before, and scribere, a word root meaning to write. Putting it all together, prescription means "to write before," which reflects the historical fact that a prescription traditionally had to be written before a drug could be mixed and administered to a patient.

Many ancient prescriptions were noted for their multiple ingredients and complexity of preparation. The importance of the prescription and the need for complete understanding and accuracy made it imperative that a universal and standard language be used. Thus, Latin was adopted, and its use was continued until approximately a generation ago.

Present day prescription are written in English, with doses given in the metric system, but often you still find contracted Latin words and Roman numerals intertwined. The ancient "Rx" and the Latin "Signatura," abbreviated as Sig., and the occasional Roman numeral are all that remain of the ancient art of the prescription.

A prescription is a written order for compounding, dispensing, and administering drugs to a specific client or patient and once it is signed by the physician it becomes a legal document! Prescriptions are required for all medications that require the supervision of a physician, that must be controlled because they are addictive and carry the potential of being abused, and that could cause health threats from side effects if taken incorrectly, for example heart medications (cardiac drugs), insulin, and antibiotics.

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